Arizona bans abortion


Verified User
“Arizona's top court revives 19th century abortion ban.”

Case will be appealed, but what makes it interesting is watching if the SCOTUS decides to accept a fast track appeal.

Obviously, Arizona being a swing State, and Trump deciding abortion was up to the individual State, the ruling could be huge come November, and we’ve seen this Court doing its best to accommodate Trump
“Arizona's top court revives 19th century abortion ban.”

Case will be appealed, but what makes it interesting is watching if the SCOTUS decides to accept a fast track appeal.

Obviously, Arizona being a swing State, and Trump deciding abortion was up to the individual State, the ruling could be huge come November, and we’ve seen this Court doing its best to accommodate Trump

It’s like the Republicans want to lose in November.
“Arizona's top court revives 19th century abortion ban.”

Case will be appealed, but what makes it interesting is watching if the SCOTUS decides to accept a fast track appeal.

Obviously, Arizona being a swing State, and Trump deciding abortion was up to the individual State, the ruling could be huge come November, and we’ve seen this Court doing its best to accommodate Trump

This country is fucked.

Demonstrably insane people are elected and appointed to very important public positions
on the basis of being fetus worshipers.

If we put people into our nation's critical positions
because they liked to play with their own feces for hours on end,
how would that make any less sense?

Has America always been this incredibly stupid,
or has the advent of genetic mutants in the politically conservative states
finally presented us with the challenge to this republic's survival
that we simply cannot meet?
“Arizona's top court revives 19th century abortion ban.”

Case will be appealed, but what makes it interesting is watching if the SCOTUS decides to accept a fast track appeal.

Obviously, Arizona being a swing State, and Trump deciding abortion was up to the individual State, the ruling could be huge come November, and we’ve seen this Court doing its best to accommodate Trump

I thought the National Socialist democrats here demanded that Arizona is solidly blue?

Why did the people of Arizona adopt laws that offend the democrat Reich?
More turnout in November!!!

Dream on.

First off, you and the DNC propaganda corps are blatantly lying - as always;

Wrote the court:

When this litigation was initiated in 1971, the plaintiffs asserted a number of state and federal constitutional challenges to § 13-3603, in addition to those presented in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973),
which was overruled by Dobbs. We remand the case to the trial court for consideration of those additional constitutional challenges if the plaintiffs wish to pursue them, and we temporarily extend the existing stay against enforcement of § 13-3603 so that the trial court may determine how to proceed."
“Arizona's top court revives 19th century abortion ban.”

Case will be appealed, but what makes it interesting is watching if the SCOTUS decides to accept a fast track appeal.

Obviously, Arizona being a swing State, and Trump deciding abortion was up to the individual State, the ruling could be huge come November, and we’ve seen this Court doing its best to accommodate Trump

Don't worry the illegitimate governor will fix that.
Justice Alito hearkens back to dark times

In his draft Supreme Court ruling that would strike down Roe v. Wade, the 50-year-old decision that guarantees American women the right to abortion, Justice Samuel Alito aims to undermine Roe’s key assertion that such a right is inherent in the U.S. Constitution. Alito bolsters his argument by reaching far back into legal history — not just to the early days of the republic, but to England in the 17th and 13th centuries.

With admiration, Alito cites the opinions of Sir Matthew Hale, an eminent English judge and lawyer who lived in the time of Oliver Cromwell and King Charles II. Hale believed that termination of a pregnancy after “quickening” — the first stirrings of a fetus in the womb — was tantamount to murder.

Critics of Alito’s draft have been quick to point out that Hale held decidedly misogynistic views about women, regarding them as, essentially, the property of men. It is Hale who can be credited for two long-standing principles in rape cases that only in recent decades have been discredited; one, that juries should be suspicious of any woman’s claim of being raped and, two, that a husband cannot be charged with raping his wife. Hale also set the legal precedent for the Salem Witch Trials having, himself, sentenced two women to death for the crime of “witchcraft.”

if they don't like it they could always pass something in the state legislature.......that's what most states have done......
“Arizona's top court revives 19th century abortion ban.”

Case will be appealed, but what makes it interesting is watching if the SCOTUS decides to accept a fast track appeal.

Obviously, Arizona being a swing State, and Trump deciding abortion was up to the individual State, the ruling could be huge come November, and we’ve seen this Court doing its best to accommodate Trump

the SC has already is up to the individual states.......unless the legislature passes a new law the existing one is still on the books.......that's what the state SC decided and it is obviously true........
“Arizona's top court revives 19th century abortion ban.”

Case will be appealed, but what makes it interesting is watching if the SCOTUS decides to accept a fast track appeal.

Obviously, Arizona being a swing State, and Trump deciding abortion was up to the individual State, the ruling could be huge come November, and we’ve seen this Court doing its best to accommodate Trump

The issue will also be on the ballot in AZ in November with a majority of Arizonans supporting abortion rights.