Barack Obama volunteers at Food Bank for Thanksgiving while Donald Trump plays Golf


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Barack Obama volunteers at food bank for Thanksgiving while Donald Trump plays golf in Florida


CNN Politics

Former President Barack Obama surprises a Chicago food bank, volunteers and helps prepare Thanksgiving meal bags


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Chicago Sun-Times @Suntimes 5m5 minutes ago
Surrounded by star-struck volunteers in hair nets, former President Barack Obama stopped by to lend a hand at the Greater Chicago Food Depository Wednesday morning, @slesposito reports.

[h=1]Obama surprises Chicago food bank volunteers and helps prepare Thanksgiving meal bags ❤️[/h]

CNN) Volunteers at a Chicago food bank got a surprise treat for the holidays.

Former President Barack Obama paid an unannounced visit Tuesday to the Greater Chicago Food Depository, where he helped bag potatoes for Thanksgiving meals.

Wearing a Chicago White Sox hat, Obama arrived with bags of donated food and donned latex gloves to work side by side with volunteers at the nonprofit, which helps provide meals to more than 700 food pantries and shelters across Cook County, Illinois.

The former President and longtime Chicago resident came with staffers from the Obama Foundation, which seeks to improve communities across the US through leadership training and other educational efforts.

"Hey, how's it going?" he asked volunteers as he walked in. "This is a spiffy-looking spot right here."

Don't you miss having a Real President ... ?
Barack Obama volunteers at food bank for Thanksgiving while Donald Trump plays golf in Florida


CNN Politics

Former President Barack Obama surprises a Chicago food bank, volunteers and helps prepare Thanksgiving meal bags


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Chicago Sun-Times @Suntimes 5m5 minutes ago
Surrounded by star-struck volunteers in hair nets, former President Barack Obama stopped by to lend a hand at the Greater Chicago Food Depository Wednesday morning, @slesposito reports.


Probably trying to get something for Thanksgiving dinner. Anything free for that guy.
Democrats celebrating child labor. What depths will they go to. There should be laws. They groom them in Chicago potato mills before they transfer them to DC pizza parlors.
Barack Obama volunteers at food bank for Thanksgiving while Donald Trump plays golf in Florida


CNN Politics

Former President Barack Obama surprises a Chicago food bank, volunteers and helps prepare Thanksgiving meal bags


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Chicago Sun-Times @Suntimes 5m5 minutes ago
Surrounded by star-struck volunteers in hair nets, former President Barack Obama stopped by to lend a hand at the Greater Chicago Food Depository Wednesday morning, @slesposito reports.


Cool, It's not even Thanksgiving yet and you've got pics already. Awesome! :good4u:
Either way it is a nice thing for him to do. No longer being President he has plenty of time to actually do it more often. Maybe even chip in some monies.
Barack Obama volunteers at food bank for Thanksgiving while Donald Trump plays golf in Florida


CNN Politics

Former President Barack Obama surprises a Chicago food bank, volunteers and helps prepare Thanksgiving meal bags


295 people are talking about this

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Chicago Sun-Times @Suntimes 5m5 minutes ago
Surrounded by star-struck volunteers in hair nets, former President Barack Obama stopped by to lend a hand at the Greater Chicago Food Depository Wednesday morning, @slesposito reports.

Get away from those kids, Hussein.