Bannon to report to prison

Maybe if you were more intelligent about the law, you would know that when someone says they can’t remember, it may be a lie, but it is impossible to prove.

Similarly, when someone says they did not do something wittingly, it is possibly a lie, but impossible to prove.

Unless they are a Republican, then throw them in prison.

Your attempts to justify the glaring hypocrisy of our two-tiered system of injustice are not amusing, just pathetic.

Restoring the rule of law is great thing - one that Trump will do. But the corrupt legal cesspool in America needs to be overhauled as well.

The first step to a legitimate legal system is to prohibit plea bargains. No more coercing perjury from one defendant to frame another defendant. Either a prosecutor can prove a case - or not. No more "deals," period.
How was the DOJ heavily involved in Trumps State conviction? I thought Biden's DOJ declined to prosecute it?

Obviously by the fact that the number 3 in the DOJ left his much higher post to go work on the Trump clown show with Bragg.

The fact that Braggs prosecutors met with the Biden administration before coming up with their absurd indictments and clownish twisting of their laws?

Apparently you are terribly informed. Perhaps its from watching too much MSNBC. Watching MSNBC makes people stupid.
What was Bannon convicted for?

Contempt of congress. He did the same thing Hunter did and didn't appear on a summons. Of course Hunter held a press conference to further illustrate his contempt. But no worries, Hunter is a party member and not subject to laws. Bannon, well he is subject to the other tier of law.

Banana republics are like this.
Who prosecuted Donald Trump?

ob·tuse | \ äb-ˈtüs , əb-, -ˈtyüs \

obtuser; obtusest

1 formal : stupid or unintelligent : not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple

He is too obtuse to take a hint.

an incredibly obtuse person
So he quit the DOJ before he took a job at the New York prosecutors office?

ob·tuse | \ äb-ˈtüs , əb-, -ˈtyüs \

obtuser; obtusest

1 formal : stupid or unintelligent : not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple

He is too obtuse to take a hint.

an incredibly obtuse person
Contempt of congress. He did the same thing Hunter did and didn't appear on a summons. Of course Hunter held a press conference to further illustrate his contempt. But no worries, Hunter is a party member and not subject to laws. Bannon, well he is subject to the other tier of law.

Banana republics are like this.

I was wanting Jarod to answer that. Yes, you are right. The same thing Mayorkas and Garland did as well. Funny how they believe they are all above the law.
I was wanting Jarod to answer that. Yes, you are right. The same thing Mayorkas and Garland did as well. Funny how they believe they are all above the law.

They ARE above the law. That's what has them freaking out about Trump getting in office. A legitimate AG with a DOJ that follows the 14th is VERY bad news for the Marxists, who have not been subject to any laws since Clinton broke the back of the rule of law in the 90's.
Says Hunter not subject to laws then in next comment says he was indicted. Well which is it dumbass?!
That's a lie.

Hunter was indicted by the State of Delaware.

Wrong, Hunter is being prosecuted by the United States Department of Justice. The venue is Delaware, but its not being done by the State of Delaware, its being done by the United States of America.

Do you not understand the federal system?

Telling that you are so uneducated, its why you are so easily duped.

It will a fun month because my grandkids are coming to visit. How sad is it that your fun is based on the misfortune of others. If an old lady breaks a hip I bet you'd cream your shorts.

We know you're a msnbc parrot.

... it took a while but we can see the various Trump crime syndicates are finally facing their day in Court and losing when they do, and going to jail, as they should.

Screenshot 2024-06-04 184446.png

^^^ Above should be updated to say 'Businesses' with Trump Charity, Trump University, Trump Org, and others added in.
In normal circumstances it wouldn't be but a conviction fueled by hatred and political vengeance isn't the normal circumstances.

Besides that though even if the punishment fits the crime and the criminal, someone who takes pleasure in that persons punishment is pretty fucked up in the head.
It was Trump's DOJ that got Bannon convicted the first time for stealing funds he said that were to 'build the wall'.

Did you agree with it then?

Colangelo went from #3 in the doj was it to Braggs office. Really? That was the most sophisticated career move in the history of mankind.
Trump's lawyer, Todd Blanche, left a giant prestigious firm, to go solo and represent Trump and he was not of the first of Trump's lawyers to do so.

Lawyers who see themselves as 'Top Guns' COMMONLY, do what they can to get on to the biggest cases, to help build their personal brands. In government it is very common to jump offices to get on the biggest cases.

Colangelo will now be LEGEND amongst prosecutors for the first EVER prosecution of POTUS and a successful one at that.
That's a lie.

Hunter was indicted by the State of Delaware.

the trial is in Federal court with a prosecutor from the Department of Justice

Hunter Biden gun trial: Prosecution rests

“48 minutes ago — Hunter Biden's daughter Naomi testified in his federal gun trial about visiting her father while he was at a “

You are a dumb shit!
Wrong, Hunter is being prosecuted by the United States Department of Justice. The venue is Delaware, but its not being done by the State of Delaware, its being done by the United States of America.

Do you not understand the federal system?

Telling that you are so uneducated, its why you are so easily duped.

On your break, run back and ask a lawyer what the jail time was for Eric Holder's contempt of Congress charge.