Austrian economics
Austrian School of Economics
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Forerunner of unrestrained free market (libertarian) economics, its central concept is that the coordination of human effort can be achieved only through the combined decisions and judgments of individuals and cannot be forced by an external agency such as a government. It emphasizes complete freedom of association and sovereignty of individual property rights. Its other main tenets include (1) abolishment of central banks and return to the gold standard, (2) elimination of bank deposit insurance schemes so that bank failures punish bad investments, (3) institution of an information system that make real-time prices data available to everyone, (4) abandonment of mathematical models as too rigid and limited to be of any use. Most of its recommendations are fiercely opposed by the mainstream (both capitalist and socialist) economists who call it 'anarchist economics,' and barely acknowledge its existence.
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The whole leave the gold standard and tax cutting crap is Austrian bullshit

PROOF that Desh doesn't even read or at least comprehend what is written on the links she posts from. She just spews forth a link and hopes that it will make a case for her.
I did not say the right was anti gold standard

I said the whole leave the gold standard thing is there issue.

They want to go back to It.

the whole leaving of the gold standard thingy is THEIR issue
Now will you admit they are considered the idiot school of economics by all the other fields of economics?
Now this is yet another example of the money power people duping the stupid into doing their bidding.

Just like the right siding with the tiny fraction of science that says GW is not real.

The wealthy manipulate these idiots non stop.
I did not say the right was anti gold standard
I said the whole leave the gold standard thing is there issue.
They want to go back to It.
the whole leaving of the gold standard thingy is THEIR issue

Why do you hit enter twice after every sentence?

As for the above... do you even read what YOU write? You reversed your position twice in four sentences. You said the leave the gold standard was their issue, but they want to go back to it, but that the leave the gold standard was their issue.
the whole leave the gold standard thingy?

Its what made the Austrians mad huh.

Now defend your theory instead of playing childish fucking games diversiontroll.

You wont because even you know they are completely bullshit theories
why do you NEVER admit when your wrong?

why do you adhere to a failed economic theory?

1) I am not wrong on this issue, YOU are
2) I do not adhere to a failed economic theory. YOU however, do not understand any of the economic theories and yet continue to try and pretend that you do.
the whole leave the gold standard thingy?

Its what made the Austrians mad huh.

Now defend your theory instead of playing childish fucking games diversiontroll.

You wont because even you know they are completely bullshit theories

1) What part of the Austrian theory would you like to discuss Desh?

2) Why do you keep pretending that everyone who says you don't know what you are talking about is supportive of the Austrians? Ever heard of supply side economics Desh? Keynesian theory? Know the differences? Do you even know where I actually stand on them? Or are you once again just an idiot spouting off on a topic she has no clue on?
Why does the Austiran school ignore all the math the other schools use?

why does the entire field of economics consider the austrians a joke?
Why out of all the schools of economics do the republican pick the one the rest of the experts say is a joke?