Back the Blue


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134 Police Officers Assaulted by Conservatives in Capitol Riots, Justice Department Says

A Justice Department court filing says: "In the course of the insurrection, approximately 81 Capitol Police and 58 MPD officers were assaulted, including one Capitol Police officer who died."

Disturbing footage and photos have shown officers being beaten, crushed by crowds and dragged down steps as the mob overwhelmed law enforcement.
Hello Cypress,

134 Police Officers Assaulted by Conservatives in Capitol Riots, Justice Department Says

A Justice Department court filing says: "In the course of the insurrection, approximately 81 Capitol Police and 58 MPD officers were assaulted, including one Capitol Police officer who died."

Disturbing footage and photos have shown officers being beaten, crushed by crowds and dragged down steps as the mob overwhelmed law enforcement.

Trying to show how much they support 'law and order Trump'...

Which begs the question.

If Trump is so 'law and order,' how come he's been to court thousands of times?
Blue Lives Matter.
Oppose rightwing insurrection.

Yes! Where was your outcry?

In Chicago



In Minneapolis


In Portland


Lying hypocrite...
Yes! Where was your outcry?

In Chicago



In Minneapolis


In Portland


Lying hypocrite...

First, you have been caught red handed posting fake misleading photos before, so I do not trust any photo you post.

Second, I am on record saying any punk engaged in vandalism needs to get their ass arrested.
134 Police Officers Assaulted by Conservatives in Capitol Riots, Justice Department Says

A Justice Department court filing says: "In the course of the insurrection, approximately 81 Capitol Police and 58 MPD officers were assaulted, including one Capitol Police officer who died."

Disturbing footage and photos have shown officers being beaten, crushed by crowds and dragged down steps as the mob overwhelmed law enforcement.

Where were you when all those cops were being assaulted by antifa protestors, shot and killed, etc? its funny watching you all who stood by as they were assaulted, pretending to care about the capitol cops and it's even funnier watching you desperately try to hang that behavior around the entire other tribe. Do you really think if you pit your sides treatment of LEO's against theirs you wouldn't look completely foolish at the end? if you want to hang this incident around all of the right, by your standards, all the anti cop attacks that happened by the left, then you own.
First, you have been caught red handed posting fake misleading photos before, so I do not trust any photo you post.

Second, I am on record saying any punk engaged in vandalism needs to get their ass arrested.

And third, this is comparing apples to oranges. There is a big difference between protests of disgruntled citizens that turn into riots, and insurrections storming the Capitol chanting "Kill Mike Pence" and causing the deaths of five people in an attempt to overturn a lawful election whose results they don't like.
And third, this is comparing apples to oranges. There is a big difference between protests of disgruntled citizens that turn into riots, and insurrections storming the Capitol chanting "Kill Mike Pence" and causing the deaths of five people in an attempt to overturn a lawful election whose results they don't like.

Disagree, attacking police officers is bad no matter the excuse unless its self defense.

So are you really saying this is justified because citizens are "Disgruntled"?

and this black police chief's murder was ok because the protestors were protesting george floyd?

Or these 5 officers, it's again, ok because it was protest?

That's 8 cops killed by blm/antifa protestors. Are you really justifying it?
Where were you when all those cops were being assaulted by antifa protestors, shot and killed, etc? its funny watching you all who stood by as they were assaulted, pretending to care about the capitol cops and it's even funnier watching you desperately try to hang that behavior around the entire other tribe. Do you really think if you pit your sides treatment of LEO's against theirs you wouldn't look completely foolish at the end? if you want to hang this incident around all of the right, by your standards, all the anti cop attacks that happened by the left, then you own.

I believe you are the only poster in JPP history to give out more groans than thanks.

Next, I accept your tacit admission that conservative protesters are not peaceful and orderly, which is exactly what rightwing posters spent enormous effort here trying to claim.
I believe you are the only poster in JPP history to give out more groans than thanks.

Next, I accept your tacit admission that conservative protesters are not peaceful and orderly, which is exactly what rightwing posters spent enormous effort here trying to claim.

1. yup so what? does it really affect your life that much? #triggered

2. I will take your concession you really don't give a fuck about cops being killed or beaten, but only when you can use them as a prop for your tribal barking. ;)
And third, this is comparing apples to oranges. There is a big difference between protests of disgruntled citizens that turn into riots, and insurrections storming the Capitol chanting "Kill Mike Pence" and causing the deaths of five people in an attempt to overturn a lawful election whose results they don't like.
too right you are.

I am unaware of any BLM protest which injured and maimed 140 cops.
140 in one single protest??

Anyone assaulting police officers who are just doing their job need to be thrown in jail.

I accept your tacit admission that your intent is to minimize and distract from the violent insurrection perpetrated by conservatives against our duly elected government on January 6.

you are moving goal posts.

you suck at this.

2000 vs 140.

and the 140 included very minor minor injuries to up the count.

I see you only care about police when they are injured in a single incident.
you are moving goal posts.

you suck at this.

2000 vs 140.

and the 140 included very minor minor injuries to up the count.

I see you only care about police when they are injured in a single incident.
I spent virtually zero time defending any vandalists, petty criminals, and anarchists who were associated with BLM protests.

On the flipside, you clearly are emotionally invested in distracting from and minimizing the violent acts of treasonous seditionists of Jan 6.

That is a substantial difference between you and me

Here is a description of the jan 6 conservative racist insurrection by a black officer who was there.
I spent virtually zero time defending any vandalists, petty criminals, and anarchists who were associated with BLM protests.

On the flipside, you clearly are emotionally invested in distracting from and minimizing the violent acts of treasonous seditionists of Jan 6.

That is a substantial difference between you and me

Here is a description of the jan 6 conservative racist insurrection by a black officer who was there.

You spent no time condemning them either, chuckles.

you can lie about me all you want, doesn't change the facts you use cops as a prop when convenient. And it is a lie to say I am defending the rioters. get some integrity.