Back when men were men and women were women


New member
The great heyday of the 50's when people knew their roles.

How far we have slipped.




so looking forward to the comments of misogyny, feminism, toxic masculinity, and other whiny crybaby feminists who lack masculinity........or femininity, for that matter.
so looking forward to the comments of misogyny, feminism, toxic masculinity, and other whiny crybaby feminists who lack masculinity........or femininity, for that matter.

This is hilarious!!!! I can't wait for the JPP Megan Rapinoes to see this.
I don’t smoke…but my wife is always telling me how hot I am. But she loves me so … ;)
No doubt part of that love is due to the fact that you aren't a Trumper. :thup:

I'm truly saddened by the demise of the Republican Party over the past few years and how it's devolved into a White Nationalist, Prosperity Christian Party of Trump. They have one last chance to save themselves next year at the Republican Convention. Time will tell.
Ah, yes, you're not a Trumper, DtM. You're just a Trump collaborator like your buddie Stewie Rhodes? Any means to an end, eh? LOL

you keep saying this shit, yet have NEVER provided evidence to prove makes you sound like evince. Are you of the mindset that if you're not on here slamming trump 24/7, then you're a collaborator?????
you keep saying this shit, yet have NEVER provided evidence to prove makes you sound like evince. Are you of the mindset that if you're not on here slamming trump 24/7, then you're a collaborator?????

I'm not a lawyer and this isn't a court of law, DtM. Try your excuses in front of a judge like your buddie Stewie Rhodes did.

Evidence that you are a terrorist looking forward to murdering Americans and installing your White Nationalist ideology as the law of the land, DtM?
child, I'm one of those most suited for a civil war..........better find a bunker to hide in when it starts
you're a pussy. no one gives a shit
you will
I haven't had any interest in an olive branch for 20 years............but thanks

the only thing I have an interest in expanding is the maximum effective range of my AR-15
I was a 5 time expert with my M16...............I like it.
you keep saying this shit, yet have NEVER provided evidence to prove makes you sound like evince. Are you of the mindset that if you're not on here slamming trump 24/7, then you're a collaborator?????

Which FBI or ATF building/office will you blow up, DtM? Most federal buildings have daycare centers, but that doesn't matter to you.

as I've stated in the past, mcveigh had great intentions, just really piss poor choice of target
What target would you have chosen for a truck bomb?

something more aligned with JUST FBI or ATF agents..........not a building that also housed a bunch of kids

I'm not a lawyer and this isn't a court of law, DtM. Try your excuses in front of a judge like your buddie Stewie Rhodes did.

Evidence that you are a terrorist looking forward to murdering Americans and installing your White Nationalist ideology as the law of the land, DtM?

I wonder why it is that i've never been charged with a crime? :bigthink:
I wonder why it is that i've never been charged with a crime?
Several possibilities. Given your nature, turning informant would be my first guess. A second one is that, like Trump, you don't like to get your hands dirty; you just shout heated rhetoric and hope a few dumbasses do something stupid for you*. Hence why SSGT Dolittle is a good moniker for you. A third is that they don't have enough evidence on you and/or are waiting for something.

*Asshat Zombie would make a good patsy. Clearly you've been grooming him for years to become a terrorist...even if he does it unknowingly. LOL
Several possibilities. Given your nature, turning informant would be my first guess.
given your nature, this would be projection.

A second one is that, like Trump, you don't like to get your hands dirty; you just shout heated rhetoric and hope a few dumbasses do something stupid for you*.
a good try, but i'm not much for influencing others. I do have 1,000x more ethics and principles than

Hence why SSGT Dolittle is a good moniker for you.
your little ad need to step it up. you're becoming boring.

A third is that they don't have enough evidence on you and/or are waiting for something.
again, 15 years should be enough time.......unless everything i've done is simply not against the law. Of course, waiting for something could be a really good guess, since the FBI has always been pretty incompetent about stopping actual real crime, preferring instead to create crime to stop making them look better............but i'm sure your faith in the FBI is unwavering and steadfast ;)

*Asshat Zombie would make a good patsy. Clearly you've been grooming him for years to become a terrorist...even if he does it unknowingly. LOL