Back the Blue

You spent no time condemning them either, chuckles.

you can lie about me all you want, doesn't change the facts you use cops as a prop when convenient. And it is a lie to say I am defending the rioters. get some integrity.

I said at the time that petty criminals engaged in vandalism and property damage needed to have their punk asses arrested.

I praised BLM peaceful protesters who tried to protect cops from petty criminals.

What I did not do, is what you are doing - attempting to minimize and distract from a historic, violent, seditious assault on federal police officers
I said at the time that petty criminals engaged in vandalism and property damage needed to have their punk asses arrested.

What I did not do, is what you are doing - attempting to minimize and distract from a historic, violent, seditious assault on federal police officers

I said the same thing, dumb dumb and I am not doing as you claim.

you can shift your goal posts all over the field, chuckles, that doesn't change the fact of your raging hypocrisy.
I said at the time that petty criminals engaged in vandalism and property damage needed to have their punk asses arrested.

I have no problem with doing the same for the 1/6 we have a handful of petty criminals charged with vandalism.......but what's with the lib'rul fuckwits of JPP demanding years in a federal penitentiary for vandalism and property damage?......
I have no problem with doing the same for the 1/6 we have a handful of petty criminals charged with vandalism.......but what's with the lib'rul fuckwits of JPP demanding years in a federal penitentiary for vandalism and property damage?......
I see right through your phony straw man argument.

No conservative protestor has even been convicted and sentenced yet - so there is no reason to accept your implication they are doing 20 years in prison for simple trespassing.
I see right through your phony straw man argument.

No conservative protestor has even been convicted and sentenced yet - so there is no reason to accept your implication they are doing 20 years in prison for simple trespassing.

I realize you're a bit dense, but there is no way any sensible person could construe my post as a claim that anyone is currently serving any sentences over 1/6........however, if you retain any sense of honesty whatsoever (and I realize that you are a lib'rul and that is not likely) you will have to admit there are entire threads where lib'ruls are salivating over protestors spending years being raped by their fellow prisoners.........
I realize you're a bit dense, but there is no way any sensible person could construe my post as a claim that anyone is currently serving any sentences over 1/6........however, if you retain any sense of honesty whatsoever (and I realize that you are a lib'rul and that is not likely) you will have to admit there are entire threads where lib'ruls are salivating over protestors spending years being raped by their fellow prisoners.........

You will have a hard time finding a post from me celebrating a conservative protestor being raped in prison. Prison rape does not even generally cross my thought process - you have a very dirty mind.

Wrapping up: I reject your implication that disrupting a lawful legislative session of the federal government and causing senators to flee for their lives is in any way, shape, or form analogous to trespassing on your neighbor's lawn.
You will have a hard time finding a post from me celebrating a conservative protestor being raped in prison. Prison rape does not even generally cross my thought process - you have a very dirty mind.

Wrapping up: I reject your implication that disrupting a lawful legislative session of the federal government and causing senators to flee for their lives is in any way, shape, or form analogous to trespassing on your neighbor's lawn.

again, no one has said that......discuss the topic not your fantasies....the word "trespassing" has been used only twice in this thread.....both times by you....I have only used vandalism and property damage, which were terms introduced by now we have two of your strawmen here......the "maiming" of police officers and the claim of me using "trespassing" as an excuse.,.......
And third, this is comparing apples to oranges. There is a big difference between protests of disgruntled citizens that turn into riots, and insurrections storming the Capitol chanting "Kill Mike Pence" and causing the deaths of five people in an attempt to overturn a lawful election whose results they don't like.

Yeah, the big difference is those idiots that stormed the capitol didn't take over a city, burn, loot and pillage. Other cities were just burned and looted.
Yeah, the big difference is those idiots that stormed the capitol didn't take over a city, burn, loot and pillage. Other cities were just burned and looted.

Sorry, but your hyperbole smells like the b.s. that it is. No cities were burned; some areas were, but not entire cities. "Those idiots" tried to overthrow a lawful election -- at the instigation of the then-IMPOTUSx2. The BLM ppl were righteously protesting police murdering them. Is it so hard for you to admit that?
Sorry, but your hyperbole smells like the b.s. that it is. No cities were burned; some areas were, but not entire cities. "Those idiots" tried to overthrow a lawful election -- at the instigation of the then-IMPOTUSx2. The BLM ppl were righteously protesting police murdering them. Is it so hard for you to admit that?

It's over. The perpetrators are being arrested (unlike most cities). So you support BLM and their violence, which was far more costly than those assholes who stormed the capitol? Fitting.
My parents raised me to believe that one little bad apple can spoil the whole basket!

Common sense has to win out here eventually, that there are bad apples in the world.

They come in all colors and walks of life and every career field. And so why would police be an exception to that rule? Why should the BLM movement be an exception to that rule. Why should the Democrats or Republicans be an exception to that rule? Liberals or Conservatives alike?

Yes, I think we could easily find a bad apple in every group of Humans you could name.

But, I will say this- Anytime I see a riot of people and there are some bad apples in the crowd- I WILL STAND UP AND SAY THAT DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY AND INFLICTING ASSAULT UPON OTHER HUMAN BEINGS - OR ANIMALS- Or ANYONE"S PROPERTY IS WRONG AND THEY SHOULD BE ARRESTED AND Held accountable for their actions in a court of law- and with due process.

It's over. The perpetrators are being arrested (unlike most cities). So you support BLM and their violence, which was far more costly than those assholes who stormed the capitol? Fitting.

You can continue to believe that since it appears to make you happy. :rolleyes:
My parents raised me to believe that one little bad apple can spoil the whole basket!

Common sense has to win out here eventually, that there are bad apples in the world.

They come in all colors and walks of life and every career field. And so why would police be an exception to that rule? Why should the BLM movement be an exception to that rule. Why should the Democrats or Republicans be an exception to that rule? Liberals or Conservatives alike?

Yes, I think we could easily find a bad apple in every group of Humans you could name.

But, I will say this- Anytime I see a riot of people and there are some bad apples in the crowd- I WILL STAND UP AND SAY THAT DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY AND INFLICTING ASSAULT UPON OTHER HUMAN BEINGS - OR ANIMALS- Or ANYONE"S PROPERTY IS WRONG AND THEY SHOULD BE ARRESTED AND Held accountable for their actions in a court of law- and with due process.


And there you go -- you eloquently stated what the vast majority of those of us on the left believe. It is only the RWers who insist that everyone in BLM is a rioting, destructive, thieving arsonist. They use this to denigrate their true message -- that *some* LEOs are shooting unarmed black people, generally males, at a far higher percentage per population than they shoot/kill unarmed whites.
The left has demonstrated how little they really care about police shooting unarmed civilians for absolutely no reason.
FBI releases new video of conservatives attacking Capitol Police officers

The FBI released on Thursday several new video clips of violence toward police during the Capitol riot.

The videos -- showing graphic moments of rioters beating police with metal poles, stolen shields and chemical sprays -- highlight some of the more shocking moments from the riot, such as when the crowd worked to overcome a police line to push through a lower archway into the Capitol building.