Atheism and pedophilia


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If one is an atheist, how can they believe that pedophilia or molesting children is morally wrong, as opposed to just another lifestyle or "preference".

(Even if they believe it is wrong, they can and only do so by stealing and culturally-apporpriating religious or moral values based on faith, not "science", "emperical evidence", or any other silly and ubiquitously misued notion, lol).

(Fun fact, historically there have been plenty of atheists who had no problem with pedophilia or molesting children, or other sexually deviant acts or desires, such as the infamous Marquis de Sade who thought that anything "natural" or "impulsive", even rape or child molestation was fine - much as how modern "LGBT" rights groups have had documented ties to NAMBLA and other pro-pedophilia organizations).
If one is an atheist, how can they believe that pedophilia or molesting children is morally wrong, as opposed to just another lifestyle or "preference".

(Even if they believe it is wrong, they can and only do so by stealing and culturally-apporpriating religious or moral values based on faith, not "science", "emperical evidence", or any other silly and ubiquitously misued notion, lol).

(Fun fact, historically there have been plenty of atheists who had no problem with pedophilia or molesting children, or other sexually deviant acts or desires, such as the infamous Marquis de Sade who thought that anything "natural" or "impulsive", even rape or child molestation was fine - much as how modern "LGBT" rights groups have had documented ties to NAMBLA and other pro-pedophilia organizations).

Do you know that the Catholic Church is a thing?
If one is an atheist, how can they believe that pedophilia or molesting children is morally wrong, as opposed to just another lifestyle or "preference".

(Even if they believe it is wrong, they can and only do so by stealing and culturally-apporpriating religious or moral values based on faith, not "science", "emperical evidence", or any other silly and ubiquitously misued notion, lol).

(Fun fact, historically there have been plenty of atheists who had no problem with pedophilia or molesting children, or other sexually deviant acts or desires, such as the infamous Marquis de Sade who thought that anything "natural" or "impulsive", even rape or child molestation was fine - much as how modern "LGBT" rights groups have had documented ties to NAMBLA and other pro-pedophilia organizations).

"Sexual abuse scandal in Southern Baptist churches"

"Catholic Church sexual abuse cases" mostly boys,attention during the late 1980s.
If one is an atheist, how can they believe that pedophilia or molesting children is morally wrong, as opposed to just another lifestyle or "preference".

(Even if they believe it is wrong, they can and only do so by stealing and culturally-apporpriating religious or moral values based on faith, not "science", "emperical evidence", or any other silly and ubiquitously misued notion, lol).

(Fun fact, historically there have been plenty of atheists who had no problem with pedophilia or molesting children, or other sexually deviant acts or desires, such as the infamous Marquis de Sade who thought that anything "natural" or "impulsive", even rape or child molestation was fine - much as how modern "LGBT" rights groups have had documented ties to NAMBLA and other pro-pedophilia organizations).

Why did so many priests and other religious leader molest kids more than anyone else. Religion is like a candy store to a Pedo, the kids are told they have to follow the rules.
Why did so many priests and other religious leader molest kids more than anyone else. Religion is like a candy store to a Pedo, the kids are told they have to follow the rules.
There's no "rule" in any religion which mandates that children be molested, such is just part of the evil nature of man which atheists embrace.
If one is an atheist, how can they believe that pedophilia or molesting children is morally wrong, as opposed to just another lifestyle or "preference".
"If one is an atheist how can he believe ..." [it's a little thing called subject-verb agreement]


Your question seems very silly. All people are capable of thinking on their own without requiring others to do their thinking for them.

I am an atheist. I consider the molestation of children to be wrong. What personal difficulties are your having to overcome in order to understand something so straightforward?

(Even if they believe it is wrong, they can and only do so by stealing and culturally-apporpriating religious or moral values based on faith, not "science", "emperical evidence", or any other silly and ubiquitously misued notion, lol).
Nope. Religions adopt the morals of those who think for themselves.

Anything else?
Do you know that the Catholic Church is a thing?

Jews are 1,000 X worse pedo, pervert, sex offenders than White Catholics.

First off Jews have a ORAL tradition of pedophilia called Metitzah B'peh.

Metzitzah B’peh, Blood-Sucking Jewish Circumcision Ritual, Debated By NYC Mayoral Candidates (VIDEO)
By Ryan Buxton
The candidates for New York City mayor have offered their positions on an unexpected issue — an ancient Jewish ritual in which blood is sucked from the recently circumcised penis of a baby boy.

Second off, I've never seen White Catholics say the victim wanted the abuse.

Senior Chabad Rabbi Lied In His Apology, Evidence Reportedly Shows
Rabbi Boruch LechesRabbi Boruch Lesches issued a partial apology last night for saying that young victims of child sexual abuse may have wanted the sex and consented to it. But Lesches – who did not apologize for claiming that "goyyim" as young as five willingly have sex with dogs and with their own siblings because they are bored and don't have much to do (unlike Jews, who have lots of Torah to study) – apparently lied several times in that apology.

3rd off I've never seen Catholics have a mafia style bribery of the victim of abuse, or throw a fundraiser dinner for the accused pedo.

Hero's Welcome In Satmar For Convicted Witness Tamperer
Abraham "Abe" Rubin, the Satmar hasid who offered to pay a $500,000 bribe to the victim of Satmar pedophile Nechemya Weberman and her boyfriend to flee the country and not testify against Weberman, got a hero's welcome in Williamsburg after his release from prison late last month. Not only was he welcomed with singing, dancing and a festive meal, he also was an honored guest in the home of his rebbe, the Kiryas Joel Satmar Rebbe Aharon Teitelbaum.

Like Celebrity Jews like Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner, Jared Fogle, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, James Toback, Brett Ratner, Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Jeremy Piven, Jeffrey Tambor, Dustin Hoffman, Mark Halperin, Bob Weinstein, Richard Dreyfuss, and James Levine.

Like clergy Jews like Case of Shlomo Aviner (Rosh Yeshiva, Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva, Rabbi of Beit El, Israel)

Case of Rabbi Lewis Brenner (Convicted of child molestation. The original charges included 14 counts of sodomy, sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. He agreed to plead guilty to one count of sodomy in the third degree, a Class E felony, in exchange for a sentence of five years' probation.)

Case of Rabbi Ephraim Bryks (Accusations about sexual inappropriate behavior with children started surfacing in the 1980's. Rabbi Bryks is currently a member of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens. The Vaad is a Rabbinical committee that makes important decisions within an orthodox community.)

Case of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (Accused of several cases of child molestation, and sexual assault of young women)

Case Rabbi Perry Ian Cohen - Montreal and Toronto Canada (Accused of sexual abuse of a seventeen year old. Fired for sexual impropriety with congregants)

Case of Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen (Accused of sexually harassing students at Bar-Ilan University)

Case of Rabbi Ephraim Goldberg - Boca Raton, Flordia (Pled guilty to one misdemeanor count of exposure of sexual organs in a washroom at a Palm Beach Mall.)

Case of Rabbi/Cantor Sidney Goldenberg (Convicted of molesting children. The first complaints came in 1971. He was finally convicted in 1997.)

Case of Cantor Joel Gordon (Convicted of having keeping a house of prostitution and involvement in a prostitution ring.)

Case of Rabbi Israel Grunwald (Accused of molesting a 15 year old on a 1995 plane flight from Australia to LA. The charge against him were dropped after agreeing to perform 500 hours of community service and to seek counseling. Grunwald was the chief rabbi of an Hungarian Hasidic congregation in Brooklyn, known as the Pupas).

Case of The State of Israel Vs. Sex Offender (Convicted of repeated rape and forced molestation of his graddaughter.)

Case of Yehudah Friedlander - Rabbi 's Assistant (Accused of molesting a 15 year old on a 1995 plane flight from Australia to LA. Friedlander was the assistant to the chief rabbi of an Hungarian Hasidic congregation in Brooklyn, known as the Pupas)

Case of the Rabbi at Hillel Torah, Chicago, IL (A teacher at the Chicago school was accused of child molestation. His name was not released. The school did everything correctly in attempting to keep the children safe once accusations were made.)

Case of Rabbi Solomon Hafner (Accused of sexually abusing a developmentally disabled boy)

Case of Rabbi (Alan J.) Shneur Horowitz (Convicted and sentenced to 10 - 20 years in prison for sodomizing a nine-year-old psychiatric patient. Allegedly, he has assaulted a string of children from California to Israel to New York in the past twenty years. Alan J. Horowitz is an Orthodox rabbi, magna cum laude, M.D., Ph.D. A graduate of Duke University, and was a writer for NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association).

Case of Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement (Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses)

Case of Rabbi Israel Kestenbaum (Accused of child pornography on the internet)

Case of Rabbi Robert Kirschner (Accused of sexually exploited or harassing three congregants and a synagogue employee)

Case of Rabbi Ze'ev Kopolevitch (Convicted of molesting students at Rosh Yeshiva, Netiv Meir yeshiva high school)

Case of Rabbi Baruch Lanner (Convicted - child molestation.)

Case of Rabbi Jerrold Martin Levy (Convicted of two counts of soliciting sex through the Internet and two counts of child pornography. He was sentenced to six years and sex in prison. He was caught in the "Candyman" year-long sting operation by the US government.)

Case of Rabbi Pinchas Lew (Accused of exposed himself to a woman.)

Case of Rabbi/Psychologist Mordecai Magencey (lost his license to practice in the State of Missouri because of his sexual misconduct with his patients.)

Case of Rabbi Richard Marcovitz (Convicted of indecent or lewd acts with a child, and sexual battery)

Case of Rabbi Juda Mintz (Convicted - internet sting on child pornography)

Rabbi Yona Metzger (Accused of sexually misconduct with four men)

Case of Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz (Accused of two counts of sex abuse with boys at a special education school in New York)

Case of Cantor Howard Nevison (Accused of molesting his nephew)

Case of Rabbi Michael Ozair (Accused of sexual molestation of a then-14-year-old girl)

Case of Cantor Stanley Rosenfeld (Convicted of molesting a 12-year-old boy he was tutoring.)

Case of Rabbi Charles Shalman (Accused of sexual misconduct toward female congregational members)

Case of Cantor Robert Shapiro (Accused of three counts of rape and four counts of indecent assault and battery to a mentally retarded woman)

Case of Cantor Michael Segelstein (Accused of attempted rape; Chabad - Las Vegas, Nevada)

Case of Rabbi Ze'ev Sultanovitch (Accused of sexually molesting a number of adult yeshiva students at the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva)

Case of Rabbi Melvin Teitelbaum (Accused of three counts of sex crimes against two boys under the age of 14, and one count of assault with intent to commit rape against one boy's mother. The charges were dropped for lack of evidenced)

Case of Rabbi Isadore Trachtman (Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses)

Case of Rabbi Hirsch Travis (Rabbi in Monsey, accused of posing as a Brooklyn doctor specializing in infertility problems, and allegedly sexually abusing and assaulting a patient.)

Case of Rabbi Matis Weinberg (Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses)

Case of Rabbi Yaakov Weiner (Accused of molesting boy at Camp Mogen Avraham, New York)

Case of Rabbi Don Well

Case of Cantor Phillip Wittlin (Convicted of molesting two girls)

Case of Rabbi Mordechai Yomtov (Convicted of sexual abuse and committing lewd acts against three boys)

Case of Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman (Violated guidelines concerning "sexual ethics and sexual boundaries," )

Case of Rabbi Max Zucker (Accused by three women of improperly touching)

And Other Trusted Officals (Parents, Teachers, Camp Counselors, etc.)

Case of Arie Adler and Marisa Rimland, NY (Arie Adler was accused of molesting his daughter. Marisa Rimland murdered her daughter, and then committed suicide).

Case of Simcha Adler - Ohel Counselor, NY (Plea-bargained charges of sodomy, sexual abuse and two counts of endangering the welfare of a child down to attempted sodomy.)

Case of Eugene Loub Aronin - School Counselor, TX (Convicted in 1984 of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old boy)

Case of B'Nai Torah Congegation - Hillel Community Day School janitor, Boca Raton, FL (Accused of child molestation)

Case of Chaim Ciment (Accused and charged with first-degree sexual abuse, after allegations were made that he fondled a 17 year old girl in an elevator).

Case of James A. Cohen - Jewish Youth Group Leader (Convicted child molester, sentenced to 9 years for assaulting 4 boys)

Case of Larry Cohen - Soccer Coach, Lake Oswego, OR (Accused of molesting two individuals.)

Case of Lawrence Cohen - School Teacher, NJ (Convicted and sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for transmitting child pornography through his home computer).

Case of Phillip "Eli" Cohen, London, England (Accused of 13 charges of indecently assaulting a boy and four offences of indecently assaulting a girl)

Case of Stuart Cooperman, MD - Pediatrican, Merrick, New York (Accused of molesting six female patience).

Case of Delaware Family (Father accused of alleged child molestation)

Case of Mordechai (Morton) Ehrman - Simcha's Play Group, Brooklyn, NY (Accused of molesting dozens of students).

Case of Hbrandon Lee Flagner (Convicted of the kidnapping and aggravated murder of Tiffany Jennifer Papesh a 8-year-old girl. Flagner also claimed to have molested hundreds of girls during his life. While in prison, Flagner convert to Judaism by an Chasidic rabbi.)

Case of Arnold and Jesse Friedman (Capturing the Friedmans) (Convicted sex offender)

Case of Richard "Steve" Goldberg (Allegedly engaging in sex acts with several girls under 10 in California. He is on the FBI's ten most wanted fugitives list)

Case of Ross Goldstein (Convicting of sodomy in the first degree (three counts) and use of a child in a sexual performance. He was Sentenced to four concurrent indeterminated terms of 2 to 6 years imprisonment. Also see: Case of Arnold and Jesse Friedman)

Case of Several Child Sex Offenders in Har Nof 0 Jerusalem, Israel (Outlines several cases of alleged child sex offenders in the charedi town of Har Nof)

Case of David B. Harrington - School Principal / Big Brother, Rockville, MD (Convicted sex offender. Cases from the 1960's - 1980's.)

Case of State of Israel Vs. a Sex Offender (Convicted - 68 year old Israeli religious man pled guilty to repeated molestation of his granddaughter, was sentenced to 19 years in jail.

Case of Eric Hindin - Jewish Big Brother Volunteer, Newton, MA (Convicted of 35 counts of child rape. He was sentenced to 20-22 years in prison).

Case of Judge Ronald Kline, CA (Accused of possessing child pornography and for allegedly molesting a neighborhood boy 25 years ago).

Case of the Kosher Butcher in Chicago (Accused of molesting children for over 30 years)

Case of Lawrence Nevison - (Convicted of molesting his nephew. He is the brother of Cantor Howard Nevison)

Case of Stuart Nevison - (Convicted of molesting his cousin. He is the brother of Cantor Howard Nevison)

The Case of the Students of Ner Israel Yeshiva in the 1950's (Students accused of sexually molesting a younger student)

Case of the New York Society for the Deaf's Home (Accused of treating disabled patients ``like animals,'' beaten, drugged and robbed of their government checks).

Case of Ozzie Orbach, M.D. (Accused of molesting his daughter)

Case of the Rogers Park JCC, Chicago Illinois (This was the first case of alleged mass molestation recorded in Illinois to involve accusations of sexual abuse by a group of adults, consists of 246 allegations that staff members abused children enrolled at the center, according to the Illinois Department of children and Family Services).

Case of Jonathan Rosenthal - Community Police Liason, London, England (Acquitted of sexually assaulting a few children, after a jury used ancient common law right, deciding evidence wasn't strong enough.)

Case of Adam Theodore Rubin - Teacher, Coach and Girl Scout Coordinator (Accused of using a computer to solicit sex with a minor, possession of a controlled dangerous substance and possession of drug paraphernalia).

Case of Georges Schteinberg - Teacher, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Accused of possession of child pornography. Charges dropped when Schteinberg fled the country).

Case of Aryeh Scher - Israeli vice-consul, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Accused of possession of child pornography. Charges dropped when Scher fled the country).

Case of David Schwartz - Camp Counselor, Culver City, CA (Convicted and sentenced to one year in residential treatment and five years' probation for molesting a 4-year-old boy in his care at summer camp. A six-year prison sentence was suspended).

Case of Jerrold Schwartz - Scoutmaster, NY (Convicted and sentanced to 8 years in prison for multiple counts of sodomizing his former scout ).

Case of Irwin Silverman - Chief Counsel to U.S. secretary of interior 1933-53 (Accused of molesting his daughter Sue William Silverman. )

Case of Paul Slifer - Teacher (Accused of sexually assaulting a several students, and impersonating a doctor. )

Case of Ari Sorkin - Synagogue Youth Worker, Elkins Park, PA (Accused of molesting a 16 yr. old girl)

Case of Tel Aviv Arts School, Tel Aviv, Israel

Case of Dr. Saul and Judith Wasserman (Accused of molesting their daughter)

Case of David Douglas Webber - Mashgiach (Kashrut Supervisor), Canada (Convicted and sentenced to six years for possessing child pornography and molesting seven boys over the past eight years).
Jews are 1,000 X worse pedo, pervert, sex offenders than White Catholics.

First off Jews have a ORAL tradition of pedophilia called Metitzah B'peh.

Metzitzah B’peh, Blood-Sucking Jewish Circumcision Ritual, Debated By NYC Mayoral Candidates (VIDEO)
By Ryan Buxton
The candidates for New York City mayor have offered their positions on an unexpected issue — an ancient Jewish ritual in which blood is sucked from the recently circumcised penis of a baby boy.

Second off, I've never seen White Catholics say the victim wanted the abuse.

Senior Chabad Rabbi Lied In His Apology, Evidence Reportedly Shows
Rabbi Boruch LechesRabbi Boruch Lesches issued a partial apology last night for saying that young victims of child sexual abuse may have wanted the sex and consented to it. But Lesches – who did not apologize for claiming that "goyyim" as young as five willingly have sex with dogs and with their own siblings because they are bored and don't have much to do (unlike Jews, who have lots of Torah to study) – apparently lied several times in that apology.

3rd off I've never seen Catholics have a mafia style bribery of the victim of abuse, or throw a fundraiser dinner for the accused pedo.

Hero's Welcome In Satmar For Convicted Witness Tamperer
Abraham "Abe" Rubin, the Satmar hasid who offered to pay a $500,000 bribe to the victim of Satmar pedophile Nechemya Weberman and her boyfriend to flee the country and not testify against Weberman, got a hero's welcome in Williamsburg after his release from prison late last month. Not only was he welcomed with singing, dancing and a festive meal, he also was an honored guest in the home of his rebbe, the Kiryas Joel Satmar Rebbe Aharon Teitelbaum.

Like Celebrity Jews like Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner, Jared Fogle, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, James Toback, Brett Ratner, Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Jeremy Piven, Jeffrey Tambor, Dustin Hoffman, Mark Halperin, Bob Weinstein, Richard Dreyfuss, and James Levine.

Like clergy Jews like Case of Shlomo Aviner (Rosh Yeshiva, Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva, Rabbi of Beit El, Israel)

Case of Rabbi Lewis Brenner (Convicted of child molestation. The original charges included 14 counts of sodomy, sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. He agreed to plead guilty to one count of sodomy in the third degree, a Class E felony, in exchange for a sentence of five years' probation.)

Case of Rabbi Ephraim Bryks (Accusations about sexual inappropriate behavior with children started surfacing in the 1980's. Rabbi Bryks is currently a member of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens. The Vaad is a Rabbinical committee that makes important decisions within an orthodox community.)

Case of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (Accused of several cases of child molestation, and sexual assault of young women)

Case Rabbi Perry Ian Cohen - Montreal and Toronto Canada (Accused of sexual abuse of a seventeen year old. Fired for sexual impropriety with congregants)

Case of Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen (Accused of sexually harassing students at Bar-Ilan University)

Case of Rabbi Ephraim Goldberg - Boca Raton, Flordia (Pled guilty to one misdemeanor count of exposure of sexual organs in a washroom at a Palm Beach Mall.)

Case of Rabbi/Cantor Sidney Goldenberg (Convicted of molesting children. The first complaints came in 1971. He was finally convicted in 1997.)

Case of Cantor Joel Gordon (Convicted of having keeping a house of prostitution and involvement in a prostitution ring.)

Case of Rabbi Israel Grunwald (Accused of molesting a 15 year old on a 1995 plane flight from Australia to LA. The charge against him were dropped after agreeing to perform 500 hours of community service and to seek counseling. Grunwald was the chief rabbi of an Hungarian Hasidic congregation in Brooklyn, known as the Pupas).

Case of The State of Israel Vs. Sex Offender (Convicted of repeated rape and forced molestation of his graddaughter.)

Case of Yehudah Friedlander - Rabbi 's Assistant (Accused of molesting a 15 year old on a 1995 plane flight from Australia to LA. Friedlander was the assistant to the chief rabbi of an Hungarian Hasidic congregation in Brooklyn, known as the Pupas)

Case of the Rabbi at Hillel Torah, Chicago, IL (A teacher at the Chicago school was accused of child molestation. His name was not released. The school did everything correctly in attempting to keep the children safe once accusations were made.)

Case of Rabbi Solomon Hafner (Accused of sexually abusing a developmentally disabled boy)

Case of Rabbi (Alan J.) Shneur Horowitz (Convicted and sentenced to 10 - 20 years in prison for sodomizing a nine-year-old psychiatric patient. Allegedly, he has assaulted a string of children from California to Israel to New York in the past twenty years. Alan J. Horowitz is an Orthodox rabbi, magna cum laude, M.D., Ph.D. A graduate of Duke University, and was a writer for NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association).

Case of Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement (Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses)

Case of Rabbi Israel Kestenbaum (Accused of child pornography on the internet)

Case of Rabbi Robert Kirschner (Accused of sexually exploited or harassing three congregants and a synagogue employee)

Case of Rabbi Ze'ev Kopolevitch (Convicted of molesting students at Rosh Yeshiva, Netiv Meir yeshiva high school)

Case of Rabbi Baruch Lanner (Convicted - child molestation.)

Case of Rabbi Jerrold Martin Levy (Convicted of two counts of soliciting sex through the Internet and two counts of child pornography. He was sentenced to six years and sex in prison. He was caught in the "Candyman" year-long sting operation by the US government.)

Case of Rabbi Pinchas Lew (Accused of exposed himself to a woman.)

Case of Rabbi/Psychologist Mordecai Magencey (lost his license to practice in the State of Missouri because of his sexual misconduct with his patients.)

Case of Rabbi Richard Marcovitz (Convicted of indecent or lewd acts with a child, and sexual battery)

Case of Rabbi Juda Mintz (Convicted - internet sting on child pornography)

Rabbi Yona Metzger (Accused of sexually misconduct with four men)

Case of Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz (Accused of two counts of sex abuse with boys at a special education school in New York)

Case of Cantor Howard Nevison (Accused of molesting his nephew)

Case of Rabbi Michael Ozair (Accused of sexual molestation of a then-14-year-old girl)

Case of Cantor Stanley Rosenfeld (Convicted of molesting a 12-year-old boy he was tutoring.)

Case of Rabbi Charles Shalman (Accused of sexual misconduct toward female congregational members)

Case of Cantor Robert Shapiro (Accused of three counts of rape and four counts of indecent assault and battery to a mentally retarded woman)

Case of Cantor Michael Segelstein (Accused of attempted rape; Chabad - Las Vegas, Nevada)

Case of Rabbi Ze'ev Sultanovitch (Accused of sexually molesting a number of adult yeshiva students at the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva)

Case of Rabbi Melvin Teitelbaum (Accused of three counts of sex crimes against two boys under the age of 14, and one count of assault with intent to commit rape against one boy's mother. The charges were dropped for lack of evidenced)

Case of Rabbi Isadore Trachtman (Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses)

Case of Rabbi Hirsch Travis (Rabbi in Monsey, accused of posing as a Brooklyn doctor specializing in infertility problems, and allegedly sexually abusing and assaulting a patient.)

Case of Rabbi Matis Weinberg (Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses)

Case of Rabbi Yaakov Weiner (Accused of molesting boy at Camp Mogen Avraham, New York)

Case of Rabbi Don Well

Case of Cantor Phillip Wittlin (Convicted of molesting two girls)

Case of Rabbi Mordechai Yomtov (Convicted of sexual abuse and committing lewd acts against three boys)

Case of Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman (Violated guidelines concerning "sexual ethics and sexual boundaries," )

Case of Rabbi Max Zucker (Accused by three women of improperly touching)

And Other Trusted Officals (Parents, Teachers, Camp Counselors, etc.)

Case of Arie Adler and Marisa Rimland, NY (Arie Adler was accused of molesting his daughter. Marisa Rimland murdered her daughter, and then committed suicide).

Case of Simcha Adler - Ohel Counselor, NY (Plea-bargained charges of sodomy, sexual abuse and two counts of endangering the welfare of a child down to attempted sodomy.)

Case of Eugene Loub Aronin - School Counselor, TX (Convicted in 1984 of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old boy)

Case of B'Nai Torah Congegation - Hillel Community Day School janitor, Boca Raton, FL (Accused of child molestation)

Case of Chaim Ciment (Accused and charged with first-degree sexual abuse, after allegations were made that he fondled a 17 year old girl in an elevator).

Case of James A. Cohen - Jewish Youth Group Leader (Convicted child molester, sentenced to 9 years for assaulting 4 boys)

Case of Larry Cohen - Soccer Coach, Lake Oswego, OR (Accused of molesting two individuals.)

Case of Lawrence Cohen - School Teacher, NJ (Convicted and sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for transmitting child pornography through his home computer).

Case of Phillip "Eli" Cohen, London, England (Accused of 13 charges of indecently assaulting a boy and four offences of indecently assaulting a girl)

Case of Stuart Cooperman, MD - Pediatrican, Merrick, New York (Accused of molesting six female patience).

Case of Delaware Family (Father accused of alleged child molestation)

Case of Mordechai (Morton) Ehrman - Simcha's Play Group, Brooklyn, NY (Accused of molesting dozens of students).

Case of Hbrandon Lee Flagner (Convicted of the kidnapping and aggravated murder of Tiffany Jennifer Papesh a 8-year-old girl. Flagner also claimed to have molested hundreds of girls during his life. While in prison, Flagner convert to Judaism by an Chasidic rabbi.)

Case of Arnold and Jesse Friedman (Capturing the Friedmans) (Convicted sex offender)

Case of Richard "Steve" Goldberg (Allegedly engaging in sex acts with several girls under 10 in California. He is on the FBI's ten most wanted fugitives list)

Case of Ross Goldstein (Convicting of sodomy in the first degree (three counts) and use of a child in a sexual performance. He was Sentenced to four concurrent indeterminated terms of 2 to 6 years imprisonment. Also see: Case of Arnold and Jesse Friedman)

Case of Several Child Sex Offenders in Har Nof 0 Jerusalem, Israel (Outlines several cases of alleged child sex offenders in the charedi town of Har Nof)

Case of David B. Harrington - School Principal / Big Brother, Rockville, MD (Convicted sex offender. Cases from the 1960's - 1980's.)

Case of State of Israel Vs. a Sex Offender (Convicted - 68 year old Israeli religious man pled guilty to repeated molestation of his granddaughter, was sentenced to 19 years in jail.

Case of Eric Hindin - Jewish Big Brother Volunteer, Newton, MA (Convicted of 35 counts of child rape. He was sentenced to 20-22 years in prison).

Case of Judge Ronald Kline, CA (Accused of possessing child pornography and for allegedly molesting a neighborhood boy 25 years ago).

Case of the Kosher Butcher in Chicago (Accused of molesting children for over 30 years)

Case of Lawrence Nevison - (Convicted of molesting his nephew. He is the brother of Cantor Howard Nevison)

Case of Stuart Nevison - (Convicted of molesting his cousin. He is the brother of Cantor Howard Nevison)

The Case of the Students of Ner Israel Yeshiva in the 1950's (Students accused of sexually molesting a younger student)

Case of the New York Society for the Deaf's Home (Accused of treating disabled patients ``like animals,'' beaten, drugged and robbed of their government checks).

Case of Ozzie Orbach, M.D. (Accused of molesting his daughter)

Case of the Rogers Park JCC, Chicago Illinois (This was the first case of alleged mass molestation recorded in Illinois to involve accusations of sexual abuse by a group of adults, consists of 246 allegations that staff members abused children enrolled at the center, according to the Illinois Department of children and Family Services).

Case of Jonathan Rosenthal - Community Police Liason, London, England (Acquitted of sexually assaulting a few children, after a jury used ancient common law right, deciding evidence wasn't strong enough.)

Case of Adam Theodore Rubin - Teacher, Coach and Girl Scout Coordinator (Accused of using a computer to solicit sex with a minor, possession of a controlled dangerous substance and possession of drug paraphernalia).

Case of Georges Schteinberg - Teacher, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Accused of possession of child pornography. Charges dropped when Schteinberg fled the country).

Case of Aryeh Scher - Israeli vice-consul, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Accused of possession of child pornography. Charges dropped when Scher fled the country).

Case of David Schwartz - Camp Counselor, Culver City, CA (Convicted and sentenced to one year in residential treatment and five years' probation for molesting a 4-year-old boy in his care at summer camp. A six-year prison sentence was suspended).

Case of Jerrold Schwartz - Scoutmaster, NY (Convicted and sentanced to 8 years in prison for multiple counts of sodomizing his former scout ).

Case of Irwin Silverman - Chief Counsel to U.S. secretary of interior 1933-53 (Accused of molesting his daughter Sue William Silverman. )

Case of Paul Slifer - Teacher (Accused of sexually assaulting a several students, and impersonating a doctor. )

Case of Ari Sorkin - Synagogue Youth Worker, Elkins Park, PA (Accused of molesting a 16 yr. old girl)

Case of Tel Aviv Arts School, Tel Aviv, Israel

Case of Dr. Saul and Judith Wasserman (Accused of molesting their daughter)

Case of David Douglas Webber - Mashgiach (Kashrut Supervisor), Canada (Convicted and sentenced to six years for possessing child pornography and molesting seven boys over the past eight years).
There's no such thing as a "white Catholic".

Christianity is a Jewish invention, which subverted "white" religion and paganism.

Your silly hangup is unworthy of the true goals of nationalism; degeneracy knows no racial bounds, so a Jew who conforms to the interests of nationalism and global fascism is more useful to a nationalist state than a white degenerate. (Which a good percentage of "whites" are nothing but... that is, degenerates).
There's no such thing as a "white Catholic".

Christianity is a Jewish invention, which subverted "white" religion and paganism.

Your silly hangup is unworthy of the true goals of nationalism; degeneracy knows no racial bounds, so a Jew who conforms to the interests of nationalism and global fascism is more useful to a nationalist state than a white degenerate.

There was a Schism between Catholics & Jews.

The ones who embraced Christ vs the ones who killed & disrespected Christ.

That's not to say that Jews founded Christianity.

More like Jews rejected Christianity for 2,000 years.

Meanwhile, Ashkenazis mostly spoke Yiddish a Germanic based language, and were semi-White looking.

To say that Ashkenazis founded Christianity, is absurd.

Probably Palestinian Christians are closer to the ones who founded Christianity, than Ashkenazis are.
There was a Schism between Catholics & Jews.

The ones who embraced Christ vs the ones who killed & disrespected Christ.

That's not to say that Jews founded Christianity.

More like Jews rejected Christianity for 2,000 years.

Meanwhile, Ashkenazis mostly spoke Yiddish a Germanic based language, and were semi-White looking.

To say that Ashkenazis founded Christianity, is absurd.

Probably Palestinian Christians are closer to the ones who founded Christianity, than Ashkenazis are.
I don't know what you're blathering about, fact is that Christianity is not "white".

White religion such as paganism (e.x. Odin-ism) was subverted by the Jewish invention of Christianity.
We know Super Atheist Dawkins was molested by one of his teachers, but he thinks 'a little pedophilia is okay' and is fine with it. We know homosexuals and the 'Gay Rights' hoax is fine with pedophiles, sinc ethey made NAMBLA such a prominent member of the ILGA and took other leaders of 'Rights' orgs from its membership, and the Founder of the American 'Gay Rights' org Harry Hay was fond of NAMBLA as well, carrying a sign around in 'Gay Pride' parades saying NAMBLA Walks With Me, and we know 'Progressives' and Democrats love 'Gay Rights' so the obviously love pedophiles, too. The Progressive magazine wrote a an article gushing over how wonderful Harry Hay is, and Obama made a pedophile fan his 'Children's Education Czar'. It's also more than a little hypocritical when they use the fact that their pet perverts infiltrate organizations specifically to rape boys they suddenly aren't homosexuals any more but 'priests and rabbis', not the wonderful homos the left gushes over; well, we know wha they are and who loves them anyway, so that dishonest attempt at spin just doesn't fly with sane people.

And not only that, but the deviants and their fans are now trying to 'normalize' pedophilia; Salon has a pedophile writer who contributes Pity Party screeds in apologia for the poor oppressed fetishists in their left wing rag.

So, yes, we know pedophilia is just fine with atheists, the left wing 'Progressive' and Democrat ones most certainly.
If one is an atheist, how can they believe that pedophilia or molesting children is morally wrong, as opposed to just another lifestyle or "preference".

(Even if they believe it is wrong, they can and only do so by stealing and culturally-apporpriating religious or moral values based on faith, not "science", "emperical evidence", or any other silly and ubiquitously misued notion, lol).

(Fun fact, historically there have been plenty of atheists who had no problem with pedophilia or molesting children, or other sexually deviant acts or desires, such as the infamous Marquis de Sade who thought that anything "natural" or "impulsive", even rape or child molestation was fine - much as how modern "LGBT" rights groups have had documented ties to NAMBLA and other pro-pedophilia organizations).

The same sick freaks are also now advocating 'after birth abortions' of children up to two years old, and of course hide behind 'science' to make their case. They are all essentially neo-pagans, not 'atheists' per se, hence their limitless drive for massive human sacrifices; their 'solutions' to big problems is always mass murders of people, whether babies or uppity peasants who refuse to bend to the state dictators. The current jihad is merely a prelude to their genocides of white proles, as a favor to Wall Street, getting rid of the last obstacle to a Red Chinese style labor racketeering agenda the 'Globalists' enjoyed for a while in Asia, and now want to bring home to the U.S. and recreate that Business Paradise here, now the Red Chinese have upped the shakedowns there.
There's no such thing as a "white Catholic".

Christianity is a Jewish invention, which subverted "white" religion and paganism.

Your silly hangup is unworthy of the true goals of nationalism; degeneracy knows no racial bounds, so a Jew who conforms to the interests of nationalism and global fascism is more useful to a nationalist state than a white degenerate. (Which a good percentage of "whites" are nothing but... that is, degenerates).

Jupiter called to say "go fuck yourself."
If one is an atheist, how can they believe that pedophilia or molesting children is morally wrong, as opposed to just another lifestyle or "preference".

(Even if they believe it is wrong, they can and only do so by stealing and culturally-apporpriating religious or moral values based on faith, not "science", "emperical evidence", or any other silly and ubiquitously misued notion, lol).

(Fun fact, historically there have been plenty of atheists who had no problem with pedophilia or molesting children, or other sexually deviant acts or desires, such as the infamous Marquis de Sade who thought that anything "natural" or "impulsive", even rape or child molestation was fine - much as how modern "LGBT" rights groups have had documented ties to NAMBLA and other pro-pedophilia organizations).

Even if one is born gay they still need to seek deliverance and forgiveness in Christ.

Even if one is born gay they still need to seek deliverance and forgiveness in Christ.
Not really. Jesus already died so that everyone would have salvation. Are you implying that it didn't work? Does God need to send His next son to "finish the job"?

You might want to check your subject-verb agreement.


Not really. Jesus already died so that everyone would have salvation. Are you implying that it didn't work? Does God need to send His next son to "finish the job"?

You might want to check your subject-verb agreement.



Gay men can be saved and receive eternal life by the propitiation of the Messiah but they cannot live a life of gratitude and service unless they repent from that which so easily takes them captive - lust
