Atheism and pedophilia

That is a human deduction that crosses the line.
Who is fit to question the human deduction that God gave us, and in so doing, to question God's judgement?

The word is the final authority and is clear that sex between same genders is a sin and must be condemned.
Nope. I acknowledge that it is declared to be an abomination for a man to lay with another man ... but there is no condemnation of lesbians whatsoever. It is clear that the Word of God finds lesbians kind of sexy. So, gay men are out; you have a point there. Lesbians, however, are good to go.

Some people are born with weaknesses due to Adam’s fall.
So Adam didn't condemn all men ... just some. How did some manage to wiggle out of that? Was there a lottery or something?

It might be more of a problem for one person to refrain from same sex lust just like another might struggle with the temptation to murder.
Wouldn't Adam's fall have the same effect on everyone? How did it somehow turn into a different random "punishment" for each person?

It doesn’t matter if you were born gay you still need to seek the power of deliverance in Christ’s forgiveness and go about living your life for truth.
Did we just come full circle?

Who is fit to question the human deduction that God gave us, and in so doing, to question God's judgement?

I Am

Nope. I acknowledge that it is declared to be an abomination for a man to lay with another man ... but there is no condemnation of lesbians whatsoever. It is clear that the Word of God finds lesbians kind of sexy. So, gay men are out; you have a point there. Lesbians, however, are good to go.


So Adam didn't condemn all men ... just some. How did some manage to wiggle out of that? Was there a lottery or something?

All men are already condemned heading for hell.

Wouldn't Adam's fall have the same effect on everyone? How did it somehow turn into a different random "punishment" for each person?

It’s the same for all.

Did we just come full circle?

You’ve gone beyond what is written.


What is thy name

It doesn't answer the question.

the standards that facilitate harmonious coexistence, we can reason through what those are.

pretending morality can only come from religion is another elite psyop mental slide.

its military industrial complex horseshit.
the standards that facilitate harmonious coexistence, we can reason through what those.

pretending morality can only come from religion another elits psyop mental slide.

its military industrial complex horseshit.

So what you claim are your morals aren't really based on anything but a feel good mentality? Sounds to me like your morals are relative and easily changed based on the situation.
So what you claim are your morals aren't really based on anything but a feel good mentality? Sounds to me like your morals are relative and easily changed based on the situation.

no. it's behaviors that facilitate voluntary, cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships.
Who is fit to question the human deduction that God gave us, and in so doing, to question God's judgement?
I must admit, that is bold, however I would remind you that The Word is the final authority. Wait, are you claiming to be a prophet?

Nope. I acknowledge that it is declared to be an abomination for a man to lay with another man ... but there is no condemnation of lesbians whatsoever. It is clear that the Word of God finds lesbians kind of sexy. So, gay men are out; you have a point there. Lesbians, however, are good to go.

KJV: Leviticus 20:13 - “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

The Word is the final authority and you have gone beyond what is written.

So Adam didn't condemn all men ... just some. How did some manage to wiggle out of that? Was there a lottery or something?
All men are already condemned heading for hell.
So that whole Jesus dying on the cross was all for naught? It didn't work? Wouldn't God have foreseen that His little gambit to have His son die for man's sins was doomed to failure? ... yet He went through with it anyway? Why? I'm all ears.

It might be more of a problem for one person to refrain from same sex lust just like another might struggle with the temptation to murder.
Wouldn't Adam's fall have the same effect on everyone? How did it somehow turn into a different random "punishment" for each person?
It’s the same for all.
Now you are changing your story in direct contradiction with your argument.

Even if one is born gay they still need to seek deliverance and forgiveness in Christ.
Not really. Jesus already died so that everyone would have salvation. Are you implying that it didn't work? Does God need to send His next son to "finish the job"?
It doesn’t matter if you were born gay you still need to seek the power of deliverance in Christ’s forgiveness and go about living your life for truth.
Did we just come full circle?
You’ve gone beyond what is written.
That would seem to be what you are doing. Aren't you reading a bit into what is written? ... and are you authorized to do that?

What is thy name?
I am he who Be Da Mann. I'm kind of a modern day prophet. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.
