Are right wing Christians driven by anything other then hate.

all the people that these haters disparage and every issue they are against is all hate driven ugliness. Simple fact every person that these haters are apposed to because of their way of life, I'd rather have a full neighborhood of , then just one on these fake Christians as my next door neighbor. Never in my life have I seen a uglier group.

you spelled 'liberals' wrong
all the people that these haters disparage and every issue they are against is all hate driven ugliness. Simple fact every person that these haters are apposed to because of their way of life, I'd rather have a full neighborhood of , then just one on these fake Christians as my next door neighbor. Never in my life have I seen a uglier group.

You're right about them, they are as bad as you think they are. Your problem is your lack of self-awareness because you are just as bad as they are.
Are right wing Christians driven by anything other then hate.
all the people that these haters disparage and every issue they are against is all hate driven ugliness. Simple fact every person that these haters are apposed to because of their way of life, I'd rather have a full neighborhood of , then just one on these fake Christians as my next door neighbor. Never in my life have I seen a uglier group.

yes.....some of us are motivated by disgust with people who start threads calling us haters for "apposing" them.......ignorance should not be allowed to flourish unchallenged..........
Of course there are real Christians , but they aren't controlled in their thinking, nor do they need someone to blame for their failures by using hate as a driving force in their thinking. This is simple, the bible tell you the evils of being gay in the same areas that are now disregarded , for instance bringing your children to the front gate for them to be stoned to death for them arguing with their parents. Or the way you wear your hair. Interpretation gets in the way of most of the other supposed examples of the bibles position on gays. While our responsibility of taking care of the needy is listed more then any other thing in the bible. But these hate driven Christians respond to the nothing and disregard the most powerful message of the bible. That makes them fake Christians.

So you are trying to tell us that at one point God said homosexuality is wrong but He changed His mind and is now ok with it?

So you are trying to tell us that at one point God said homosexuality is wrong but He changed His mind and is now ok with it?

Why not, look at divorce and remarriage. It use to be a sin, now it’s very acceptable. Also, marrying outside your religion or race, use to be a sin, now it accepted.
So you are trying to tell us that at one point God said homosexuality is wrong but He changed His mind and is now ok with it?

So if your children argue with you, are you going to take them to the front gate to have them stones to death and the real question is will you throw the first rock like a good MAGA! You just that fucking stupid.
How can Tinker fuck, look at his hateful ugliness and say its God will. That makes him and all his buddy's, all you right wangers a group of hate Nazi's/ These people don't have any value to a civilized society , they are total barbaric with all the hate needed to fill the devils room with their putrid asses. They are the people the anti Christ will use to start his war against Jesus and his angels. AND ALL THE TIME HE WILL BE DOING IT IN THE NAME OF GOD, LIKE HE IS NOW.
None of that comes from the Bible
You better check, again. I love it when Christians don’t know their own religion, but I find it’s the majority of them.

[FONT=&quot]Luke 16:18. “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced from her husband commits adultery.”

[h=3]Deuteronomy 7:3 [/h][FONT=&quot]You shall not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons,[/FONT]
all the people that these haters disparage and every issue they are against is all hate driven ugliness. Simple fact every person that these haters are apposed to because of their way of life, I'd rather have a full neighborhood of , then just one on these fake Christians as my next door neighbor. Never in my life have I seen a uglier group.

"Many come in my name, but they aren't mine"!
You are projecting leftist HATE for homosexuals. You can see it on every site. Christians aren't the ones bashing "fags" and using homosexual references as slurs. The left owns that bit of HATE.

In fact, the US demographic that is most strongly opposed to "gay marriage" is dark-skinned Democrats, who united to secure the victory of California's Proposition 8 (same sex marriage ban), forcing Democrats to find an activist judge to rule it unconstitutional ... but you won't go around saying anything negative about their HATE because it's Democrat HATE, and that is LOVE in your book.

They are against the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die. I take it that you are for that, yes?

Guess who the piece of shit is.

... like serial rapists and pedophiles ...

... like any good leftist, go on ...

The fake Christians are the ones who violate the commandments and have other gods, e.g. Global Warming, Global Climate (who changes in mysterious ways and who punishes mankind for his carbon sins), etc ...

Thank you for revealing so much about yourself. It has been very insightful.

You have no credibility ! As she just hate the left and blame all trouble in the world on the left!
Something about sucking Trump's asshole brings out the worst in you and your fascist pals