Barack Obama: Disappointing so far....

I like obams idea of giving money to ready to go plans. but it needs to be more defined. those plans should focus on major infrastructure (and not 6B for paving Los Vegas roads.. im talking about bridges, wires, dams, etc..), new technology like alt enery and bio technology areas where we can again become a leader of the world, Beef up the Federal loan program, schools, and so on. If its looking like its going to be a pet project free for all it will fail and the markets will stay down.

agreed.... part of which could be the buildout/connectivity of alt energy plants/farms to the current electric system
when markets go up companies have more capital and can hire more people.

Huh? More loan capital maybe. Or if the price per share goes up and the company sells more stock.
If you buy a share of stock directly from a company you are giving them capital. If you buy a share of stock from joe plumber you are adding zero capital to the company.

Most stock market activity is not true investing, it is trading with someone else and gambling that you can sell it for more than you paid.

Kinda like baseball cards and hoping thr player on the card does well so someone will buy ti for a profit.

And well yes there are dividends and such but they have not really driven the market for years.
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Huh? More loan capital maybe. Or if the price per share goes up and the company sells more stock.
If you buy a share of stock directly from a company you are giving them capital. If you buy a share of stock from joe plumber you are adding zero capital to the company.

Most stock market activity is not true investing, it is trading with someone else and gambling that you can sell it for more than you paid.

Kinda like baseball cards and hoping thr player on the card does well so someone will buy ti for a profit.

And well yes there are dividends and such but they have not really driven the market for years.

You are of course correct about the trading of stock, but, as to the dividends in the last sentence, dividends don't increase capital for the company either as dividends are PAID by the company TO shareholders out of EQUITY; therefore, dividends do exactly the opposite of increasing capital for the company. Dividends actually reduce corporate capital.

Not to help the Liberals but... when I pull a number out of my ass, it always sounds more like I know my shit when it's a good round number like 100.

LOL, Chap, did you write that because you actually believe it or because it sounds convincing?

Does this mean you are unaware the first 100 days is a benchmark?

Did you somehow miss Obama and every other president using the first 100 days as a benchmark?

Do liberals a favor .. don't help them out.
Huh? More loan capital maybe. Or if the price per share goes up and the company sells more stock.
If you buy a share of stock directly from a company you are giving them capital. If you buy a share of stock from joe plumber you are adding zero capital to the company.

Most stock market activity is not true investing, it is trading with someone else and gambling that you can sell it for more than you paid.

Kinda like baseball cards and hoping thr player on the card does well so someone will buy ti for a profit.

And well yes there are dividends and such but they have not really driven the market for years.

LOL this is what you get for the price of a GED:pke:
LOL this is what you get for the price of a GED:pke:

Other than as Immie pointed out the divedend stuff.
What exactly did I say wrong?

Lets hear it from an eggspurt.

How does you buying DAMCO stock from joe the plumber help to capitalize DAMCO?

Yes if stock price goes up the corporate held stock increases in value and new issues could be sold for more. But ther money you paid the brokers and joe for his stock does not go to DAMCO at all.
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There is a joke in there somewhere as Obama hasn't been a President yet and won't be for another eight days.


yes, that was the joke... it was mocking this thread and anyone who is 'disappointed' in what Obama has 'done'. While people may not like his appointments to positions, I think passing judgement on him at this point is kind of silly.
yes, that was the joke... it was mocking this thread and anyone who is 'disappointed' in what Obama has 'done'. While people may not like his appointments to positions, I think passing judgement on him at this point is kind of silly.

Just a bit premature... don'cha think? :D
