Bailed-Out Banks' Execs Got $1.6 Billion


Saying, "Either get rid of the people that drove your business there or you don't get a loan" is something that any smart financial institution would require.

Instead we take over voting shares and actually take control and keep the failed execs at the same time. Which is worse?

Shocking - an ad hominem attack, from Damo.

Government mandating personnel decisions for a company is, by definition, "more control." It's something many Americans are not comfortable with; same w/ the auto industry.
I just cannot see bailing out the industry whose shortsighted stupit greedy actions caused a global finiancial crisis.
They need to burn in hell for a while.
Shocking - an ad hominem attack, from Damo.

Government mandating personnel decisions for a company is, by definition, "more control." It's something many Americans are not comfortable with; same w/ the auto industry.
Right. Adding a small ad hominem to the end of a post pointing out that I didn't "complain about socialism" as you inaccurately stated I had doesn't change the fact that a point was made in the post other than that.

Avoiding the point by Onceler? "Shocking"...

It is less than taking "controlling shares" as they have with other companies. Fire these people, hire people with a track record of success rather than failure, then we'll give you actual loans that do not include the government taking "controlling shares" of the companies.

Stop being deliberately obtuse. It is far less "control" than taking actual control. Therefore the lesser of two evils and better fiscally. Congress has no better track record of success when it comes to this than does the execs that need to be fired.
I just cannot see bailing out the industry whose shortsighted stupit greedy actions caused a global finiancial crisis.
They need to burn in hell for a while.

Do you think they exist in a vacuum, and when they suffer & fail, the rest of America is immune to it?
Do you think they exist in a vacuum, and when they suffer & fail, the rest of America is immune to it?

No but we would learn not to put too much faith is such poorly run businesses in the future. We learn very little this way and just have less money to spend on social programs and infrastructure in the future.
about 3 trillion and counting so far. And we have not hit bottom yet.
That was enough money to pay back SS all of the surplus that our gummit has spent.
You're using the automakers as an example? Pathetic.

The banks are basically stable at this point, and no more failures are imminent, barring something completely unexpected. Credit is starting to flow again to most SMALL businesses & borrowers, and the markets are reflecting that. I'm not saying 'we're back,' but clearly, the free-fall has stopped, and things have stabilized to an extent.


I agree .. you are a fool.

Even many who voted for this rape of US taxpayers are saying that it has failed .. as are the european markets.

You exhibit the magic of Obama's mindfuck as he changed otherwise normal people into complete fools who champion everything he shoves in their mouths.
I agree .. you are a fool.

Even many who voted for this rape of US taxpayers are saying that it has failed .. as are the european markets.

You exhibit the magic of Obama's mindfuck as he changed otherwise normal people into complete fools who champion everything he shoves in their mouths.

The fact that you see the bailout being pretty much "Obama's" shows how far gone you are. You really have ODS.
Shocking - an ad hominem attack, from Damo.

Government mandating personnel decisions for a company is, by definition, "more control." It's something many Americans are not comfortable with; same w/ the auto industry.

Such a requirement would not be a mandate, but rather a condition. Those companies seeking help do not have to fire the idiot leaders, and they don't have to get taxpayer money either. He who pays the piper calls the tune!
Did the stabalization of the markets come after they tanked by nearly half AFTER the bailout?

Silly man... the markets began their technical breakdown PRIOR to the bill even passing. It began when the DOW broke 10725 on 10/6 (the day they FAILED to pass the original bill).

Note... passing the bailout was not a magic fix to the market. Currently only HALF of the bailout money has been put into play. So we have yet to see what will happen AFTER the bailout is implemented as we are still in the process of doing so.
If you put a condition in a contract, the other party is always free to reject the offer.

But when there are no other choices and you have someone over a barrell, they will accept most any condition, rendering it a form of control, even if it is also a condition.
"He chose to do as instructed when we held the gun to his head, he had free will, it was his choice, our hands are clean" --
But when there are no other choices and you have someone over a barrell, they will accept most any condition, rendering it a form of control, even if it is also a condition.

"He chose to do as instructed when we held the gun to his head, he had free will, it was his choice, our hands are clean" --

while i see your point, i don't think it is entirely accurate to this situation. here, the government did not put the gun to their heads. most of these guys went ot the government and begged for help. IMO, it is foolish to ask the government for help and not expect them to want to can more control of your life/business.
Silly man... the markets began their technical breakdown PRIOR to the bill even passing. It began when the DOW broke 10725 on 10/6 (the day they FAILED to pass the original bill).

Note... passing the bailout was not a magic fix to the market. Currently only HALF of the bailout money has been put into play. So we have yet to see what will happen AFTER the bailout is implemented as we are still in the process of doing so.

Man you're a idiot. It went down more in 2 weeks post bailout/bailout talk than it did in the first 9 months of the recession pre-bailout/bail-out talk. It created the consumer panic, if the Federal Reserve would have continued their WAMU, Bear Sterns policies rather than their bailout the whole system we would be much better off..
We'll see. The market over-reacted to the crisis in the fall, and so did consumers, which exacerbated the situation. We're not out of the woods yet, but it doesn't have to get worse.

Personally, I'm optimistic. The stimulus package will pass within a month, and I think it will make the difference.

It's good to see you feeling optimistic!

I am too, but I think we'll sink lower in the early part of 09. I think we're going to see a nice rebound shortly after that though.

Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays Onceler.