are all people left of center considered unpatrioit

Were using poor Attillah as both a metaphor for modern day reactiories but as a double entendre to imply that the right wingnuts are barely civilized illiterate barbarians.


hey, quit bashing attila, he was civilized, just impetuous...and all for HIS people or rule or throne, whatever :clink:
Yup, burning the flag may make you an asshole but it's your god given right to burn old glory if you want to.


no, it is your constitutional right:)

if having and practicing freedom were easy, then everyone would be doing it...except when the rulers have more guns than the ruled:(
Care to produce any evidence of that assertion?

Didn't think so.


normally i do not bang on posters, but in your case i am making an do a good job of providing evidence if you replace 'all' with 'most' :(

moderation is much better than far to the left or the right

as for bad mouthing someone else's opinions, try to remember that the first amendment still rules