Are both sides full of excrement when it comes to climate change?

Global Warning is both man made and destructive to the environment according to valid science.
There is no 'valid science' of global warming. You are ignoring the laws of thermodynamics again. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.
We do desperately need radical social and economic changes on this planet
but compromises in the standard of living aren't part of the change we need.
You can't have one without the other. Paradox.
The United Nations should be able to ENFORCE China's old one child policy on the entire globe.
They have no authority to.
That's the REAL answer, and even then, it might be too late.
It's not an answer. Too late for what?
We've fucked ourselves into dystopia,
when all we really had to do was throw a fucking bag on it.
And the poor, globally, were probably the worst offenders.

Probably too late now.
Too late for what?
At my age, I'm going to keep my house at whatever temperature I want,
drive whatever kind of car that I want,
and eat whatever the fuck I want as well.
So...rules for thee for not for me. Gotit.
Amazon is evil. And like the Devil it offers all these wonderful benefits for the lazy (like myself) who can jump on and order anything they want and get it within a day or two. But the cost to my fellow humans is ENORMOUS. As you noted Amazon has decimated a lot of stores and the treat their employees like shit, so for all the benefits I get from Amazon I have to ignore all the evil done in my name by Amazon.

Amazon is another test of how strongly we hold our ethics. Right now I don't feel like I'm living up to my ideals.

No. Covid hysteria and city crime is what decimated a lot of stores...both caused by DEMOCRATS.
If ANY business treats their employees like shit, they are free to leave and no longer work for that business.

No one is forcing to shop at Amazon or any other store.
You know, when you tried this as Into the Night it wasn't any more accurate. But what would I know? I only got a PhD in coal geology. I mean...gosh...maybe I can learn somethin' from the guy who expends what must be HOUR cobbling together giant graphics to load up his posts! (Next time hit the Image-->Image Size and reduce 'em a bit)

Oh pleeeeze. You have no PhD in anything. You don't even know what coal is made of! Hint: It's not made of fossils!

You could actually learn a lot from IBDaMann, if you only get down off your high horse and listen to what he has to say. When it comes to science and mathematics, he is an excellent resource.
But you have already revealed you don't want to learn. You only would rather just chant your religions bring up strand insult people.
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It was a BIT different. But fair point overall. I would find it hard to believe they abused their employees to the same level but maybe I'm wrong on that too.

Either way: being willing to let others be abused for my own convenience is NOT something I'm proud of.

Those 'abused' employees are free to leave if they want. They WANT to work there. You are making shit up again.
So it's a religion with you. You should state that up front. Let's cut to the chase. Give me your thoughts on capitalism.
The correct word for that is "value."

I think it's pretty obvious he hates capitalism, largely because he doesn't understand what it is. He is still listening to what his Masters tell him.
I'm absolutely certain that in your circle of friends this is probably considered quite "clever".
Argument of the Stone fallacy. You know, your religion blinds you much that you simply cannot discuss capitalism or why Amazon or Walmart or Home Depot or ACE hardware or the local gas station succeeds.
I can't put up with all of your space wasting memes, EyeBee, so since you've nothing intelligent to say anyway, I'm putting your ass on IGNORE.

He's already said quite a lot that's intelligent, as opposed to you. The 'solution' by the leftist as always: censorship.

All you do is cut yourself out of the conversation. The conversation goes on, but you won't be part of it.
"Denying human causation" is simply another sect of the Church of Global Warming faith. The core tenants of the faith are shared by both the "humans are causing it" sect and the "nature is causing it" sect, as both of those sects believe that 'global warming' exists.

Okay... Let's say that there's an overpopulation problem. Are you going to "lead the way" in solving this issue? Go off yourself right now. It's "for the health of the environment". OR is this one of those many things that "we" ("those other people over there") need to do?

More importantly, do you really think that "the elites" are going to keep THEIR thermostats at those temperatures? Do you really think that "the elites" are going to eliminate meat from THEIR diets, start using public transit, start using bicycles and EVs, start giving up their McMansions to join us plebs in living inside "smart cities", start giving up their private jet trips around the world, etc?

Nifty the Mutt can't answer any of these questions without looking like a total idiot. He'll dodge and evade as always.
You are a genuine idiot, aren't you?
Your comments make no sense.
They made perfect sense. You won't answer the questions he posed because you can't without looking like an idiot.
The solution to overpopulation is not to constrict the standard of living
but rather to constrict breeding. are you going to enforce that? Kill any kids that result?
How fucking stupid would one have to be to not see that?
So you are not going to kill yourself, you would rather have the government murder children. This is your 'solution' to a problem that doesn't even exist.
I've decided that you're too dumb to NOT be on IGNORE.
You might as well put me on your ignore list too. You might as well cut yourself out of any of the conversation here.
Of course, I will still comment on your opinions, whether you want to listen to them or not. Others read them, even if you don't. Go spend your life in the Kiddie Pool. You obviously can't handle it here.
Sorry if I know more about coal and petroleum than you do.
You have already shown otherwise. You STILL don't even know what coal is or even what petroleum is, how to get it, where it's found, or how it's processed.
It comes with the territory of having gotten 2 graduate degrees in the stuff.
You have NO graduate degrees in the stuff. Boasting about degrees you don't have isn't going to work.
So can you explain all these Iota Beta Psi graphics you always lard every single post with?
What's the deal? You seem to lack access to Image-->Resize Image in your graphics program.
So what's the deal with whining about them?
I knew you wouldn't be able to answer the question about the circled peak. But kudos on know it was an IR (thankfully for you it says that on the picture).

You lack sufficient knowledge of the topic to be worth my while talking to you. Sorry you lost.

Just can't stay on topic, can you? There's no prize for 'winning'. Assumption of victory fallacy.
Like I said, you don't have enough science behind you to understand the conversation.
An absorption spectra chart is not science.
I could tell by how you couldn't answer simple questions about the FTIR spectrum.
He already did.
That's all I needed to know. Thanks for trying to play.
You tipped your own king, not his. Try answering his questions. Why you think that an absorption spectra chart is going to result in warming the Earth without additional energy is just deflecting that you are AGAIN ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.

Sorry, dude. You cannot create energy out of nothing. Not even with absorption spectra charts. Not even when you circle stuff on a chart.
No Sir, making everything political is not the answer. And to be fair, it's not a lopsided blame aimed at one party, as this tends to be a problem of our Old-Fart politicians and a large segment of our public, made up of Old Farts at large, that think that blaming the other side for everything including their Hemorrhoids is the answer for everything.

The truth of the matter is the world changes, the weather changes, and either your country rolls with the changes, OR YOU GET LEFT BEHIND AND SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES.

Here we OLD FARTS are arguing about who is to blame for the weather, to score some cheap political points, instead of just realizing that the weather on Earth is a BITCH! IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN, AND IT ALWAYS WILL BE. There are no safe havens out there in the world.

Us Old Farts are not going to ever get beyond the politics and get out of our own way!

It will take a new generation of our people, and a younger generation of leaders, to get us on the right track, and focus on what track we need to be on to face the weather that we already know is coming.

Our generation of OLD FARTS set in our OLD FART Ways has failed and let politics get in the way of progress to better resolve problems- AND I AM NOT JUST TALKING ABOUT PROBLEMS RELATED TO THE WEATHER!

I am talking about every problem our nation faces today!

Weather is random. It's still not possible to forecast what the weather be like much more than 24 hours out.

Below is the composition of air in percent by volume, at sea level at 15 C and 101325 Pa.

Nitrogen -- N2 -- 78.084%
Oxygen -- O2 -- 20.9476%
Argon -- Ar -- 0.934%
Carbon Dioxide -- CO2 -- 0.0314%
Neon -- Ne -- 0.001818%
Methane -- CH4 -- 0.0002%
Helium -- He -- 0.000524%
Krypton -- Kr -- 0.000114%
Hydrogen -- H2 -- 0.00005%
Xenon -- Xe -- 0.0000087%
Ozone -- O3 -- 0.000007%
Nitrogen Dioxide -- NO2 -- 0.000002%
Iodine -- I2 -- 0.000001%
Carbon Monoxide -- CO -- trace
Ammonia -- NH3 – trace

29% of Earth is land mass. Of that 29% humans occupy less than 2 to 3% of that area. Of the remaining land mass, about 40% is pure wilderness. 14% is true desert and 15% has desert like characteristics. 9% is Antarctica. Most of the remaining 22% are agricultural areas.

The notion that man is causing the planet to heat up based on CO2 that amounts to 0.0314% of the gas in oxygen and less than 3% of the land can only be believed by morons. :rolleyes:

No gas or vapor can heat up the Earth. The effect of CO2 is ZERO. I don't mean 0.034%, I mean ZERO.
It is not possible to create energy out of nothing.
Sorry, but now that the DNC owns the RNC, the buck stops with the Demublicrats.

Don't be ridiculous, the Federalist Society owns the RNC!

And if I were you I would gather them all up, tar and feather them, and toss them in the PISS POOL- for all the damage they have done to your party!
Nope. The DNC is the slave-master. You are obviously not paying attention to the R Congressmen who OBEY the DNC.

Defeatist much? Play the victim much?

Please don't act like Donnie! It's not becoming of you!

Besides, it is the Freedom Caucus that is running the House!

I am sorry, but it becomes time for you Republicans to vote your own Freedom Caucus members out!

Between them and Donnie, they are dividing and ruining you party, so you know what to do!

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