As of today, Id say Harris is no longer the underdog.

True story,....believe or disbelieve as you wish. Just last week I was speaking with a small group of " visitors" from south of the border. Got around to the economy and the elections. I asked them their thoughts on the upcoming. To the man they all replied......."No Harris,....if she gets in power the work will dry up and we wont have any" I agreed with them of course and said so. Point being.........even the newer arrivals KNOW whats up. Quite telling.
There's a new word in town!!!! "Holistically"...5 times in two
Another Kam "interview" with no answers..
She's a complete embarrassment...
The fact that these polls always bounce around 50/50 + margin of error is probably the biggest red flag our nation has ever seen. The FACT that this is a close race indicates something is VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY wrong in our system.

In a rational world this wouldn't even be close to 50/50.
The fact that these polls always bounce around 50/50 + margin of error is probably the biggest red flag our nation has ever seen. The FACT that this is a close race indicates something is VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY wrong in our system.

In a rational world this wouldn't even be close to 50/50.
Trump is in a much better polling position than he was in 2016 or 2020. If Kamala does not improve Trump will win. That is the reason she is begging for another debate. But she wants to pick who hosts it. As we say in Texas "that dog don't hunt". :oprah:
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Yes. Most people say they know where Trump stands.

Trump IS very clear about where he stands. And that's often the problem.

He stands for:

1. Mocking the disabled
2. Mocking POW's
3. Mocking fallen soldiers
4. Trusting Vladimir Putin over US intel services
5. Sexually attacking women without their permission (2005 admission)
6. Sexually attacking women (Bergdorf's Dressing Room)
7. Lying about minorities in an effort to demonize a scapegoat for his followers
8. Lying about pretty much everything no matter how trivial
10. Grrrrrrr Mexicans
11. Rackin' up felonies
12. Cheating on every wife he's ever had
13. Having sex with sex workers without protection
14. Flyin' on Jeffy's plane
15. Running up the cost of goods to Americans by replacing taxes with tarrifs on foreign goods
16. Eliminating basic human rights from women in the US
17. Lying about how everyone wanted him to to do that
18. Lying about how it isn't really eliminating basic rights from women
19. Did I mention fucking sex workers without protection? I wonder if he's ever paid for abortions.
20. His superiority in literally everything in the world despite his inability to talk like an adult.

The majority of people say they don't know where Kamala stands.

Well, we actually kinda do. But if I DON'T agree with mocking the disabled, mocking POW's attacking blue star families, siding with vicious murderous dictators, demonizing brown people for simple political gain...I've got to vote for someone. And obviously Trump doesn't fit my needs.
Trump is in a much better polling position than he was in 2016 or 2020. If Kamala does not improve Trump will win. That is the reason she is begging for another debate. But she wants to pick who hosts it. As we say in Texas "that dog don't hunt". :oprah:

Ummmm, yeah, you see your guy is pretty fuckin' toxic. So your guy isn't going to suddenly sprint ahead in the polls. The ONLY way Trump wins is if he somehow manages to get a solid electoral college strategy. He can't win based on how many Americans actually prefer him.

So if I were you I'd focus on making sure he's got that down because he isn't going to actually get any more followers. It's like when a cult is revealed to be a messed up cult it tends to attract FEWER people. Your best shot was back in 2016 when people didn't know him so well.
She really needs to win without Georgia, their vote cant be counted on anyway.
Agree. It cannot come down to Ga. for obvious reasons. I don't believe the courts will allow hand counting of ballots, given that every Republican in state politics is against it.
True story,....believe or disbelieve as you wish. Just last week I was speaking with a small group of " visitors" from south of the border. Got around to the economy and the elections. I asked them their thoughts on the upcoming. To the man they all replied......."No Harris,....if she gets in power the work will dry up and we wont have any" I agreed with them of course and said so. Point being.........even the newer arrivals KNOW whats up. Quite telling.
Liar. The 'visitors' will be rounded up under trump. I do notice that most immigrants watch Fox.
The fact that these polls always bounce around 50/50 + margin of error is probably the biggest red flag our nation has ever seen. The FACT that this is a close race indicates something is VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY wrong in our system.

In a rational world this wouldn't even be close to 50/50.
you gas lighting shit stains are fucking hilarious

in an honest system, she would of never gotten even fucking close the DNC nomination. it was a coup. she is a horrible politician in a a national election with such diversity. just horrible.

you can't be honest for a second - debating you is a waste of time
Harris has been inching up on trump in the last few weeks in the state polling and nationally...

In the past I have always said that she was the underdog, but I am now putting her at even with the former president.

This election has moved to 50/50.......... Because of trumps underhandedness and willingness to steal it if he can, that still puts him a tiny bit higher chance of being inaugurated in January.
Cancel the election
you gas lighting shit stains are fucking hilarious

in an honest system, she would of never gotten even fucking close the DNC nomination. it was a coup. she is a horrible politician in a a national election with such diversity. just horrible.

you can't be honest for a second - debating you is a waste of time

So in the future are we supposed to let you folks in the MAGA movement select our candidate? That way you have an actual chance of winning if you get to choose who you go up against?
Why? Holistically speaking...
Top, of all the crazies here, you are perhaps the only one of whom I you can attack me all you want, but those sentiments are with that being said...I actually agree with a lot of stuff the racist white trash can spews at his Klan rallies, especially the shit about immigrants. But Trump is all talk no action, Top. He fucked over the UAW's, he fucked over Blue States during Covid, he never built a wall, Democrats did that and Top, this so called great economy, deny this shit all you want, but Trump was handed by the Obama administration a economy that was recovering...the bitch did NOTHING, NADA TO enhance nor improve it. Those are just facts....and Yes by googling the Trump years, there was times of prosperity, but Trump proved to be more dangerous as Covid inched up and he failed to contain it and manage it...but here's why I can not as a woman of color ever vote a party hostile to my race and gender...the man is beyond racist, condescending and apathetic to my needs....but I will contend, I got a feeling he's gonna be our next nightmare, ie President...and America will regret it.