Are Democrats Racist?

So scientists are right on on when a fetus is alive, but don't know their posteior from an excavation on global warming ? this is pretty good :D

One has nothing to do with the other. This is about the most pathetic attempt to justify an argument or point, as I have ever seen. It's like saying... Sure, Einstein was smart enough to develop the theory of relativity, but he couldn't ever play the saxophone!

I know you retards get all excited when you make a point in a debate with me, but I am afraid you get no point here, this was just a pure moment of desperate stupidity. Let's please try to stay within the realm of the topic.
of course the point is well made. YOu claim the absolute certainty of knowledge held by science concerning the status of fetuses, but then turn around and claim that certainty of science is absolutely impossible when it comes to global warming. Either science is infallible or it isn't. take your pick.
So scientists are right on on when a fetus is alive...

I just couldn't let this one go without one more parting shot, it was such a brilliant piece of stupidity, it deserved a little more attention...

Yes, moron... Scientists have a relatively easy test to determine if or when something is living or dead. But you don't even need a scientist to determine if a fetus is alive or not, you just need common sense, why would you have to terminate and abort something that isn't alive or living?
of course the point is well made. YOu claim the absolute certainty of knowledge held by science concerning the status of fetuses, but then turn around and claim that certainty of science is absolutely impossible when it comes to global warming. Either science is infallible or it isn't. take your pick.

Global warming is a theory, a fetus is not a theory, it's a living organism. You are talking about two completely different things.
no..we are talking about the fallibility of science. or the infallibility of science. A fetus may be a living organism, but that does not make it, conclusively, a "human being" regardless of the certainty and fervency of your belief to the contrary.
Maine, those who live in the world of political faith. embrace the scientists that agree with their faith and reject those who do not agree with them. Pretty simple really for simple minds ;)
Most of us tend to want to do this, but for the political faithful it is a mandate.
no..we are talking about the fallibility of science. or the infallibility of science. A fetus may be a living organism, but that does not make it, conclusively, a "human being" regardless of the certainty and fervency of your belief to the contrary

Yes, it makes it a living human being. It can be no other form of being, and the fact that it exists, makes it some kind of being. You are trying to argue a point with no basis. To deny that a living human fetus is a human being, is to deny reality of science and biology... it's like saying a tree is not a tree, it is merely wood.

Human life starts at the point of conception. This is not a refutable theory, this is not a speculative analysis, this is a biological fact of life. The fetus will grow and develop until it is terminated or dies, and it will never be any other form of living organism besides human. No ingredient has to be added to make it a human being after conception, there is no magical moment in which it transforms into a human being, it is a human life form from the moment it begins.

You want to try to arbitrarily qualify a fetus as human, and there is no qualifier. You have no basis in science to make such a determination, nor have you presented any evidence to suggest this is the case. Just show me ONE scientist who believes a fetus is not a living human life form, and using the Scientific Method, let's evaluate his findings! Shall we?
Maine, those who live in the world of political faith. embrace the scientists that agree with their faith and reject those who do not agree with them. Pretty simple really for simple minds
Most of us tend to want to do this, but for the political faithful it is a mandate.

Here's something simple for your mind... When a sperm and egg concept with each other, a human life is formed. This life is independent from the life of the host, with it's own distinct DNA and nervous system. It is not plant life, it is not any other form of life, it is human life. It can't be anything else, and it doesn't matter what you want to tell yourself, it defies logic and science for it to be anything other than human life.

Now, you can accept biology or not accept it, that is up to you, but insisting that biology is wrong and you are right, makes you one of those people who have "political faith" and who clings to their false beliefs, while rejecting those who disagree with their "political faith".
I don't deny anything you said, DIxie... just your definition of the fetus as a "human being" It isn't....yet.

Okay, let's break it down... I think we can agree, it has to be human, it can't be any other form of life. There is no scientific dispute here, a human fetus simply must be human life.

A "being" is described as "something that exists". An "alien being" would be an alien from outer space, who does exist. I think we can scientifically conclude in fairly short order, a fetus does indeed exist. Therefore, it is a being of some kind.

I argue that it is a HUMAN being, what is your argument?

You keep claiming it isn't a human being yet, but I have repeatedly asked you to tell us the ingredient needed to make it a human being, and you have failed to give us an answer. General principles of physics dictate, if something changes, something must have changed... If a human fetus is not a human being, something has to change to make it a human being. Other than time, what changes a fetus into a human being?
Did you not read my post where I said that this argument was stupid to continue? Let's just stop this....

You know, it is amazing, you will argue with a fence post about whether it's a fence post or not, you will get the last word in on every thread, you will go down swinging in every possible situation, except when you are wrong. When you are dead wrong about something, you always resort to the old... "let's agree to disagree" shit. Rather than have enough intellectual honesty to admit your defeats, you will save face by abandoning the argument and pretending that we just have a difference of opinion.

You are wrong, you've been proven wrong, and you don't like it. I understand, but be a man about it, Maine!
This is an argument without a solution. It has polarized American society for half a century with no resolution in sight. Arguing this issue with you is yet another circular discussion....we both make our points.... you claim absolute wisdom and knowledge. I claim no such thing... I admit to being personally conflicted about this issue.... it doesn't matter to you. I have admitted taht I, personally, find abortion abhorent.... and have stated on numerous occasions that the ONLY thing I find more abhorent than abortion is the thought of government reaching inside a woman's womb and directing what happens therein.

You have NEVER proven me wrong regardless of your flatulent victory declarations...

and you would do well to not question my manhood going forward.
This is an argument without a solution.

What? No, it HAS a solution, you just refuse to face it!

It has polarized American society for half a century with no resolution in sight.

Because people like you, refuse to accept biological fact, and continue to prop up what you KNOW is wrong, by pointing to the Supreme Court, by denying clear facts, and by refusing to be reasonable and honest.

Arguing this issue with you is yet another circular discussion....

It's circular because you refuse to accept the facts.

we both make our points....

You have made ZERO points! Furthermore, you haven't addressed MINE!

you claim absolute wisdom and knowledge.

I only claim what is fact. A 'being' is something that exists, a 'living organism' is a living organism... everything I have presented is based in clear indisputable scientific and biological fact of the matter.

I claim no such thing...

And no such claim can be made, this is why you are wrong. All of your views are rooted in assumptions you can't support with logic or scientific proof. You literally defy the laws of physics and try to claim that something isn't what it is yet, it has to somehow magically "become" this, and you can't explain what element is required to transform it, because there is none.

I admit to being personally conflicted about this issue....

And this is even more proof, you understand it is wrong. You fully understand my argument, you fully understand that science doesn't lie, that biology is what it is, and a human fetus, is a human being at its earliest stages of development. You fully understand that nothing but time is required to produce a more advanced version of what it already there, and it IS what it IS, a human being.

it doesn't matter to you.

What matters to me, is convincing enough people who want to fake ignorance, to realize and understand what you condone.

I have admitted taht I, personally, find abortion abhorent.... and have stated on numerous occasions that the ONLY thing I find more abhorent than abortion is the thought of government reaching inside a woman's womb and directing what happens therein.

And I find it abhorrent that anyone would hide behind the EXCUSE of giving women some moral right they do not have, to avoid standing up for what you KNOW is right!

You have NEVER proven me wrong regardless of your flatulent victory declarations...

You've been proven wrong in this very thread, that's what all this is about. That's why you are ready to just "agree to disagree" and move on... you know full well, you've lost the debate miserably, didn't score a single point, and ended up having to defend your willful ignorance of the facts. I see what's going on here, and that's good enough for me.

and you would do well to not question my manhood going forward.

I question the manhood of anyone who will accept the role of useful idiot, and allow a million innocent human beings to be sucked down a tube next year, without even speaking out in protest.
go away tarbaby...I refuse to argue abortion rights with you in a thread that you started about racism in democrats.

and you talk really big from behind your computer monitor.... yellow blooded coward that you are.
go away tarbaby...I refuse to argue abortion rights with you in a thread that you started about racism in democrats.

and you talk really big from behind your computer monitor.... yellow blooded coward that you are.

He's whipping your ass and you're giving up. We all see what's happening.
He's whipping your ass and you're giving up. We all see what's happening.

he and I have had the same argument for four years. It gets repetitive and very boring. But I am sure that you would see it that way

you remind me of a little cairn terrier I used to have that lived along with our two big black labs.... when the black labs would be playing rough, the cairn would run around and wait and grab whatever free hindleg would present itself and bite down....

usually, the black labs just ignored her, and every once in a while, they would just shake that leg extra hard and the little whiny bitch would go flying across the lawn.

that's you. now go run along.
he and I have had the same argument for four years. It gets repetitive and very boring. But I am sure that you would see it that way

you remind me of a little cairn terrier I used to have that lived along with our two big black labs.... when the black labs would be playing rough, the cairn would run around and wait and grab whatever free hindleg would present itself and bite down....

usually, the black labs just ignored her, and every once in a while, they would just shake that leg extra hard and the little whiny bitch would go flying across the lawn.

that's you. now go run along.

Right after you blow me!:cool: