Barr is Going to fuck Mccain's shit up


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We can't completely assume Barr is pulling away all mccain supporters, as I can't imagine someone that could vote for Barr, OR Mccain. I'm sure there is a dent though.

All Zogby:

Obama - 43%
McCain - 38%
Barr - 7%

Obama - 44%
McCain - 39%
Barr - 5%

Obama - 42%
McCain - 39%
Barr - 7%

Obama - 38%
McCain - 38%
Barr - 9%

South Carolina
Obama - 42%
McCain - 41%
Barr - 6%

You get the point.
BTW, third party candidates very rarely do as well in the general as they do in polling. I know quite a few polling organizations probably put Nader at 5% in 2000.
A lot of stuff that Barr used to believe in or promoted that would make him someone I would never vote for, (war on drugs, defense of marriage act, patriot act etc) he's recanted and withdrawn support. I think I might believe him, as he doesn't have much to gain running as a libertarian. It's not like he's switching his beliefs because he could actually get elected president.


Barr advocates the repeal of the [ame=""]16th Amendment[/ame], which gives the U.S. Congress the power to levy an [ame=""]income tax[/ame] without apportionment. As an alternative, he proposes a form of [ame=""]consumption tax[/ame], such as the [ame=""]Fair Tax[/ame].[54]
He also favors drastic reductions in government spending and the elimination of [ame=""]corporate welfare[/ame].[54]"

Anyone ever notice how conservatives don't give a shit about how free the market is or how well the economies performing, and only care about abolishing welfare? It's utterly retarded.
I support the efforts of Bob Barr and Chuck Baldwin.

Most likely I will vote for Barr, although Baldwin does more closely represent my beliefs. It doesn't surprise me that many Libertarians are considering voting for Baldwin. He is very different from CP candidates of the past.

For those who like Ron Paul, Baldwin is the pure alternative, while Barr represents the best opportunity to spread the basic message far and wide.
fuck bob barr. I couldn't give my vote to someone who changes their views so often or easily. He's a faggot.
A lot of stuff that Barr used to believe in or promoted that would make him someone I would never vote for, (war on drugs, defense of marriage act, patriot act etc) he's recanted and withdrawn support. I think I might believe him, as he doesn't have much to gain running as a libertarian. It's not like he's switching his beliefs because he could actually get elected president.

Barr advocates the repeal of the 16th Amendment, which gives the U.S. Congress the power to levy an income tax without apportionment. As an alternative, he proposes a form of consumption tax, such as the Fair Tax.[54]
He also favors drastic reductions in government spending and the elimination of corporate welfare.[54]"


Then you should totally vote for him.
A lot of stuff that Barr used to believe in or promoted that would make him someone I would never vote for, (war on drugs, defense of marriage act, patriot act etc) he's recanted and withdrawn support. I think I might believe him, as he doesn't have much to gain running as a libertarian. It's not like he's switching his beliefs because he could actually get elected president.


Barr advocates the repeal of the 16th Amendment, which gives the U.S. Congress the power to levy an income tax without apportionment. As an alternative, he proposes a form of consumption tax, such as the Fair Tax.[54]
He also favors drastic reductions in government spending and the elimination of corporate welfare.[54]"


I think think his support of the Fair Tax act is his best feature. The repeal of the 16th ammendment and the passing of the Fair Tax Act would be the greatest shift of power from the government to the people since the declaration of independence.

Despite his polling numbers, I might vote for the man. I have voted Libertarian in most presidential elections. It just seems a better alternative.
Fixed it.

No, you changed it. There is a difference. The Fair Tax Act would effectively remove taxes from the poor completely. And it would increase the ability for US businesses to compete on a global market.

Some time ago the top companies in Europe & Japan were asked how they would respond to the US changing to a consumption tax. Over 75% said they would open plants in the US. Several said they would relocate their corporate headquarters to the USA.

Read the book about Fair Tax and find out what its about.
The fair tax thingy just seems to move corporate tax directly off to the buyer of the product.

The corporate and business taxes are already passed off to the consumer. These taxes are just "feel good" taxes for politicians. They can also say that they are taxing businesses more. But these taxes are always included in the cost of the products or services. So they are part of the prices.

In fact, on average, 23% to 25% of the prices of items and services are taxes paid by the businesses.
Yup. Barr = Perot.

While Perot didn't take directly and solely from the Rs, it was very much predominantly Rs. Barr will be the same.
The corporate and business taxes are already passed off to the consumer. These taxes are just "feel good" taxes for politicians. They can also say that they are taxing businesses more. But these taxes are always included in the cost of the products or services. So they are part of the prices.

In fact, on average, 23% to 25% of the prices of items and services are taxes paid by the businesses.

Yeah I figure so. But if the "Fair Tax" was enacted would foreign business like to build here. Has to be some advantage for them to push for it. Which to me means businesses would pay less taxes.