Are right wing Christians driven by anything other then hate.


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all the people that these haters disparage and every issue they are against is all hate driven ugliness. Simple fact every person that these haters are apposed to because of their way of life, I'd rather have a full neighborhood of , then just one on these fake Christians as my next door neighbor. Never in my life have I seen a uglier group.
The only thing I can relate to on this is the relationship that many churches had with Nazism and Hitler. in the 30's and 40's.
Yes Sir, hate only begets more hate.

Perhaps after the 2024 election, the Right-Wingers will do a little well overdue Soul Searching!
all the people that these haters disparage and every issue they are against is all hate driven ugliness. Simple fact every person that these haters are apposed to because of their way of life, I'd rather have a full neighborhood of , then just one on these fake Christians as my next door neighbor. Never in my life have I seen a uglier group.

Seems like a hate cult to me.
What these fake Christians want done in the name of God. is sickening. If all these haters were siting on one side of the church and gays trans and who ever that is on their hate list were sitting on the other side of the church. Who would Jesus choose to sit with. Not much more has to be said.
What these fake Christians want done in the name of God. is sickening. If all these haters were siting on one side of the church and gays trans and who ever that is on their hate list were sitting on the other side of the church. Who would Jesus choose to sit with. Not much more has to be said.

What about the real Christians?

Or do you believe there are none?
all the people that these haters disparage
You are projecting leftist HATE for homosexuals. You can see it on every site. Christians aren't the ones bashing "fags" and using homosexual references as slurs. The left owns that bit of HATE.

In fact, the US demographic that is most strongly opposed to "gay marriage" is dark-skinned Democrats, who united to secure the victory of California's Proposition 8 (same sex marriage ban), forcing Democrats to find an activist judge to rule it unconstitutional ... but you won't go around saying anything negative about their HATE because it's Democrat HATE, and that is LOVE in your book.

and every issue they are against is all hate driven ugliness.
They are against the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die. I take it that you are for that, yes?

Guess who the piece of shit is.

Simple fact every person that these haters are apposed to because of their way of life,
... like serial rapists and pedophiles ...

I'd rather have a full neighborhood of
... like any good leftist, go on ...

then just one on these fake Christians as my next door neighbor.
The fake Christians are the ones who violate the commandments and have other gods, e.g. Global Warming, Global Climate (who changes in mysterious ways and who punishes mankind for his carbon sins), etc ...

Thank you for revealing so much about yourself. It has been very insightful.
Right wing Christians are not very palatable to me personally, but I can't give them an exclusivity on hate.

I'm a left wing atheist, and I can hate on a level with anybody.
What about the real Christians?

Or do you believe there are none?
Of course there are real Christians , but they aren't controlled in their thinking, nor do they need someone to blame for their failures by using hate as a driving force in their thinking. This is simple, the bible tell you the evils of being gay in the same areas that are now disregarded , for instance bringing your children to the front gate for them to be stoned to death for them arguing with their parents. Or the way you wear your hair. Interpretation gets in the way of most of the other supposed examples of the bibles position on gays. While our responsibility of taking care of the needy is listed more then any other thing in the bible. But these hate driven Christians respond to the nothing and disregard the most powerful message of the bible. That makes them fake Christians.
Nothing wrong with that if you are honest about it

We all have some level of hate
The Idea of Hate is interesting, I can hate the enmy of my country and I can hate people who will bring down my country for them to maintain their power and I can hate evil , I can hate the Hitlers of this world and I can hate the controled mindless that are just tools to sell the biggest threat to this country, Yup that means I can hate fake Christians and the right wing of 2023.