Atheism and pedophilia

Exitin the womb with Adam’s sin.


Exiting a mother's womb (with or without Adam's sin) is not in and of itself a sin.

If one is "born gay", (ie "how God made them"), then you seem to be hereby asking one who was born gay to ask God for forgiveness for how God in his infinite wisdom decided to make that person... Seems kinda silly, don't it?
However, to believe "there is no God" is to likewise hold a religious belief.

Explain how not believing something is a religion.

"There is no God" IS a belief; a belief that cannot be proven/disproven. It makes use of the same logical framework that the Christian belief "Jesus Christ exists and is the Son of God" makes use of.

What one is logically doing in both cases is accepting, as True, an initial circular argument of some sort (such as the two examples above) and then basing any additional argumentation on the accepted truth of that initial circular argument. Thus, religion can be defined as "an initial circular argument (aka "faith") with additional arguments extending from it". Any belief that makes use of the aforementioned logical framework is what one typically calls a 'religious belief'. There need not be a deity of any sort involved in order for a religion to exist.

To make and accept a circular argument as a True is perfectly fine, but any attempt to prove one (or to use one in a proof) is a fallacy (Circular Argument Fallacy).
"There is no God" IS a belief; a belief that cannot be proven/disproven. It makes use of the same logical framework that the Christian belief "Jesus Christ exists and is the Son of God" makes use of.

What one is logically doing in both cases is accepting, as True, an initial circular argument of some sort (such as the two examples above) and then basing any additional argumentation on the accepted truth of that initial circular argument. Thus, religion can be defined as "an initial circular argument (aka "faith") with additional arguments extending from it". Any belief that makes use of the aforementioned logical framework is what one typically calls a 'religious belief'. There need not be a deity of any sort involved in order for a religion to exist.

To make and accept a circular argument as a True is perfectly fine, but any attempt to prove one (or to use one in a proof) is a fallacy (Circular Argument Fallacy).

Not having a belief is not the same as believing it is false to have such a belief.
The idea that one has to believe in God or believe God does not exist is an argument proffered by the religious. I do not have to accept the provocation.

For example, someone says you have to want to live in Cleveland or believe it is wrong to live in Cleveland. No, I simply do not base my life on Cleveland being a good or bad place to live. Same with believing in God. I reject the idea that I have to either believe in God or believe God does not exist.
claiming the lack of a religious belief is a religious belief is a silly stretch of semantics
Not my claim. See my post #84 for further explanation.

religion holds that you believe in the supernatural - or more apt - the belief in something other then a scientific explanation
Define "supernatural".

You're on the right track when you essentially say "not science", but you don't seem to understand what either science or religion actually are. Religion, simply put, is "an initial circular argument (aka "faith") with other arguments extending from it". Religion need not involve a deity, demons, angels, ghosts, spirits, or anything of that sort.

If you want to say it requires faith - to not believe - I agree.
Does a religious belief require faith?
I replied to you - the quote feature was your words.
Mantra 30a.

I find it hilarious how you maintain smugness while getting destroyed in a debate
Mantras 1, 7.

all religions require faith - not all faiths require religion
Define "faith". Define "faiths".

I am unsure how you are coming to the conclusion that atheism is a "lack of a religious belief". Sure, it "lacks belief" in the belief that God exists, but it "contains belief" in the belief that God does not exist, which is in and of itself a religious belief.
Not having a belief
"God does not exist" IS a belief, dude...

is not the same as believing it is false to have such a belief.
Believing that "God exists" is a 'false claim' is to simultaneously believe that "God does not exist" is a 'true claim'. Otherwise, one need not hold a belief on the matter at all (Agnosticism).

The idea that one has to believe in God or believe God does not exist is an argument proffered by the religious. I do not have to accept the provocation.
Never said that you did. You could always be an agnostic and not hold a belief either way.

For example, someone says you have to want to live in Cleveland or believe it is wrong to live in Cleveland. No, I simply do not base my life on Cleveland being a good or bad place to live. Same with believing in God. I reject the idea that I have to either believe in God or believe God does not exist.
See above.
you're still an idiot


For this one part, I would say that a Christian such as myself could counter by saying that Romans 1:26-27 speaks against lesbianism,
Outstanding. Well, I'll go with that. I would note that it's New Testament as well (as opposed to the Old Testament which some Christians dismiss as being OBE).

I would like to mention that the word "unnatural" as written in Romans is the wrong word and really needs to be "abnormal." Homosexuals are 100% natural. There is nothing synthetic, artificial or unnatural in either a gay or lesbian, and for them homosexual relationships and sex is completely natural as well. Just looking at the numbers, however, we can see that homosexuals are "outside the norm" or are "abnormal" in that regard. I acknowledge that homosexuals don't often appreciate the connotation levied by common uses of the word "abnormal" and they have my sympathies however until they get their numbers up, "abnormal" is the correct word.

The catching that he said "some people" instead of "all people" was on point, and yes Adam's fall would have the same effect on everyone (sin in general).
If that were the case then everyone would equally be able to resist the same "sin" ... yes? In fact, the "sin" of gay sex isn't tempting in the least. It's repulsive, if you ask yours truly. There is no way anyone could be sufficiently "tempted" by something repulsive ... if we were all equally affected by Adam's little blunder ... which was what? That's right ... Adam's mistake was trusting the woman in the picture. I blame the Bilbe for perpetuating a "victim" culture for crimes occurring long ago. Let's just get the reparations and be done with it, i.e. get women to pay for the damage Eve did. No Justice, No Peace; Know Justice, Know Peace.
However, to believe "there is no God" is to likewise hold a religious belief.
Exactly! Well done. Your account is being credited.


This is something that distinguishes me (an atheist) from warmizombies (theists). I have no theism therefore I have no such belief that "there is no God" ... nor do I have the belief that there is a God. I just don't have any beliefs. I do not reject any deities; I just do not have any.

I neither reject my neighbor's house nor deny its existence; I just do not have it.
yikes. It seems Trump supporters are working overdrive to make sure I find them repulsive and disgusting why so eager to push away agnostics from your tent with this sophomoric piece of idiocy?

1. When did it suddenly become about you and "agnostics"?

2. What do you think an "agnostic" is? I ask because every self-proclaimed "agnostic" I have ever met was really just a confused atheist. I'm just wondering if you are any different.
Surely, of all groups, RC priests show up highest on pedophile offenses (to judge from what that organisation has had to pay out, anyway). Are they atheists?
Hello MarcusA,

If one is an atheist, how can they believe that pedophilia or molesting children is morally wrong, as opposed to just another lifestyle or "preference".

Simple. One logically believes that this is hurtful to children and society. Since humans exist in societies, it is illogical for a member of the collective to do anything which is hurtful to the collective.

Belief in a creator / overseer entity is not a prerequisite for having strong morals. Morals are simply logically doing what is good for the collective that the individual depends on.