Barack Obama: Disappointing so far....

You could at least acknowledge that, regardless of whether it is viewed by some people as "a benchmark for every president" in your lifetime, the first 100 days analysis is completely arbitrary.

But you one-upped the arbitrariness be proclaiming that, not only are the first 100 days important, but that Obama's first 100 days will be key in regards to how long the recession lasts. Which is pretty nonsensical.

I think it will be huge in determination of the recession. Markets waiting for uncertainty to clear as I type. IF he comes in and starts busting a move we could be out of this thing by June. if it looks like the same partition cluster fuck then could take till 2010
Well, I hope he's not right, especially about the Japanese model he has been talking about, but he often is. Not always though. I've definitely seen him be wrong.

USA is not Japan we wont have a 10year recession. All they have to do is regulate Hedgefunds, put the uptick in place and suspend short selling and the market will reverse course within days... and will start pulling us out of a recession.
USA is not Japan we wont have a 10year recession. All they have to do is regulate Hedgefunds, put the uptick in place and suspend short selling and the market will reverse course within days... and will start pulling us out of a recession.

Who is us? Just because the market recovers doesn't mean jobs will.
I think it will be huge in determination of the recession. Markets waiting for uncertainty to clear as I type. IF he comes in and starts busting a move we could be out of this thing by June. if it looks like the same partition cluster fuck then could take till 2010

USA is not Japan we wont have a 10year recession. All they have to do is regulate Hedgefunds, put the uptick in place and suspend short selling and the market will reverse course within days... and will start pulling us out of a recession.

I agree with most of that.... the exception.... do not suspend short selling. It is an integral part of the long as it is regulated by the uptick rule.
Depends.... is it good relative to what?

Relative to 1997..... no
Relative to 2006..... no
Relative to what Krugman projects.... yes.

Well who knew the economy was going to get the way it is today first, you, or Krugman?

Because he was predicting this as a result of bush policies back when you were casting your second vote for the guy.
In fact, employment usually lags by at least four months, and in the case of the last recession, four years.

I remember, the jobless recovery. And all of the republicans were saying that the economy was great and questioning why bush wasn't getting "credit" for it. There was no way to get them to understand that he wasn't getting "credit" for it because most Americans were either out of work, underemployed, or afraid they soon would be.
Well who knew the economy was going to get the way it is today first, you, or Krugman?

Because he was predicting this as a result of bush policies back when you were casting your second vote for the guy.

Like I said, he inserts his political ideology into his economic views.

This mess was created by a combination of things... the primary reasons being the repealment of Glass Steagall (which was predominantly done under Clinton)... Greenspan keeping interest rates too low too long... and the greed of the lenders and borrowers.

Bush spending like a drunken liberal didn't help, but these problems today were caused predominantly by factors that he did not control.

What sent this over the cliff was the removal of the uptick rule.
I remember, the jobless recovery. And all of the republicans were saying that the economy was great and questioning why bush wasn't getting "credit" for it. There was no way to get them to understand that he wasn't getting "credit" for it because most Americans were either out of work, underemployed, or afraid they soon would be.

what a crock of shit....

The nation was at full employment 2005, 2006, 2007 and early 2008. Obviously that has since changed, but to pretend that most Americans were out of work, underemployed or afraid is simply ludicrous.
I like obams idea of giving money to ready to go plans. but it needs to be more defined. those plans should focus on major infrastructure (and not 6B for paving Los Vegas roads.. im talking about bridges, wires, dams, etc..), new technology like alt enery and bio technology areas where we can again become a leader of the world, Beef up the Federal loan program, schools, and so on. If its looking like its going to be a pet project free for all it will fail and the markets will stay down.
Yes, but what do they actually do in real life?

They will have to to grow and compete. Right before this economic recession companies were actually beginning to pull back on the whole off shoring. As a cost analyst in previous roles of my career I can tell you all in its not worth the headache and companies were learning it.