Apparently Conservatives only get 1 thread per topic now.

Fuck no. Its the only way I can tolerate half the proles here.

Ignore is for sanity, in my case! Sorry it is a feature I need.

I'm with the boss. I enjoy reading dumb. I've got a whole thread on my forum called "Stupid Shit I Read on the Internet". Nobody here has been unfortunate enough to be honored there (I don't use names, btw) but did you ever hear of Political Forum? It's like this place married Stormfront.

Lol, just stop. You're playing into their worst fears, as you'll see if you stick around long enough.

Just call me the homo boogy man. :)

Dixie Chick, ahaha, sorry couldn't resist.

Finally! Someone got it!

Maybe you really are droll.

Who is this legion?
Believe me, just because one is a contributor doesn't mean there is special treatment. Grind, Damo, Socretese, Billy, all very fair in their enforcement of the rules. They go to extreme lengths. I may not always agree with them, but I have come to respect them.

So true, never a more fair minded bunch will be.
I'm with the boss. I enjoy reading dumb. I've got a whole thread on my forum called "Stupid Shit I Read on the Internet". Nobody here has been unfortunate enough to be honored there (I don't use names, btw) but did you ever hear of Political Forum? It's like this place married Stormfront.

I bet the 'quorum commander' gets lots of entries on your stupid shit thread. ;)
Who is this legion?

Its the name of our resident troll, (\(\/)/), or whatever varient he's using. We call him legion because he had about 30 different troll accounts here, but isn't too bright on using more than a couple proxies, so he always gets caught. Now he posts either as the aformentioned name, or as Conservative. Either way, he's trolling.
No, they weren't. You wanted to talk about Obama using executive privlage over F&F. The prior thread used the exact premise you did.

I know this will come as a shock to you, but you are just flat-ass wrong. You don't know what I wanted to talk about, because guess what? You ain't ME! I posted an original OP about liberal hypocrisy over the use of presidential executive privilege, and you merged it with a thread about Fast and Furious because I used "Fast and Furiously" in my thread title. You did this because you are a fucktarded little moron, who doesn't have enough sense to be moderating a forum. Why they gave you such a responsibility is beyond me.

Let's be honest about what really happened here, shall we? You saw Dixie post a thread that you thought was similar to a thread you saw the day before, and since you are a little self-absorbed prick, you couldn't resist the urge to fuck with one of Dixie's threads, because you don't like Dixie, and you had the 'authority' to do it. We don't see you merging the hundreds of threads about "racist right-wing hate" or "it's all Bush's fault" do we? Nope... because, again, this wasn't about 'cleaning up' the board, it was about you flexing your little moderator muscle and annoying Dixie, because you had the power to do so.
I don't think yurt would last, I barely hang by a thread myself ;)

why don't you stop whining and read the defend citizen united thread. as a matter of fact, why don't you practice what you preach and actually debate the points i raised instead of just insulting me all the time.
I bet the 'quorum commander' gets lots of entries on your stupid shit thread. ;)

Ok. Who is 'quorum commander'? Oy...

Its the name of our resident troll, (\(\/)/), or whatever varient he's using. We call him legion because he had about 30 different troll accounts here, but isn't too bright on using more than a couple proxies, so he always gets caught. Now he posts either as the aformentioned name, or as Conservative. Either way, he's trolling.

Its the name of our resident troll, (\(\/)/), or whatever varient he's using. We call him legion because he had about 30 different troll accounts here, but isn't too bright on using more than a couple proxies, so he always gets caught. Now he posts either as the aformentioned name, or as Conservative. Either way, he's trolling.

Bullshit. Rootbeer may have a troll account like a lot of other people here, but he is postings as (VVV) not trolling. He makes a lot of good points, brings a lot of information to the board, rebuts many a virolent assault. Rootbeer is educating a lot of proles, definitely debates, Damo likes him, let the guy be a poster.
Bullshit. Rootbeer may have a troll account like a lot of other people here, but he is postings as (VVV) not trolling. He makes a lot of good points, brings a lot of information to the board, rebuts many a virolent assault. Rootbeer is educating a lot of proles, definitely debates, Damo likes him, let the guy be a poster.


need i say more?
Ok. Who is 'quorum commander'? Oy...


Please, make your own judgement. A lot of the conservatives have a big problem with Rootbeer, because they are wrong so much more often than he is. He is very smart and an excellent researcher as well.
As for people saying \\()// is a troll I have yet to see one thread where he lied. He frequently posts a topic for discussion and, more often that not, exposes right winger's absurdity or their outright lies. That's why some people don't like him. Others do like him as he brings a sense of accountability to the board. It's fine to express ones opinion, however, it's not so fine to keep expressing it after they've been shown to be bald faced liars.

As I noted before someone said this board is starting to lean left. It's not a case of the board leaning left. It's a case of some right wingers posting such garbage that even right wingers are distancing themselves.

As far as I'm concerned I feel this board is quite well managed.