At What Point?

Militant atheists believe the NT is a pack of lies and deceptions.
There is no such thing as a 'militant atheist'. Atheists don't care whether a god or gods exist or not.
You are describing the Church of No God, a fundamentalist style religion.
I am in the middle between unyielding fundamentalism and strident atheism. I don't think semitic people of the ancient Near East even knew how to write analytical history, biography, journalism. Those are inventions of the Greeks, Romans, and Enlightenment era Europeans. I think NT is a mixture of parable, allegory, embellishments, myth, and events, sermons, and activities some of which are based on real people and events.
It is YOU being the fundamentalist here, Sybil. You cannot blame your problem on anybody else.
I never said there was a coordinated conspiracy. Those are your words.

The NT are stories. Nothing more. Nothing less. In those stories are additions and subtractions. One could call the additions embellishments or fabrications is your choice. At the tomb, was it an angel or a young man?

I also never said all the disciples were dead. And yeah, Paul HEARD the stories. So, which of the several renditions is correct?
masons always have to be the experts on religion, so they can lie about it.

Stick to the topic if possible.
Demands others to stick to the topic but doesn't hold himself to the same standard. Since you ran from the question, the answer is obvious.
This is Cypress standard "strawman". He will continue to lie about your position and mischaracterize it.

He is incapable of discussing a topic without attacking the other poster. (Unless it's Doc Douche....then he will trade stories about how smart he is)
The question is, why do people need to believe someone can die and come back to life.
I never really fundamentally understood that whole redemptive aspect of his death the theology claims, but I also think it is nearly impossible to put my 21st century mind in the shoes of first century Jews.
I never really fundamentally understood that whole redemptive aspect of his death theology claims, but I also think it is nearly impossible to put my 21st century mind in the shoes of first century Jews.
Easy. They lied. And they thought others were stupid.
I never really fundamentally understood that whole redemptive aspect of his death the theology claims, but I also think it is nearly impossible to put my 21st century mind in the shoes of first century Jews.

WHere did Jesus go after the Resurrection? (you seem to be really avoiding this question since I've asked it a couple times now)

The Apostles whose story you insist on maintaining at least the rough outlines of would indicate you must explain how he could "vanish" before their eyes or ascend into heaven.

Obviously neither of us thinks he necessarily ascended into heaven, it is kind of jarring that he simply seems to disappear from the narrative. If he were mere 'stunned' by the Roman crucifixion then where did he go after that?

And why wouldn't the disciples say "Yeah he went on preaching and going around for many more years" instead of saying he went up to heaven?
Easy. They lied. And they thought others were stupid.
that's how atheists are almost exactly like holy rollers in some ways. They have absolute certainty in their truth claims.

Possibly there was a coordinated conspiracy to produce writings that were nothing but lies and deceptions.

I don't claim it as a fact. There is always a possibility of rational alternative explanations
that's how atheists are almost exactly like holy rollers in some ways. They have absolute certainty in their truth claims.

Possibly there was a coordinated conspiracy to produce writings that were nothing but lies and deceptions.

I don't claim it as a fact. There is always a possibility of rational alternative explanations
Cut the holy rollers shit. It's childish and tiresome.

You do not have a rational position. You are just indecisive.