Because it's never too early to begin indoctrination!

Prakosh is a revolutionary now? Where did you get that from?

What is this obsession with labels? Is it only for people who do not self-identify as libertarians? Or Republicans? This whole threat got real weird real quick.
What threat? I have threatened nobody. What are you talking about?
The statement that Christ would have stayed out of politics is about the only statement that I have read by Prakosh that I agree with wholeheartedly...
Take a look at this link specifically

These are sample pages.

The first one talks about how Democrats always share. Share? share what? Is this some kind of advocacy for communal ownership of property like in the family? What does that sound like.

The second says democrats keep us safe with the squirel mother keeping her children from being trampled by a lumbering elephant

Democrats make sure children get to go to school. I suppose the book means to portray the idea that they are the only ones providing education. Perhaps they should also show an illustration of the poor squireel who must attend a dilapidated school with other squirels toting guns since democrats also tend to oppose school vouchers.

This book is disgusting. Indoctrinating children in this way is 100% wrong.

When I was a junior in high school a bunch of us asked our teacher is she was a Democrat or Republican. She refused to answer. Later I recognized that she did not say because it would be wrong for her to influence our political affilation since she was seen as an authority figure. I respect that decision greatly. Apparently the authors of this book don't have the same decency.

This is amazing. It's a book. Who cares? Do you want to burn it? I'd be more concerned about the systemic indocrination children get in their schools what with textbooks being targeted and controlled by Christian fundamentalists.

And i love how you actually think that Democrats are what? Socialists? Communists? Is that was share means to you? Did you ever hear the phrase "sharing is caring?" Many parents tell that to their children in order to begin to get them to understand that it's not all about them, and that they can and should share their toys with other children. This seems a bit paranoid to me on your part.
Take a look at this link specifically

These are sample pages.

The first one talks about how Democrats always share. Share? share what? Is this some kind of advocacy for communal ownership of property like in the family? What does that sound like.

The second says democrats keep us safe with the squirel mother keeping her children from being trampled by a lumbering elephant

Democrats make sure children get to go to school. I suppose the book means to portray the idea that they are the only ones providing education. Perhaps they should also show an illustration of the poor squireel who must attend a dilapidated school with other squirels toting guns since democrats also tend to oppose school vouchers.

This book is disgusting. Indoctrinating children in this way is 100% wrong.

When I was a junior in high school a bunch of us asked our teacher is she was a Democrat or Republican. She refused to answer. Later I recognized that she did not say because it would be wrong for her to influence our political affilation since she was seen as an authority figure. I respect that decision greatly. Apparently the authors of this book don't have the same decency.

When I was a junior in high school a bunch of us asked our teacher is she was a Democrat or Republican. She refused to answer. Later I recognized that she did not say because it would be wrong for her to influence our political affilation

I don't see anything on the website that says it is being used, or should be used, in public schools.

I think your outrage may be misguided and misplaced. This is just a dumb book somebody can buy on line.

The bible and the koran are used to indoctrinate children in far more devious ways, than this book ever will.
Amazing how similar it is to the Islamic nuts indoctrination of their children to the world of hate, bias, and intolerance....guess Democrats figure it was wroking in the colleges and grade schools...why not start them even younger....

Bit like Christianity in the US then, with all the religious schools and Madrass style universities and indoctrination at birth.

Oh, but wait.... You like christianity, so that's ok......
This is amazing. It's a book. Who cares? Do you want to burn it? I'd be more concerned about the systemic indocrination children get in their schools what with textbooks being targeted and controlled by Christian fundamentalists.

And i love how you actually think that Democrats are what? Socialists? Communists? Is that was share means to you? Did you ever hear the phrase "sharing is caring?" Many parents tell that to their children in order to begin to get them to understand that it's not all about them, and that they can and should share their toys with other children. This seems a bit paranoid to me on your part.

Sharing is great. It means you don't have to do anything and you can mooch off the rest of the groups work.

If every individual is responsible for their own goods, they'll take care of them much better. Holding hands and "sharing" isn't going to make that happen.
Bit like Christianity in the US then, with all the religious schools and Madrass style universities and indoctrination at birth.

Oh, but wait.... You like christianity, so that's ok......

On this subject, YOU my dear anyold are being ass...imo :)

There is no way in the world that YOU could compare ANY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL with a Madrass style teaching and schooling...

Christians DO NOT TEACH their children to HATE ANYONE, they do not teach their children that arabs are infidels, they do not teach their children TO COMMIT SUICIDE and kill as many INFIDELS as possible SO THAT THEY CAN MAKE IT TO PARADISE....

YOU, are out of line....completely! and are filling these posts with propaganda and lies anyold with your comparrisons like this....they make YOU look foolish, and uninformed imo.


hahahaha... lol BUT STILLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I have to wonder how a child would have access to this book. I mean why would a parent need to go out of there way to buy a book to indoctrinate their child into a certain political belief? I raised three all in their mid 20's and each have their own opinions. The eldest.. aside from being pro-life is far left. The middle leans right and the youngest is left of center... all three are pro-life. Based on personal experience I dont know how a book like this would have changed their thinking....
Bottom line..for most... once a child is in their teens .... societal trends will have more influence on them then anything ... and once they are in College... they will keep moving left until they get out in the working world... once in the real world ..their life experience will have more influence on them than anything else.
Bit like Christianity in the US then, with all the religious schools and Madrass style universities and indoctrination at birth.

Oh, but wait.... You like christianity, so that's ok......
I was indoctrinated from bitth till 16. I was given no choice but to attend church and to pretend to believe.
But it did not stick :clink:
Calm down.

This is just some dumb online book, that virtually no one has ever heard of.

I bet that, at most, its sold a few thousand copies. There's 50 million democratis in the country.

I've heard rightwing religious shows on the radio, that have "children's" programs that indoctrinate kids into rightwing religious republican politics. I don't think 99% of parent even pay attention to this crap.
This is amazing. It's a book. Who cares? Do you want to burn it? I'd be more concerned about the systemic indocrination children get in their schools what with textbooks being targeted and controlled by Christian fundamentalists.

What is with the automatic conclusion that because I find something disagreeable that I think it should be burned. I am not advocating censorship. They are free to say what they wish. I am equally able to express my disapproval. As for books by Christian Fundamentalists I have in the past and continue to chastise them for the books they right especially the pseudo scientific ones. However this thread is not about books by the Christian right so pointing them out doesn't refute my argument. This isn't an either or topic where you are either for pro-liberal indoctrination or pro-conservative indoctrination. I would hope most would be against indoctrination in all its forms. I saw a form of indoctrination on this thread so I commented on it. If it was pro-conservative I also would have commented negatively.

I wonder though if the book title was why mommy is a Republican and I expressed my disapproval if you would mention book burning in your response. My guess is you wouldn't.

I think you know me well enough by now that I hand out lumps to both libs and cons pretty equally.

And i love how you actually think that Democrats are what? Socialists? Communists? Is that was share means to you? Did you ever hear the phrase "sharing is caring?" Many parents tell that to their children in order to begin to get them to understand that it's not all about them, and that they can and should share their toys with other children. This seems a bit paranoid to me on your part.

Darla there is a big difference between what we advocate in our personal lives in what we advocate in politics. Unfortunately some people do not see the distinction. However I would hope you see the problem with such a view as I would guess that one of the biggest problems you have with conservative ideology is failure to erect a wall between personal and political values. Sharing in a personal sense is all well and good. Sharing in a political sense can have very different meanings.

When I was young I definitely sympathized with communist/socialist ideology. One of the main reasons this was so was becasue I had not yet come to the realization that ones personal values must be separated from ones political values. Children are not as able to make such distinctions and it is wrong to make it appear that one party is for sharing and its opposition is against it.

When we apply the idea of familial sharing to politics it does become somewhat socialistic or even communist. In the family resources are shared. It is not Johnny or Jimmy's ball it is the families. This is a perfect way to do things in the family but applying such a simple premise to government is at least reminiscent of socialist ideals.

The simple idea of familial sharing is great for the personal life and perhaps you welcome it in the political sphere as well. However we also know that your political opponents use the same kind of idea when it comes to personal values like divorce, marriage and drug use.
I don't see anything on the website that says it is being used, or should be used, in public schools.

I think your outrage may be misguided and misplaced. This is just a dumb book somebody can buy on line.

The bible and the koran are used to indoctrinate children in far more devious ways, than this book ever will.

Ugh not again. Ok once again. Just because I dissapprove of something doesn't mean I think it shoudl be banned or burned or anything of the like. Am I not permitted to disapprove of the political indoctrination of children on any level whether it is in a school, a church or a bathroom stall. Like Darla you have brought up the religious. That is not what this thread is about do you think I approve of the indoctrination of religious texts. Cypress you know me well what do you think I think of that? The thread is about the book Damo mentioned bringing something else up as if I supported it is a strawman.
Christians DO NOT TEACH their children to HATE ANYONE, they do not teach their children that arabs are infidels, they do not teach their children TO COMMIT SUICIDE and kill as many INFIDELS as possible SO THAT THEY CAN MAKE IT TO PARADISE....

Not all Christians do this but there are christian groups that at least come close to the Madrass schools in militancy. There are some Christian groups that also preach hate especially of homosexuals.
I was indoctrinated from bitth till 16. I was given no choice but to attend church and to pretend to believe.
But it did not stick :clink:

Oh uscit, I am NOT denying that an indoctrination in to a religion by parents does not exist...

I am merely pointing out that Anyold and anyone else that subscribes to his type of thinking regarding Christian schools being the same thing as the madrass schools in Saudi Arabia that teach their children to hate everyone from the western world, and to hate primarily Americans, and to kill innocent Americans when possible via suicide because these innocent Americans are Infidels, in order to make it to Paradise is not the SAME TYPE OF TEACHINGS that take place in Christian schools...

that is PLAINLY A LIE, and I am calling Anyold Iron ON IT.....

Were you taught in your Christian indoctrination to commit suicide via a bomb so that you kill as many innocent women and children as possible because they are infidels, and that this is what must be done to certainly make it to paradise?

yes, or no?

If the answer is NO, then EVEN YOU should be correcting Anyold on his statements like this....because what he is saying, is clearly NOT THE TRUTH....that's all uscit, that is all I am pointing out.....

I plan to teach my daughter many things. History, science, mathematics, foreign language. Two things I will never indoctrinate her into is political affiliation and religion. Any education pertinent to either of these things will give equal time to all major considerations and would not make any view appear superior.

I was fortunate to never be indoctrinated in either of these areas and thus the shaping of my beliefs has been more independent than most. I would like my children and everybody elses children to have that same opportunity.

And I'm not just talking about this book specifically I'm talking about a broad idea so save your book burning comments.
Oh uscit, I am NOT denying that an indoctrination in to a religion by parents does not exist...

I am merely pointing out that Anyold and anyone else that subscribes to his type of thinking regarding Christian schools being the same thing as the madrass schools in Saudi Arabia that teach their children to hate everyone from the western world, and to hate primarily Americans, and to kill innocent Americans when possible via suicide because these innocent Americans are Infidels, in order to make it to Paradise is not the SAME TYPE OF TEACHINGS that take place in Christian schools...

that is PLAINLY A LIE, and I am calling Anyold Iron ON IT.....

Were you taught in your Christian indoctrination to commit suicide via a bomb so that you kill as many innocent women and children as possible because they are infidels, and that this is what must be done to certainly make it to paradise?

yes, or no?

If the answer is NO, then EVEN YOU should be correcting Anyold on his statements like this....because what he is saying, is clearly NOT THE TRUTH....that's all uscit, that is all I am pointing out.....


The kids I knew, that went to private Catholic schools got a secular education, and were taught REAL science, including evolution. There was no attempt to propagandize them with false science, like creatinonism.