Arizona bans abortion

YES!! Margaret Sanger would be proud of Democrats and their desperate racist desire to murder black babies. Still racists after all these years.

The thread isn’t on the topic of abortion, duh, but rather the decision in Arizona and the effect it may have politically, your deflection is tired, as I said, go back to your radio, Sean ought to be on somewhere
You still have some jizz on your lip, Trump Dummy.


what part of "except when “necessary to save” a pregnant person’s life" are immoral lying leftist racists like you incapable of comprehending?

So now the Government is supposed to enforce morality?

I thought that was contrary to all the conservative principles you cultist profess
So now morality is not a standard for a civilized society? You insufferably stupid moron. :laugh:

You don't think halfwit; you emote remarkably stupid MSNBC narratives and talking points in a vacuum of common sense or intelligence.
Immoral Trump Dick Sucker finger-pointing about morality.
Abortion shouldn't sit well with any decent human being.

I am fine leaving the issue with the woman, her Doctor and her God in the same way people who are more libertarian and less for big government in the bedroom and controlling the body, are. In the same way Evangelicals used to be before republi'cans' launched a political strategy on the right to change them from their broad abortion support position prior, not because those republi'cans' were against abortion but because they believed the evangelicals and the right more broadly were dupes who could be manipulated.
I am fine leaving the issue with the woman, her Doctor and her God in the same way people who are more libertarian and less for big government in the bedroom and controlling the body, are. In the same way Evangelicals used to be before republi'cans' launched a political strategy on the right to change them from their broad abortion support position prior, not because those republi'cans' were against abortion but because they believed the evangelicals and the right more broadly were dupes who could be manipulated.

I don't care. Abortion kills a baby. It' not the woman's body so the only dupes here are the idiots that believe that. Abortion is an evil of galactic proportions. When we are callous enough not be horrified by the killing of our own children then we're already in the shit.
QED on twiggered. TRUMP DUMMY has a limited IQ and when taxed, he resorts to monosyllables and emojis. When he’s weally, weally twiggered, he only posts emojis. LOL

Bullshit EATER is one of the stupidest posters in the forum.

Just watch how he eats Donald Trump's Bullshit up- like a hog slopping a trough!
I don't care. Abortion kills a baby. It' not the woman's body so the only dupes here are the idiots that believe that. Abortion is an evil of galactic proportions. When we are callous enough not be horrified by the killing of our own children then we're already in the shit.

I am fine with you holding stupid opinions. You have every right to. I mean that sincerely.

Others, who are smarter do not agree with your opinions. That is there right.

So as long as you do not try to use force of law to force your opinion on them, then they will do the same for you. That is how things should work unless you are the Taliban or a fascist.