Barack Obama volunteers at Food Bank for Thanksgiving while Donald Trump plays Golf

I made zero comments about how he got there, and furthermore I don't care if he dropped in, fell in, tripped in or flew in. The point is that he is volunteering for others, something that would never even cross the mind of the obese hog in the WH... the hog that Y O U support.

So you didn't even read the article? But even if you didn't you think he just "dropped in"?

He does this kind of shit to appeal to morons like you and your friends. You are a stupid cunt. Kill yourself.
Obama was a classy individual long before he ever set foot in that food bank but you're too bigoted to admit it. Now why you toddle along and entertain the RWNJs here with your fantasies about killing him, you insufferable lying sack of shit.

mad bro? :rofl2:

someone attacks your butt boy fail of 8 years and you lose it?

that's funny

yet you attack trump every minute of every day,
get a life, she lost you'll be fine
mad bro? :rofl2:

someone attacks your butt boy fail of 8 years and you lose it?

that's funny

yet you attack trump every minute of every day,
get a life, she lost you'll be fine

You only wish he was a fail and it kills you that he gets more respect than the contemptible lying oaf Y O U voted for.

We all know how bad it is with trump when you clods start posting about Hillary and Obama to deflect from his latest senile tirades.
You only wish he was a fail and it kills you that he gets more respect than the contemptible lying oaf Y O U voted for.

We all know how bad it is with trump when you clods start posting about Hillary and Obama to deflect from his latest senile tirades.

so sad,^^^^, incoherent babble, non-stop
she lost, move on
So you didn't even read the article? But even if you didn't you think he just "dropped in"?

He does this kind of shit to appeal to morons like you and your friends. You are a stupid cunt. Kill yourself.

It appeals to people who are disgusted by the narcissism and self-aggrandizement of the orange oaf and would prefer reading about the volunteerism of ex-presidents like Obama and Carter.

You voted for trump. It's strange that a person like you who's so quick to criticize the intelligence of others can defend the ignorant orange oaf with such fervor. Sucks to be you.
It appeals to people who are disgusted by the narcissism and self-aggrandizement of the orange oaf and would prefer reading about the volunteerism of ex-presidents like Obama and Carter.

that's rich, what, peeling potato's for a half hour for the cameras, grow up, please grow up, for your Moms sake grow up

You voted for trump. It's strange that a person like you who's so quick to criticize the intelligence of others can defend the ignorant orange oaf with such fervor. Sucks to be you.

no, actually sucks to be YOU, Trump is president, there is not a day goes by I don't relive the smile from that cool night in November 2016, watching CNN, the tears, the disbelief :rofl2:

that's rich, what, peeling potato's for a half hour for the cameras, grow up, please grow up, for your Moms sake grow up

:rofl2: U mad sis? Nothing sets you clowns off more than seeing Obama or another liberal do something that would never even cross trump's mind (or what's left of his mind.)

no, actually sucks to be YOU, Trump is president, there is not a day goes by I don't relive the smile from that cool night in November 2016, watching CNN, the tears, the disbelief

For someone who's such a fanatic about trump you sure spend a lot of time criticizing Obama and Hillary... TWO YEARS LATER. There's gotta be something Freudian about that. Are you positive you're really happy about trump's presidency?
It appeals to people who are disgusted by the narcissism and self-aggrandizement of the orange oaf and would prefer reading about the volunteerism of ex-presidents like Obama and Carter.

You voted for trump. It's strange that a person like you who's so quick to criticize the intelligence of others can defend the ignorant orange oaf with such fervor. Sucks to be you.

I'd love to stay and insult you some more but my family is starting to roll in so it'll have to wait until later. How's Monday for you?

Any way, everyone have a good Thanksgiving, don't eat too much (USF, I'm looking at you) and most important of all...Go Lions!
that's rich, what, peeling potato's for a half hour for the cameras, grow up, please grow up, for your Moms sake grow up

no, actually sucks to be YOU, Trump is president, there is not a day goes by I don't relive the smile from that cool night in November 2016, watching CNN, the tears, the disbelief :rofl2:


Not as committed as throwing paper towels at people for 30 seconds, is it?
Where is there a requirement for presidents to volunteer at urban food pantries?

And you think Trump should go where people don't respect him and might even wish him harm?
Where is there a requirement for presidents to volunteer at urban food pantries?

And you think Trump should go where people don't respect him and might even wish him harm?

Requirement? Trump ignores normal presidential actions, like the Correspondents dinner, visiting soldiers in battle, treating allies with respect and so many others. He is what you love, an embarrassment to the people of America. Trump is afraid of the people though isn't he. Theyt are figuring out how badly he is fucking them.