Because it's never too early to begin indoctrination!

I plan to teach my daughter many things. History, science, mathematics, foreign language. Two things I will never indoctrinate her into is political affiliation and religion. Any education pertinent to either of these things will give equal time to all major considerations and would not make any view appear superior.

I was fortunate to never be indoctrinated in either of these areas and thus the shaping of my beliefs has been more independent than most. I would like my children and everybody elses children to have that same opportunity.

And I'm not just talking about this book specifically I'm talking about a broad idea so save your book burning comments.

I just took My 19 year old son, and his 18-year old girlfriend who lives with us to register to vote, and I was proud to see both of them register as Independents unaffilliated with any party. I don't pressure them to think one way or the other, but I'll tell them what I think about certain issues if it comes up.
The kids I knew, that went to private Catholic schools got a secular education, and were taught REAL science, including evolution. There was no attempt to propagandize them with false science, like creatinonism.

Same hear! my best girlfriend went to Catholic School and my husband's best friend went to Catholic school and they got none of that false science crapola...they studied science as much as I did in public school or more...

I am not saying religion is not an indoctrination....because it clearly can be and is in many cases....but in my opinion, YOU still have free will and a choice to believe it or uscitizen has said, he was indoctrinated until he was 16 "but it didn't take" :).....

What I am saying is comparing Christian Schools here, like the Catholic Schools to The Madrass Schools in Saudi Arabia and indicating that they are "one and the same" is nothing more than propaganda that the radical islamists that teach this stuff wants people like anyold iron to believe and to PASS AROUND the rumor mill....

And it is nothing but an outright lie.....PERIOD.... I am the type of person that calls "a Spade, (what it is); A Spade".... when I see one.... no matter how much "luv" and respect, I have for anyold..... :D

Christians DO NOT TEACH their children to HATE ANYONE, they do not teach their children that arabs are infidels, they do not teach their children TO COMMIT SUICIDE and kill as many INFIDELS as possible SO THAT THEY CAN MAKE IT TO PARADISE....

Not all Christians do this but there are christian groups that at least come close to the Madrass schools in militancy. There are some Christian groups that also preach hate especially of homosexuals.

no one ever said there would not be "black sheep"....

The largest Christian Domination in America does not teach the "hatered" of homosexuals in this country.... Catholicism

And as far as a group here and there that would TEACH THE SAME thing as the Madrass schools....I STILL DIFFER WITH YOU.....because they do not teach that if you kill yourself while killing infidels, women and children, this will be a pass to paradise...PERIOD.

now, are there secular groups that teach hatred EVEN MORE than these minute amount of Christian groups that you speak about?

Does this Christian group that you speak about teach the children to blow themselves up in a gay bar, killing themselves with the innocent and unaware homosexuals in the bar, in order to make it to Paradise?

Just curious.... ;) If they do....then yes, they are as Dangerous as the Madrass Schooling...and I agree with you...

I don't know of anything specifically as bad as the Madrass schools in modern times. However comparing the difference is only a matter of degree it isn't compaing things fundamentally different.
Oh uscit, I am NOT denying that an indoctrination in to a religion by parents does not exist...

I am merely pointing out that Anyold and anyone else that subscribes to his type of thinking regarding Christian schools being the same thing as the madrass schools in Saudi Arabia that teach their children to hate everyone from the western world, and to hate primarily Americans, and to kill innocent Americans when possible via suicide because these innocent Americans are Infidels, in order to make it to Paradise is not the SAME TYPE OF TEACHINGS that take place in Christian schools...

that is PLAINLY A LIE, and I am calling Anyold Iron ON IT.....

Were you taught in your Christian indoctrination to commit suicide via a bomb so that you kill as many innocent women and children as possible because they are infidels, and that this is what must be done to certainly make it to paradise?

yes, or no?

If the answer is NO, then EVEN YOU should be correcting Anyold on his statements like this....because what he is saying, is clearly NOT THE TRUTH....that's all uscit, that is all I am pointing out.....

Oh I don't fully agree with AOI on this as to the impact, but he is somewhat right.
I was taught in church to hate and fight those who opposed Chsritians.
Heck I was taught to at least dislike and not associate with Catholics, cause they were going to burn in hell for drinking and idolatry....
And I recently heard a preacher preaching death to the islamofascists....Christ will be victorious....

Remember ...

Onward Christian soldiers marchig as to war.....dadadadada...etc...
Oh I don't fully agree with AOI on this as to the impact, but he is somewhat right.
I was taught in church to hate and fight those who opposed Chsritians.
Heck I was taught to at least dislike and not associate with Catholics, cause they were going to burn in hell for drinking and idolatry....
And I recently heard a preacher preaching death to the islamofascists....Christ will be victorious....

Remember ...

Onward Christian soldiers marchig as to war.....dadadadada...etc...
To "fight" people? Never, and I went to a fundamentalist church, a real "Focus on the Family" type. I was taught to pray for them and to constantly work to "teach" them, but to "fight" them, never.
To "fight" people? Never, and I went to a fundamentalist church, a real "Focus on the Family" type. I was taught to pray for them and to constantly work to "teach" them, but to "fight" them, never.

Oh not not to run right out and fight them. But the foundation is built for that to happen. And a religious nutcase can intrepet it that way. As to go blow up an abortion clinic or kill an abortion DR.
I figure most Islamic folks are in the same boat. We hear mostly about the islamic nutcases iover here. The nice boring ones are not exciting news and our admin does not want us to hear about them either.