are all people left of center considered unpatrioit

You must have been trying to avoid the barrage of condemnations of violence by pro-lifers, then.

May I suggest Google?

A similiar search for "antiwar condemns flag-burning" may not be as fruitful.

Let me know what you learn.
You must have been trying to avoid the barrage of condemnations of violence by pro-lifers, then.

May I suggest Google?

A similiar search for "antiwar condemns flag-burning" may not be as fruitful.

Let me know what you learn.

Why would any American condemn flag burning? It's part of what makes America so great; we're so free, that we even allow that. We're not afraid of it.

It's in countries like Iraq under Saddam or the old Soviet Union that you get jailed for such actions, or for speaking out against the government.
Why would any American condemn flag burning? It's part of what makes America so great; we're so free, that we even allow that. We're not afraid of it.

It's in countries like Iraq under Saddam or the old Soviet Union that you get jailed for such actions, or for speaking out against the government.

Oh I condemn flag burning, but I'll defend your right to do it.
"The anti-war protesters tend to get very defensive about their patriotism, which is understandable given that they're going to rallies run by communists that sometimes feature flag burning, people waving Iraqi flags, people with cute little signs like, "bomb Texas, not Iraq", etc. So they love to claim that the very fact they're dissenting makes them patriotic."
"The anti-war protesters tend to get very defensive about their patriotism, which is understandable given that they're going to rallies run by communists that sometimes feature flag burning, people waving Iraqi flags, people with cute little signs like, "bomb Texas, not Iraq", etc. So they love to claim that the very fact they're dissenting makes them patriotic."

Is that what you & the gang on "rightwingnews" say behind our back?

Ouch. That hurts.
Is that what you & the gang on "rightwingnews" say behind our back?

Ouch. That hurts.

Here's the problem, you paint all based on one person's post. The right does that to the left too and it's why all is so divisive now. Both the 'right' and the 'left' have got to answer more and demonize less. That's my opinion.
It is the polarization of America, and this medium that we use so much here is partly responsible. I believe that WE are the exception that proves the rule. A much larger number, IMO, of americans use the internet to find sites that spout ONLY their political position. They don't debate, they don't hear other ideas and therefore they get their myopic world view reinforced. They are told what great ideas they have and would the other side just come there and listen to them they to would see the light. This happens on the left and the right.

Good Luck is absolutely right in his assessment. Those on the left that question this administration, that dare to dissent are called unpatriotic. Those on the right (and center in my case) that support gun rights are told we don't care about people that get murdered by guns. I have always said that I would love there to be one party that understood that the 2d and 9th amendments were equally as important in the bill of rights and that they should be reflected on carefully.

The right wing HATES the 9th amendement because it allows for those "other rights" not specifically named in the constitution. They always seem to ask where will it end? I always reply "with freedom".

Those on the left want to limit the 2d amendment to just people that are members of the militia, not really having an understanding of what the militia is, and don't realize that the 2d was put into place in part to dissuade the government from becoming tyrannical. I am always told by those on the left that guns in the hands of private citizens will never, in a modern world deter an oppresive government with tanks and planes. I only remind them that on November 9, 1989, Hundereds of thousands of UNARMED East Germans forced the well armed and well equipped East German and Soviet Armies to open the gates in the Berlin Wall when they could have easily mobilized th brigades in East Berlin and, through massive bloodshed put down the Peaceful Revolution. Imagine how much stronger a motivated group of citizens, in a country with almost 300 million fire arms would be in the face of oppresive regimes. Their are 10 Amendments to the Bill of Rights and it would do both sides well to learn them all and embrace them.

I don't think you'd get nearly as much condemnation for putting down a riot filled with guntoters killing innocent civilians in a bloody way as you would for putting down peaceful non-violent protesters in a bloody way.
I don't think you'd get nearly as much condemnation for putting down a riot filled with guntoters killing innocent civilians in a bloody way as you would for putting down peaceful non-violent protesters in a bloody way.
Is this REALLY what you got from that? Wow Hormones must be high and IQ low. Nobody said anything about people with guns killing a bunch of innocents you dolt. But never mind you are being typically purposely dense.
You must have been trying to avoid the barrage of condemnations of violence by pro-lifers, then.

May I suggest Google?

A similiar search for "antiwar condemns flag-burning" may not be as fruitful.

Let me know what you learn.
While I would never choose to protest our government in that manner, burning the flag is not a proscribed act. I do burn a flag approximately twice a year, as that is one of the approved methods of disposal for a worn or dirty flag.

I do not agree that it is an act which does the messenger significant good in projecting their message, and I question the logic of those who choose it as a message of protest. But when push comes to shove, I spent 40 years defending the right to do so, and as such do not see flag burning itself as an action to condemn as non-patriotic.

Shitting on the flag, however, takes a basic tenet and turns it ugly. That is way over the top. Burning a soldier in effigy also goes way beyond, and as the article pointed out, only serves to harm the message the protesters are trying to support. And I'll bet you give it a few days for bloggers and such to react, you will find all kinds of condemnation from the left as well as from the right.
There are those on the right who considers unpatriotic anyone who opposes the current WH resident. They are not, by far, a majority of the right, but they are a very vocal part of the right.

And, there are those on the left who consider anyone who calls gun rights an issue as ignorant rednecks.

As far as attitudes toward the opposition, they pretty much balance.

But it is getting a bit concerning. Never before have I seen the level of outright naked hatred spewed from one group of Americans toward another group for the "crime" of supporting a different political philosophy.

What about those of us who are right of center who think gun control is a pretty trivial issue.
There will always be extremists. The article specifies that the vast majority of protesters actions were appropriate and consistent with their message. I find neither action surprising, considering how some extremists acted during the Viet Nam war. But though I despise the way Viet Nam veterans were treated by the anti-war crowd, I do not blame all those against the war for those despicable actions.

There are also right wing extremists, who through their actions, bring others to question the morality and ultimate goals of conservative movements. (Anyone hear of bombing an abortion clinic?)

The actions of a few should never be excuse to condemn, malign, or hate an entire group.

Whoops! Now you done it! You've gone and burned up all of Irreputables straw men (good job by the way! ;-)
Why would any American condemn flag burning? It's part of what makes America so great; we're so free, that we even allow that. We're not afraid of it.

It's in countries like Iraq under Saddam or the old Soviet Union that you get jailed for such actions, or for speaking out against the government.

Yup, burning the flag may make you an asshole but it's your god given right to burn old glory if you want to.
While I would never choose to protest our government in that manner, burning the flag is not a proscribed act. I do burn a flag approximately twice a year, as that is one of the approved methods of disposal for a worn or dirty flag.

I do not agree that it is an act which does the messenger significant good in projecting their message, and I question the logic of those who choose it as a message of protest. But when push comes to shove, I spent 40 years defending the right to do so, and as such do not see flag burning itself as an action to condemn as non-patriotic.

Shitting on the flag, however, takes a basic tenet and turns it ugly. That is way over the top. Burning a soldier in effigy also goes way beyond, and as the article pointed out, only serves to harm the message the protesters are trying to support. And I'll bet you give it a few days for bloggers and such to react, you will find all kinds of condemnation from the left as well as from the right.

Being free means having to tolerate some pretty ugly shit, don't it?
The left can't tolerate any deviation from their dogma, and demands the immediate silencing of anyone who tastelessly characterizes a liberal.

Yet, they paradoxically insist that everyone else tolerate their hate speech.

The left further demands that society celebrate their contemptuous, disgusting acts of disrespect toward those they disagree with, and the religious and national symbols others hold dear.
And you approve of it, which brings me back to the point of the thread.

You're an idiot. I don't approve of burning ANY countries flag. But there's this thing in the country called freedom and it don't mean shit if people don't practice it. Which means you need to have this character trait called tolerance.

But I expect that's a notion completely beyond an American hating moron like you.
The left can't tolerate any deviation from their dogma, and demands the immediate silencing of anyone who tastelessly characterizes a liberal.

Yet, they paradoxically insist that everyone else tolerate their hate speech.

The left further demands that society celebrate their contemptuous, disgusting acts of disrespect toward those they disagree with, and the religious and national symbols others hold dear.

Funny, you just described yourself to a T.