Arizona bans abortion

Arizona's attorney general, Kris Mayes, a Democrat, called the ruling “unconscionable and an affront to freedom.” She promised to mount a legal effort to fight off implementation of the law and said she would not prosecute doctors for providing abortions....

That would change in a heartbeat. Laws are laws, promises are made to be broken when spoken by politicians.
“Arizona's top court revives 19th century abortion ban.”

Case will be appealed, but what makes it interesting is watching if the SCOTUS decides to accept a fast track appeal.

Obviously, Arizona being a swing State, and Trump deciding abortion was up to the individual State, the ruling could be huge come November, and we’ve seen this Court doing its best to accommodate Trump

Arizona did not ban all abortions halfwit. that would prohibit nearly all abortions in the state except when “necessary to save” a pregnant person’s life.

The AZ Supreme Court merely upheld an existing 160 year old law. The legislature can act to reverse it if they choose to.

Did you know that after the correct Dobbs decision, abortions are up? Dunce.
Outside of Tucson and Tempe it won't make a difference, and there both are university towns that generally go Democrat anyway.

Your denial is delicious as we continue to see this issue sink Republicans, in the most deep red States, when it is put on the ballot.
It’s like the Republicans want to lose in November.

Yeah, because Biden's got it in the bag!! :rofl2:

There is a war on women going on right now.

Let's just call it what it is.

Indeed. Democrats have shown how much they hate women by demanding that mentally challenged men who call themselves women, can beat women in their sports.

You're too much of an imbecile to comprehend the obvious.
Arizona is still a red state. Just because they voted for Biden over Pedo Don shows they aren’t stupid. Even then, it was very close, Biden won by a 1.3% margin.

It takes some epic stupidity to suggest that voting for Biden was smart. Not only are you a thread trolling moron, but severely lacking in any self-awareness. :laugh:
This is a states issue. There is no right to kill babies in the Constitution.

It won’t sit well for Arizona’s GOP, and nationally, the Democrats will sell it as an example of what the GOP, especially Trump, has in mind for the entire country
In his draft Supreme Court ruling that would strike down Roe v. Wade, the 50-year-old decision that guarantees American women the right to abortion, Justice Samuel Alito aims to undermine Roe’s key assertion that such a right is inherent in the U.S. Constitution. Alito bolsters his argument by reaching far back into legal history — not just to the early days of the republic, but to England in the 17th and 13th centuries.

With admiration, Alito cites the opinions of Sir Matthew Hale, an eminent English judge and lawyer who lived in the time of Oliver Cromwell and King Charles II. Hale believed that termination of a pregnancy after “quickening” — the first stirrings of a fetus in the womb — was tantamount to murder.

Critics of Alito’s draft have been quick to point out that Hale held decidedly misogynistic views about women, regarding them as, essentially, the property of men. It is Hale who can be credited for two long-standing principles in rape cases that only in recent decades have been discredited; one, that juries should be suspicious of any woman’s claim of being raped and, two, that a husband cannot be charged with raping his wife. Hale also set the legal precedent for the Salem Witch Trials having, himself, sentenced two women to death for the crime of “witchcraft.

Where in the Constitution does it say its okay to murder babies? I can't seem to find it.
The issue will also be on the ballot in AZ in November with a majority of Arizonans supporting abortion rights.

Yep, that's their right. Let's hope they do not vote to kill babies for any reason up and until birth. That would be an abomination. Immoral lying leftist hacks are too stupid to comprhend that truth.