Bachmann loses Georgia


Well-known member
so much for Bachmann's "big" win in Iowa giving her any momentum going into Georgia...let's all watch DY spin this into some sort of "win" for her.

Herman Cain edges out Ron Paul in Georgia GOP straw poll

Georgia native and tea party favorite Herman Cain edged out libertarian Ron Paul at the GOP annual fish fry down in Perry on Saturday.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney finished a surprisingly distant fifth, behind Texas Gov. Rick Perry and another Georgia favorite, former U.S. House speaker Newt Gingrich. Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann also had a weak showing.

Results were just phoned in by B.J. VanGundy, the party’s second vice president. Over 1100 tickets were sold, he said, and 890 votes were cast.

The totals:

– Herman Cain, 232 or 26 percent;

– Ron Paul, 229 or 25.7 percent;

– Rick Perry, 179 or 20 percent;

– Newt Gingrich, 162 or 18 percent;

– Mitt Romney, 51 or 6 percent;

– Michele Bachman, 29 or 3 percent;

– Rick Santorum, 4 or .4 percent

– Jon Huntsman, 3 or .3 percent;

– Thad McCotter, 1 or .1 percent;

– Buddy Roemer, 0;

– Gary Johnson, 0;
Straw polls aren't even worth a handful of straw. I don't know why anyone even pays attention to them. The most they do is tell the candidates where they need to campaign harder. Straw polls had Hillary Clinton all but elected at this time in the last election cycle.
LMFAOooo... 1,100 people do a STRAW POLL and you fucktards are exuberantly chortling that Bachmann lost Georgia? Do you half-wits understand how elections work? Does someone need to explain to your retard asses that a straw poll isn't an election, and isn't even scientific or official?
Straw polls... Waste of all of our time to hear about who won these things... Although Ron Paul is a respectable second in both... Clearly he's going to use his super powers to defeat Obama.
Its hilarious that Zippy thinks Iowa wasn't a big win for Bachmann but insists that this poll, 1/18 in size and few campaigned for, is a big loss.
If I have to explain why defending Bachmonn makes you look stupid, you wouldn't understand.

Defending Bachmann? Is that what you think is happening here? She lost an 1,100-person straw poll, she didn't commit murder. I'm sorry, I don't see where anyone is "defending" her by pointing out this was a straw poll (and a rather small one), and doesn't mean diddly-squat. By you making out like this is some big deal, does that mean you're 'defending' Herman Cain?

Fucking idiots!
Its hilarious that Zippy thinks Iowa wasn't a big win for Bachmann but insists that this poll, 1/18 in size and few campaigned for, is a big loss.

I never used to term "big loss" about that?

ANOTHER douchebag Rightie who's got to hide behind a troll persona because he's too stupid to get his facts straight...

Can anyone name the conservative poster on these boards who spent the last two weeks insisting that Bachmann's Iowa straw poll victory was a "big win"?

Come out come out wherever you are...
I never used to term "big loss" about that?

ANOTHER douchebag Rightie who's got to hide behind a troll persona because he's too stupid to get his facts straight...

Can anyone name the conservative poster on these boards who spent the last two weeks insisting that Bachmann's Iowa straw poll victory was a "big win"?

Come out come out wherever you are...

Okay, first of all, STRAW POLLS are NOT elections! Nothing counts with a straw poll, it's purely for entertainment value. We could do a straw poll here, and it would mean about the same thing. So, this idea that a straw poll is the same as winning or losing an actual election, is about the stupidest idea liberals have had in the past few weeks, at least.

That said, there is a HUGE difference between the Iowa straw poll and the Georgia straw poll. Where Georgia had 1,100 participants, the Iowa poll was over 20,000. 20-times higher the number, in a state that is three times smaller than Georgia in population. The significance, from a "polling" perspective, is HUGE. Not that either poll really means much at this point.
Okay, first of all, STRAW POLLS are NOT elections! Nothing counts with a straw poll, it's purely for entertainment value. We could do a straw poll here, and it would mean about the same thing. So, this idea that a straw poll is the same as winning or losing an actual election, is about the stupidest idea liberals have had in the past few weeks, at least.

That said, there is a HUGE difference between the Iowa straw poll and the Georgia straw poll. Where Georgia had 1,100 participants, the Iowa poll was over 20,000. 20-times higher the number, in a state that is three times smaller than Georgia in population. The significance, from a "polling" perspective, is HUGE. Not that either poll really means much at this point.

Well for once we agree...straw polls mean about as much as a festering bowl of dog snot...and the ONLY difference between the Iowa and Georgia straw polls was the size of the group surveyed.

That said, I can't think of one liberal on these boards who equates winning the Iowa straw poll with winning an actual election, the only person who's done so in the past few weeks is Damn Yankee.

Maybe you need to take this up with him and explain to him how Iowa didn't mean diddly squat.
Well for once we agree...straw polls mean about as much as a festering bowl of dog snot...and the ONLY difference between the Iowa and Georgia straw polls was the size of the group surveyed.

That said, I can't think of one liberal on these boards who equates winning the Iowa straw poll with winning an actual election, the only person who's done so in the past few weeks is Damn Yankee.

Maybe you need to take this up with him and explain to him how Iowa didn't mean diddly squat.

The fucking thread title is "BACHMANN LOSES GEORGIA!" Followed by analysis which seems to indicate the pinheads thought there was some finality here. Bachmann didn't LOSE anything but a straw poll of 1,100 people in Georgia, a place she has done little campaigning, and a place where Herman Cain feels right at home, because that's what it is!

Winning the straw poll in Iowa, was MUCH more significant, in terms of what it means politically, than the straw poll in Georgia. Not only were there 20-times more people involved in a state 1/3 the size, it is also the first caucus when the primaries get here, so it is of key importance in that regard. 1,100 people in a state of over 9 million, means virtually NOTHING politically.
Bachmann is last week's garbage.

She is all done.

Even idiots like Dixie are seeing her for what she is, nothing.

Why bother talking about last week's garbage?