Atheism and pedophilia

Even if one is born gay they still need to seek deliverance and forgiveness in Christ.

For what sin? Exiting a mother's womb is not a sin.

If one is "born gay", (ie "how God made them"), then you seem to be hereby asking one who was born gay to ask God for forgiveness for how God in his infinite wisdom decided to make that person... Seems kinda silly, don't it?
That's the level of intelligence on which your relative morals exist.

it's not moral relativism you idiot. there are tried and true ways that humans build positive relationships over time.

don't be a liar

don't smack people around

dont commit fraud on others

don't steal stuff...

this reasoned morality, separated from religion, cannot be hijacked by totalitarians, that's why they insist morality must be religious dogma.
it's not moral relativism you idiot. there are tried and true ways that humans build positive relationships over time.

don't be a liar

don't smack people around

dont commit fraud on others

don't steal stuff...


By what standard do you determine whether or not something is a lie, fraudulent, or stealing?
Nope. I acknowledge that it is declared to be an abomination for a man to lay with another man ... but there is no condemnation of lesbians whatsoever. It is clear that the Word of God finds lesbians kind of sexy. So, gay men are out; you have a point there. Lesbians, however, are good to go.
For this one part, I would say that a Christian such as myself could counter by saying that Romans 1:26-27 speaks against lesbianism, as it mentions women changing the natural use into that which is against nature, and then the following verse continues that same thought and specifically mentions men having relations with men. There seems to be a parallel thought being expressed there.

The catching that he said "some people" instead of "all people" was on point, and yes Adam's fall would have the same effect on everyone (sin in general). Certain sins just happen to be more tempting than others depending on the individual and their experiences.

It seems Trump supporters are working overdrive to make sure I find them repulsive and disgusting

why so eager to push away agnostics from your tent with this sophomoric piece of idiocy?

It seems Trump supporters are working overdrive to make sure I find them repulsive and disgusting
This thread has nothing to do with Trump supporters, and to assume that Christians (no matter how fundamentalist any particular Christian might be) are all "Trump supporters" is bigotry, dude. Yikes.

why so eager to push away agnostics from your tent with this sophomoric piece of idiocy?
That's what happens when one is a fundamentalist believer of ANY religion... Such fundamentalism is not fun to be around, and tends to push people away instead of bring people together...
This thread has nothing to do with Trump supporters, and to assume that Christians (no matter how fundamentalist any particular Christian might be) are all "Trump supporters" is bigotry, dude. Yikes.

That's what happens when one is a fundamentalist believer of ANY religion... Such fundamentalism is not fun to be around, and tends to push people away instead of bring people together...

I've been around the block long enough to recognize who posts and who they support

so as much as you think you have a point, it was a bad one
I must admit, that is bold, however I would remind you that The Word is the final authority. Wait, are you claiming to be a prophet?

The Word is the final authority and you have gone beyond what is written.

So that whole Jesus dying on the cross was all for naught? It didn't work? Wouldn't God have foreseen that His little gambit to have His son die for man's sins was doomed to failure? ... yet He went through with it anyway? Why? I'm all ears.

Now you are changing your story in direct contradiction with your argument.

That would seem to be what you are doing. Aren't you reading a bit into what is written? ... and are you authorized to do that?

I am he who Be Da Mann. I'm kind of a modern day prophet. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.



For what sin? Exiting a mother's womb is not a sin.

If one is "born gay", (ie "how God made them"), then you seem to be hereby asking one who was born gay to ask God for forgiveness for how God in his infinite wisdom decided to make that person... Seems kinda silly, don't it?

Exitin the womb with Adam’s sin.

you're an idiot


Indeed. It is very possible for an agnostic to behave morally.

However, to believe "there is no God" is to likewise hold a religious belief.

claiming the lack of a religious belief is a religious belief is a silly stretch of semantics

religion holds that you believe in the supernatural - or more apt - the belief in something other then a scientific explanation

If you want to say it requires faith - to not believe - I agree.
If one is an atheist, how can they believe that pedophilia or molesting children is morally wrong, as opposed to just another lifestyle or "preference".
They can believe it to be morally wrong by coming to their own conclusion about the matter.

It's not that they CAN'T do so... They can, and do, condemn such behavior. But this is where the Christian then tends to make a point about "objective moral standards" and what is the root grounding of one's moral beliefs.