Arizona bans abortion

It wasn't "the people". It was the AZ Supreme court. The people will vote on it in November.

Wrong again halfwit. It is a 160 year old law being reviewed. The legislature can change that. Not the courts or the shrill loons on the left making this a campaign issue because they have ruined our economy and border.
They can’t help themselves. The Republican Party has painted themselves into a corner and are too cowardly to admit they fucked up.

I am amused by buffoons who voted for Biden believing that Democrats are not the ones painting themselves into corners with every policy.

Trump 2024!!
Arizona did not ban all abortions halfwit. that would prohibit nearly all abortions in the state except when “necessary to save” a pregnant person’s life.

The AZ Supreme Court merely upheld an existing 160 year old law. The legislature can act to reverse it if they choose to.

Did you know that after the correct Dobbs decision, abortions are up? Dunce.

Ah, the Arizona Court ruled the 19th century law could be enforced, the rule that made abortion illegal, and any legislature can reverse any Court decision with new legislation, duh

Stop wasting space, go listen to your radio
Yep, that's their right. Let's hope they do not vote to kill babies for any reason up and until birth. That would be an abomination. Immoral lying leftist hacks are too stupid to comprhend that truth.

Oh, look at the dirty sock gaslighting. Pick an account or stay the fuck away from me.
That is not going to placate the issue, come November, every GOP candidate in Arizona will be portrayed as total abortion proponents, especially Trump and Lake

YES!! Margaret Sanger would be proud of Democrats and their desperate racist desire to murder black babies. Still racists after all these years.


Women of color have the most abortions.

Among the 30 areas that reported race by ethnicity data for 2019, non-Hispanic White women and non-Hispanic Black women accounted for the largest percentages of all abortions (33.4% and 38.4%, respectively), and Hispanic women and non-Hispanic women in the other race category accounted for smaller percentages (21.0% and 7.2%, respectively)

Non-Hispanic White women had the lowest abortion rate (6.6 abortions per 1,000 women) and ratio (117 abortions per 1,000 live births), and non-Hispanic Black women had the highest abortion rate (23.8 abortions per 1,000 women) and ratio (386 abortions per 1,000 live births).
Something the poor and lower middle-class often don’t have the money to do. It’ll be cheaper for them to use Arizona’s Safe Haven law and let the the state, meaning taxpayers, raise these unwanted babies. Another Republican Win!!! LOL

IF the Republican War on Women is true, then the next move will be to repeal the Safe Haven Law in order to further subjugate women.


It is NOT hyperbole to say this is the rise of the American form of the Taliban.

A small group of fundamentalists who believe women's role is to be pregnant, in the kitchen and pumping up the population, and who will attack anything that helps a woman take any control in that area, from contraception to abortion.

MAGA is founded on a belief that America was great, when women had no little to no rights and were dependent on men for their needs, and POC were limited in the work place to non-management work jobs.

That is when they reminisce and think about how GREAT things were.

Disagreed. We’re a nation in transition as is the rest of the world. Progress has always seemed to follow a pattern of two steps forward and one step back. We’re in the one step back phase as radical conservatives want to turn the clock back to the 50s and 60s they remember from television shows. Radical liberals want to cram their ideas down the throats of everyone because they believe they know what’s best for them. Most people are caught in the middle.

I’m certain the nation will be fine in another 10-20 years as we step forward again.

It won’t sit well for Arizona’s GOP, and nationally, the Democrats will sell it as an example of what the GOP, especially Trump, has in mind for the entire country

Abortion shouldn't sit well with any decent human being.
One advantage of being a "true believer" is that it must be less stressful.
I'll definitely give you that.

The only thing relieving my stress is that
this all should be getting less relevant to me with each passing day.:nuke:

One advantage of being a "Margaret Sanger" Democrat racist is how the media provides cover for them.
It won’t sit well for Arizona’s GOP, and nationally, the Democrats will sell it as an example of what the GOP, especially Trump, has in mind for the entire country

Translation: Racist immoral Democrats will lie about it in order to gaslight the fools stupid enough to vote for them.
Ah, the Arizona Court ruled the 19th century law could be enforced, the rule that made abortion illegal, and any legislature can reverse any Court decision with new legislation, duh

Stop wasting space, go listen to your radio

what part of "except when “necessary to save” a pregnant person’s life" are immoral lying leftist racists like you incapable of comprehending?