Are right wing Christians driven by anything other then hate.

Why not, look at divorce and remarriage. It use to be a sin, now it’s very acceptable. Also, marrying outside your religion or race, use to be a sin, now it accepted.

But…… if you are a good Catholic and your former spouse agrees you can pretend it never happened. So you can fool God if he wasn’t looking.
But…… if you are a good Catholic and your former spouse agrees you can pretend it never happened. So you can fool God if he wasn’t looking.

True story!! My grandfather got married and divorced, was excommunicated when he married my grandmother.
BUT when he gave a big donation to the building fund he was brought back in to the good graces of the Catholic church.
True story!! My grandfather got married and divorced, was excommunicated when he married my grandmother.
BUT when he gave a big donation to the building fund he was brought back in to the good graces of the Catholic church.

I divorced a Catholic. She started with the annulment process and then realized the process wasn't worth the benefit. I love these special rules that are created to cover for the many horror stories of the OT.
You have no credibility ! As she just hate the left and blame all trouble in the world on the left!
Something about sucking Trump's asshole brings out the worst in you and your fascist pals
What's your first language? French?
Ah, my apologies.

Yes, I attack the left a great deal. Shouldn't you as well? I'm sure you were taught how all leftism leads to Hitler. You will notice that the leftists on JPP are all budding little Hitlers. Many advocate for the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime, and they don't care whether the killing is by gassing, ovens, bullets to the head, whatever ... they just want the killing to occur for enhanced convenience.

So yes, that's what I oppose. You claim that it kills my credibility? I'm intrigued.
What about left wing Christians? Are they any better?
WE aren't aligned with a hate group that calls itself a party, big big difference. We don't hate because we are told to. I would rather live in a neighborhood made up of Immigrants , gays and trans then just having one of you uglies as a next door neighbor. Right wing Christianity is barbaric. Because there is a God You uglies have only one way to go and that is down., You pukes totally missed the message of Jesus.
What about left wing Christians? Are they any better?
Of course they are better. They are the best! They are righteous in their HATE because their HATE is righteous. They are lashing out as victims of the oppressive white male patriarchy and/or are white males who are properly virtue-signaling their own self-loathing. They have EARNED their righteousness. They have EARNED their HATE. You have not. You continue to think for yourself without ever once being considerate to any other leftists by letting them do your thinking for you. Of course you realize that this makes you a piece of shit HATER whose HATE is not approved. Whether or not you actually HATE anyone, you officially HATE and oppress all LGBTQIAMIAPPOFPS+ and you are a misogynist, and a RACIST! and a homophobe ... and a trans-phobe, and a war monger, and a demon from hell, and a goy, and a climate denier. Nanny-nanny-boo-boo.
There's that Marxist "we" again...

aren't aligned with a hate group that calls itself a party, big big difference.
You're not aligned with the Demonkkkrat Party?? You seem like a left winger to me, dude...

We don't hate because we are told to.
Continued Marxist "we"... You are told to hate, and you do as you are told as your mind masters bend you over furniture. Your mind masters tell you that you like it that way.

I would rather live in a neighborhood made up of Immigrants , gays and trans then just having one of you uglies as a next door neighbor. Right wing Christianity is barbaric. Because there is a God You uglies have only one way to go and that is down.,
Speaking of "miss[ing] the message of Jesus", I do recall a little ditty or two in the Bible somewhere about "love your neighbor as yourself" ... and "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

You pukes totally missed the message of Jesus.
Care to enlighten me on what that message might be? Jesus DID say to "go and make disciples of all nations"... Here's your chance to make a disciple out of me.
Of course they are better. They are the best! They are righteous in their HATE because their HATE is righteous. They are lashing out as victims of the oppressive white male patriarchy and/or are white males who are properly virtue-signaling their own self-loathing. They have EARNED their righteousness. They have EARNED their HATE. You have not. You continue to think for yourself without ever once being considerate to any other leftists by letting them do your thinking for you. Of course you realize that this makes you a piece of shit HATER whose HATE is not approved. Whether or not you actually HATE anyone, you officially HATE and oppress all LGBTQIAMIAPPOFPS+ and you are a misogynist, and a RACIST! and a homophobe ... and a trans-phobe, and a war monger, and a demon from hell, and a goy, and a climate denier. Nanny-nanny-boo-boo.
Sounds about right.
Christianity was hijacked by those w/ a political agenda - like other major religions have been.

So much of what we hear about it now bears little resemblance to Christ's original message, unfortunately. But that message is still there, and I do believe there is a "silent majority" out there who quietly believe in it & try to live their lives accordingly. Maybe not a majority - but I'd guess larger #'s than we think.

It's the political crowd that are the loudest.