Bailout bill fails

The high iq people will be buying?

wamu baby , buy wamu :clink:

I think treasuries will continue to do well, oil will not drop too much more.

It will suprise me if the DOW goes much if at at all below 10k. for this week anyway.

but who can say for sure those marketeers are a flighty bunch.
the fortune tellers and astroligers will likely be booked solid the rest of the week. As well as a boom in the bar business.
McCain's blaming Obama & the Democrats for "injecting partisan politics" into the crisis.


I almost feel bad for the guy. Almost:

McCain takes credit for bill before it loses

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and his top aides took credit for building a winning bailout coalition – hours before the vote failed and stocks tanked.

The rush to claim he had engineered a victory now looks like a strategic blunder that will prolong the McCain’s campaign’s difficulty in finding a winning message on the economy.

Shortly before the vote, McCain had bragged about his involvement and mocked Sen. Barack Obama for staying on the sidelines.

“I've never been afraid of stepping in to solve problems for the American people, and I'm not going to stop now,” McCain told a rally in Columbus, Ohio. “Sen. Obama took a very different approach to the crisis our country faced. At first he didn't want to get involved. Then he was monitoring the situation.”
McCain, grinning, flashed a sarcastic thumbs up.

“That's not leadership. That's watching from the sidelines,” he added to cheers and applause.

Wisely, in retrospect, McCain initially had been more modest. On Sunday, he said on ABC’s “This Week” that congressional negotiators deserve “great credit” for the bipartisan deal. “"It wasn’t because of me,” McCain said. “They did it themselves.”

But at almost the same time, McCain senior adviser Steve Schmidt was saying on NBC’s “Meet the Press”: “What Sen. McCain was able to do … was to help get all of the parties to the table. There had been announcements by Senate leaders saying that a deal had been reached earlier in the week. There were no votes for that deal.

“Sen. McCain knew time was short and he came back, he listened and he helped put together the framework of getting everybody to the table, which was necessary to produce a package to avoid a financial catastrophe for this country.”

On Monday morning, McCain campaign communications director Jill Hazelbaker said on Fox News that the deal would not have happened “without Sen. McCain.”

“Sen. McCain interrupted his campaign, suspended his campaign activity to come back to Washington to get Republicans around a table,” Hazelbaker said. “Without Sen. McCain, House Republicans would not have appointed a negotiator, which would not have moved this bill forward.

“It’s really Sen. McCain who got all parties around a table to hammer out a deal that hopefully is in the best interests of the American taxpayer.”

After the vote, commentators were harsh. MSNBC’s Chris Matthews said: “He’s like a cavalry commander who said ‘Charge!’ and the Republicans went into retreat.”
I wonder what this does to the team trying to knock some sense into Palin’s head for Thursday? You know they figured this was going thru, and all they had to train the seal to say was “John McCain led on the bailout of the American people, praise the lord!”. And then they moved onto foreign policy which is what they most feared her talking on.

Uh- oh.
I wonder what this does to the team trying to knock some sense into Palin’s head for Thursday? You know they figured this was going thru, and all they had to train the seal to say was “John McCain led on the bailout of the American people, praise the lord!”. And then they moved onto foreign policy which is what they most feared her talking on.

Uh- oh.

LOL, darned good point. I'll bet that girl is scared to death.

heck her voice was all quavery in the last interview.
I wonder what this does to the team trying to knock some sense into Palin’s head for Thursday? You know they figured this was going thru, and all they had to train the seal to say was “John McCain led on the bailout of the American people, praise the lord!”. And then they moved onto foreign policy which is what they most feared her talking on.

Uh- oh.

Maybe they can talk about the most recent information coming out about her machinations during her term as Wasilla's mayor. You know, those zoning things that were of benefit to her family and/or friends, gifts from businesses, etc., etc. I'm starting to see an overlay of Cheney's face over hers, except that he is, to make a very scary point, far more sophisticated and savvy than she is.
Originally Posted by Onceler
Well, that's what keeps things moving in the economy, like it or not.

Without debt, we're nothing. I'm not being facetious, either; if people only spent exactly what they made & never used credit or loans, the economy wouldn't move. Maybe that's a problem, but I don't know how you fix that.


How about keeping the jobs here at home and giving people higher wages..... living wages, without raising everything else in the process. That's where regulation comes in and does it's job. Low unemployment + higher wages = More consumption. CREDIT IS THE PROBLEM, NOT THE SOLUTION! Why would it be ok for citizens to go into debt, yet complain when government doesn't try to keep a budget surpluss? Sounds hypocritical to me. I don't use credit, never have and never will. I pay with cash or check/debit for all my purchases and needs. I don't owe anyone a penny! Ban Fraud street while were at it.

Have a nice day all! :)
I can't stop laughing at the fact that McCain took credit for the Bills passage! It makes me almost cry it is so funny. You would think he would have WAITED before he took credit.
I can't stop laughing at the fact that McCain took credit for the Bills passage! It makes me almost cry it is so funny. You would think he would have WAITED before he took credit.

Of course that's what you would do, and then you would probably have phoned it in to top it off. You idiot.

McCain's a Maverick! He's on the move!
Maybe they can talk about the most recent information coming out about her machinations during her term as Wasilla's mayor. You know, those zoning things that were of benefit to her family and/or friends, gifts from businesses, etc., etc. I'm starting to see an overlay of Cheney's face over hers, except that he is, to make a very scary point, far more sophisticated and savvy than she is.

Yeah I would love to see her have to answer some questions like that.
Of course that's what you would do, and then you would probably have phoned it in to top it off. You idiot.

McCain's a Maverick! He's on the move!

It keeps getting better though. His campaign issued the following statement at about 3:30 today:

"From the minute John McCain suspended his campaign and arrived in Washington to address this crisis, he was attacked by the Democratic leadership: Senators Obama and Reid, Speaker Pelosi and others. Their partisan attacks were an effort to gain political advantage during a national economic crisis. By doing so, they put at risk the homes, livelihoods and savings of millions of American families.

"Barack Obama failed to lead, phoned it in, attacked John McCain, and refused to even say if he supported the final bill.

"Just before the vote, when the outcome was still in doubt, Speaker Pelosi gave a strongly worded partisan speech and poisoned the outcome.

"This bill failed because Barack Obama and the Democrats put politics ahead of country."

A short while later McCain said:

"Now is not the time to fix the blame." McCain said. "It's time to fix the problem."

They're reeling and have no idea which way to turn. It's a joke.