Banning Individuals from Threads


Verified User

I've never been on a board that allowed the Thread Starter to ban people from the threads. That's typically been a moderator function.

I suggest the board get rid of that.

What's the point of creating a thread when you're going to ban people from discussing the topic?

I've never been on a board that allowed the Thread Starter to ban people from the threads. That's typically been a moderator function.

I suggest the board get rid of that.

What's the point of creating a thread when you're going to ban people from discussing the topic?

well it's a topic we have asked the users of these forums about many times and everyone always votes in favor of it

It gives more control to the users. The logic being, you are king of your own thread

It also serves as a self-policing apparatus. The bigger the shithead of a user, the more users will block them out from discussions.

Obviously some will abuse it, but those that abuse it, do you really want to talk to those people anyway? probably not.

I've never been on a board that allowed the Thread Starter to ban people from the threads. That's typically been a moderator function.

I suggest the board get rid of that.

What's the point of creating a thread when you're going to ban people from discussing the topic?

Your point falls on them actually talking about the topic.

I've never been on a board that allowed the Thread Starter to ban people from the threads. That's typically been a moderator function.

I suggest the board get rid of that.

What's the point of creating a thread when you're going to ban people from discussing the topic?

Some people are idiots. I consider the feature a test of character. Those that use it need more good character. :)

I've never been on a board that allowed the Thread Starter to ban people from the threads. That's typically been a moderator function.

I suggest the board get rid of that.

What's the point of creating a thread when you're going to ban people from discussing the topic?

I have never used it

There are ways around the stupid
If you want to have an off topic discussion here you normally have to ban a few out necessity.

Overall, like other tools of the forum, they are for everyone to use, but they are often abused too.

Yes, some people are constant trolls just like some people constantly use such tools to troll such as likes/groans or, in this case, the massive thread bans.

IMO, it's like the idiots who think not wearing a mask is a political statement, not a medical one. They are misconstruing and misusing the tool.

I've never been on a board that allowed the Thread Starter to ban people from the threads. That's typically been a moderator function.

I suggest the board get rid of that.

What's the point of creating a thread when you're going to ban people from discussing the topic?

There needs to be a 'Safe Place' for our Snowflakes here.
'Legina' and his twin brother 'I Hate America' come to mind.
I have never used it

There are ways around the stupid


In fact, often the best way to prove a person is stupid is to let them prove it to everyone else not just claim they are stupid, a troll or anything else.
Yeah. 'I Hate America' was 'Teflon Don' ... until the teflon wore off and he became known as 'Fragile Don'. :(

Ah, that explains it.

well it's a topic we have asked the users of these forums about many times and everyone always votes in favor of it

It gives more control to the users. The logic being, you are king of your own thread

It also serves as a self-policing apparatus. The bigger the shithead of a user, the more users will block them out from discussions.

Obviously some will abuse it, but those that abuse it, do you really want to talk to those people anyway? probably not.


I've never been on a board that allowed the Thread Starter to ban people from the threads. That's typically been a moderator function.

I suggest the board get rid of that.

What's the point of creating a thread when you're going to ban people from discussing the topic?

Trolling bitch!