Are Some Democrats *gasp* ...RACIST?

In the most recent exit polls from Kentucky, 78% of the voters who felt race was an issue in the campaign, voted for Hillary. 1 in 5 Hillary voters also said they based their vote on race. This is alarming for several reasons. First, because the actual numbers are probably much higher, as people don't usually give an honest answer about their own personal prejudices. And two, because we have been led to believe the Democrat party is not racist at all. Supposedly, all of the racists moved to the Republican party years ago, following Civil Rights. So, why are so many Democrats now suddenly expressing their racist views?

Now, perhaps the Republican side would have had the same sort of poll results on a Condi Rice candidacy, but I sincerely doubt it, and I don't think 1 of 5 John McCain supporters would vote based on race. But given this were the case, doesn't it prove that racist views are not isolated to one party? Doesn't it destroy the myth that Democrats are pure as the wind-driven snow when it comes to racial prejudice?
My dad who since 1980 has voted for Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, and Bush, is registered as a Democrat because that's the ticket where most local races are happening. There is not much party loyalty in the south and most of those racists that voted for Hilllary will be voting for racist/terrorist McCain in the general.
Are Some Democrats *gasp* ...RACIST?


Doesn't it destroy the myth that Democrats are pure as the wind-driven snow when it comes to racial prejudice?

No one has ever propogated a myth that there are no racist dems. That's just a straw man you contructed so you could kick it over.

What has been said, and what is demonstrably true, is that generally there is one Party in the nation for angry, undereducated, white christian men....

And another Party for EVERYONE ELSE.

* African-Americans support Democrats by about an 8-1 ratio. All 42 African-American members of the House and Senate are Democrats.

* The LGBT community supports Democrats by about a 3-1 ratio. Both of the LGBT member of Congress are Democrats.

* Non-Christians support Democrats by a 3-1 ratio. Both Buddhists and both Muslims in Congress are Democrats. Only three of the 43 Jewish members of the House and Senate are Republicans. . I'm also going to take a guess here and state that there are no publicly declared atheist Republicans in Congress.

* Latinos support Democrats by more than a 2-1 ratio. Twenty-one of the twenty-five Latino members of Congress are Democrats.

* More than 60% of Asian-American voters choose Democrats. All eight of the Asian-American members of Congress are Democrats.

But wait, there's more! Union members, single women, and whites who self-identify their religion as either "none" or "other" than the main world denominations also vote for Democrats by more than 2-1 margins. (The "nones" are more than 3-1).

Even the nerds vote for Democrats, as 58% of those with post-graduate degrees support Dems.
My dad who since 1980 has voted for Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, and Bush, is registered as a Democrat because that's the ticket where most local races are happening. There is not much party loyalty in the south and most of those racists that voted for Hilllary will be voting for racist/terrorist McCain in the general.

This is a typical example of Left-wing hatred that is so inherent with the Left. What exactly has McCain done that would label him as a racist/terrorist? It is funny how you admit that Democrats that vote for Hillary are racists and then you accuse McCain of being a racist. it is always the same story, anyone that does not agree with the Liberal agenda is called a racist or bigot by Liberals that always claim to be tolerant of others.

You just proved #54.
This is a typical example of Left-wing hatred that is so inherent with the Left.

This is typical of the redundancy that is so inherent in the redundant.

What exactly has McCain done that would label him as a racist/terrorist? It is funny how you admit that Democrats that vote for Hillary are racists and then you accuse McCain of being a racist.

Yeah they're both racists.

it is always the same story, anyone that does not agree with the Liberal agenda is called a racist or bigot by Liberals that always claim to be tolerant of others.

I never claimed to be tolerant of bigots such as yourself.

My dad who since 1980 has voted for Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, and Bush, is registered as a Democrat because that's the ticket where most local races are happening. There is not much party loyalty in the south and most of those racists that voted for Hilllary will be voting for racist/terrorist McCain in the general.

:clink:At least its nice that the racists stayed loyal to Hillary and voted for her...what a moron...:pke:
Have any credible evidence that racists vote for McCain?

It's certainly well-documented that African-Americans are voting in high percentages for Obama.

Draw any conclusions from that?
"there is one Party in the nation for angry, undereducated, white christian men.... "

Got any proof to back up your assertion? Post it.


Little Acorn
Meme (lets face it, women who love war and torture, evidently have enough excess testosterone, to basically be men; or man-like)
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Yeah rabid conservatives like Hillary and McCain tend to draw racists like flies.

So, you are not just calling Hillary a Conservative, but a "Rabid Conservative". Anyone that makes the claim that Hillary is a "Conservative" simply does not have a good grasp on reality.

How far to the Left are you?
A bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own, and bigotry is the corresponding ideology.

See: "Cypress"