Are both sides full of excrement when it comes to climate change?

The conservatives deny human causation,
which is scientifically preposterous.

The way we caused it, however, and this is obvious,
was by excessive procreation and overpopulation.

Everything else is charging the symptoms with being the cause.

It would be stupid to think that humans should live like so many Woodstock hippies
in order to not pollute the planet.

Nobody is willing to address the OVERPOPULATION ISSUE, however.
That's the REAL Inconvenient Truth.

If we don't have the stones to do that,
I favor just living however the hell we want, environment be damned,
because all of the WOKE solutions won't lead to jack shit.

I'm too deep into my life to keep my house at 90º in the summer and 55º in the winter
or to drive some kind of stupid car that I don't want.

I admit the world would be better off with fewer people like you in it.
There is no such thing as a fossil fuel,

You know, when you tried this as Into the Night it wasn't any more accurate. But what would I know? I only got a PhD in coal geology. I mean...gosh...maybe I can learn somethin' from the guy who expends what must be HOUR cobbling together giant graphics to load up his posts! (Next time hit the Image-->Image Size and reduce 'em a bit)
100 years ago, Sears did what Amazon does now. They had everything. You bought it by catalog and snail mail, but it amounted to the same business model.


You could get a house kit from Sears back then. Amazon sells small house kits today:


Amazon isn't something new, it's the SOS packaged in a new way.

It was a BIT different. But fair point overall. I would find it hard to believe they abused their employees to the same level but maybe I'm wrong on that too.

Either way: being willing to let others be abused for my own convenience is NOT something I'm proud of.
100 years ago, Sears did what Amazon does now. They had everything. You bought it by catalog and snail mail, but it amounted to the same business model.


You could get a house kit from Sears back then. Amazon sells small house kits today:


Amazon isn't something new, it's the SOS packaged in a new way.

Good post. There is nothing new under the Sun.

There were two of those "Sears houses" on our old street back in STL. When one went on the market, we walked down and toured it during an open house. It was a wonderful older home that the owners had kept pretty close to the original.

Amazon is evil.
So it's a religion with you. You should state that up front. Let's cut to the chase. Give me your thoughts on capitalism.

And like the Devil it offers all these wonderful benefits for the lazy (like myself) who can jump on and order anything they want and get it within a day or two.
The correct word for that is "value."

But the cost to my fellow humans is ENORMOUS.
There is zero cost.

As you noted Amazon has decimated a lot of stores and the treat their employees like shit,
Your statement is ignored. You don't speak for Amazon employees. You don't speak for anyone but yourself. All Amazon employees I know are extremely happy with everything about their job.

Amazon is another test of how strongly we hold our ethics.
We? Who is "we"? Am I included in "we" or am I not. By "we", do you actually mean "other people besides me"?

Right now I don't feel like I'm living up to my ideals.
What does that have to do with Amazon, besides you trying to blame others for your own shortcomings?


You know, when you tried this as Into the Night it wasn't any more accurate.
Dullards self identify by broadcasting their inability to distinguish between different people.

But what would I know? I only got a PhD in coal geology.
You can presume that I am totally not buying it. You are far too stupid to graduate from any accredited program. You can't even distinguish between different people. Also, you seem genuinely stumped at my question and think that "coal geology" equates to "fossils are sold commercially as fuel." You are far too stupid to convince anyone that you have an education.

Answer the easy, clear and straightforward question: What fossils do you believe are sold commercially for fuel. Just list them here.

Otherwise, list the fossils that you believe use fuel somehow.

I mean...gosh...maybe I can learn somethin' from the guy who expends what must be HOUR cobbling together giant graphics to load up his posts!
Your desperation to pivot is noted, but I highly doubt that you are capable of learning anything. That's why your claim of having a PhD is utterly absurd.

Just answer the question put to you. Obviously if you were somewhat knowledgeable in the least, you could whip out an intelligent response in a fraction of the time you spend whining and bitching and moaning and crying like a fucking baby about graphics and how everybody looks the same to you.

In the meantime, I have some graphics for you:





So it's a religion with you. You should state that up front. Let's cut to the chase. Give me your thoughts on capitalism.

The correct word for that is "value."

There is zero cost.

Your statement is ignored. You don't speak for Amazon employees. You don't speak for anyone but yourself. All Amazon employees I know are extremely happy with everything about their job.

We? Who is "we"? Am I included in "we" or am I not. By "we", do you actually mean "other people besides me"?

What does that have to do with Amazon, besides you trying to blame others for your own shortcomings?


I'm absolutely certain that in your circle of friends this is probably considered quite "clever".

I'm absolutely certain that in your circle of friends this is probably considered quite "clever".
You would once again be mistaken. I don't have any friends. Nobody likes a know-it-all.

This differs from why you don't have any friends, i.e. nobody likes a know-nothing.

Don't think that your inability to respond intelligently to any topic somehow makes you appear intelligent. Might you be the missing transitional form that can learn something from Terry?

In the meantime, I have some graphics for you:





You should probably have mentioned this aspect in your OP. It definitely goes to credibility. i.e. you HATE those who add value to society, just like any other Marxist loser who wants to destroy "capitalism."

I can't put up with all of your space wasting memes, EyeBee, so since you've nothing intelligent to say anyway, I'm putting your ass on IGNORE.
The conservatives deny human causation,
which is scientifically preposterous.

The way we caused it, however, and this is obvious,
was by excessive procreation and overpopulation.

Everything else is charging the symptoms with being the cause.

It would be stupid to think that humans should live like so many Woodstock hippies
in order to not pollute the planet.
"Denying human causation" is simply another sect of the Church of Global Warming faith. The core tenants of the faith are shared by both the "humans are causing it" sect and the "nature is causing it" sect, as both of those sects believe that 'global warming' exists.

Nobody is willing to address the OVERPOPULATION ISSUE, however.
That's the REAL Inconvenient Truth.

If we don't have the stones to do that,
I favor just living however the hell we want, environment be damned,
because all of the WOKE solutions won't lead to jack shit.
Okay... Let's say that there's an overpopulation problem. Are you going to "lead the way" in solving this issue? Go off yourself right now. It's "for the health of the environment". OR is this one of those many things that "we" ("those other people over there") need to do?

I'm too deep into my life to keep my house at 90º in the summer and 55º in the winter
or to drive some kind of stupid car that I don't want.
More importantly, do you really think that "the elites" are going to keep THEIR thermostats at those temperatures? Do you really think that "the elites" are going to eliminate meat from THEIR diets, start using public transit, start using bicycles and EVs, start giving up their McMansions to join us plebs in living inside "smart cities", start giving up their private jet trips around the world, etc?
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"Denying human causation" is simply another sect of the Church of Global Warming faith.

You are a genuine idiot, aren't you?
Your comments make no sense.

The solution to overpopulation is not to constrict the standard of living
but rather to constrict breeding.

How fucking stupid would one have to be to not see that?

I've decided that you're too dumb to NOT be on IGNORE.

I can't put up with all of your space wasting memes, EyeBee, so since you've nothing intelligent to say anyway, I'm putting your ass on IGNORE.
Thank you. Your lame excuses, disappointing EVASION and intellectual cowardice get old very quickly. If only you would ignore more people, you'd be appreciated a lot more.

Have a great day, and Godspeed as you flee to the hills with your tail between your legs.


You are a genuine idiot, aren't you?
You see? You should have just ignored him. Instead, you ran your yap so you could hear the sound of your own gibberish, and the result is that now the board needs a moment of silence to reflect on the loss of bandwidth that we'll never get back.

You are the moron in this equation. You use ad hominem to EVADE when you have no response, and you think that you are totally fooling everybody. You are one stupid fuck.

The solution to overpopulation is not to constrict the standard of living but rather to constrict breeding.
Just like any undereducated Marxist moron, you begin hurling ad hominem at those who ask you to explain the details of what you are proposing. Since you are totally fucking brain dead and can't even begin to consider the logic of your arguments, much less think through your position entirely, you naturally can't explain how the tyrannical police state that will be applying the thumbscrews to our personal liberties and freedoms will somehow do so without negatively affecting our standard of living. If you ever feel like not being a totally EVASIVE shit, answer the fucking question, shit-for-brains.

Have I mentioned that you are the moron in the equation? Have I mentioned that you are one stupid fuck? If I haven't, I apologize for the oversight.

How fucking stupid would one have to be to not see that?
Too funny! How stupid does one have to be to totally miss the point? Perhaps an undereducated Marxist who can't read for comprehension.

I've decided that you're too dumb to NOT be on IGNORE.
The people you put on ignore are all of those who threaten you with forcing you to think, which, in your case, is tantamount to torture, so you nip that shit in the bud.

You're a moron. What you have to say is summarily dismissed, and will remain such until you start providing clarification as requested. Flee, flee, flee.


I'm absolutely certain that in your circle of friends this is probably considered quite "clever".
You being absolutely certain about something isn't saying much. You are absolutely certain about Global Warming, right? You are absolutely certain that I am someone else, right? You are absolutely certain that you can't just whisk past graphics, right? You are absolutely certain that fossils are sold commercially as fuel, right? You're absolutely certain that you are a genius, right?

Too funny.

It's not a question of how clever I might be; it's a question of just how stupid you truly are.

You think fossils are fuel. Way too funny.

In the meantime, I have some graphics for you:





You think fossils are fuel. Way too funny.​

Sorry if I know more about coal and petroleum than you do. It comes with the territory of having gotten 2 graduate degrees in the stuff.

In the meantime, I have some graphics for you:

So can you explain all these Iota Beta Psi graphics you always lard every single post with?

What's the deal? You seem to lack access to Image-->Resize Image in your graphics program.​