Behind the Earmarks - Crab Mating Habits and Harbor Seal Genetics


OK, so we all know (or should know) that Palin is a porker of the highest order. Alaska gets the most money per capita by a long shot and Wasilla while Palin was governor got over $1,000 per resident in federal earmarks. I guess hiring that lobbyist worked out well.

Today, the Politico obtained the request for earmarks for 2009 and, while more modest than her previous requests, is quite a doozy. My favorite irony:

“We’re not going to spend $3 million of your tax dollars to study the DNA of bears in Montana,” McCain has said during this year’s campaign, referring to a study he’s mocked for years of whether grizzlies need to keep their status as an endangered species.

Palin, meanwhile, has requested $3.2 million to be spent in part researching the “genetics of harbor seals,” in one of the state’s many requests for federal funding of research into Alaska’s fauna.

Some of the other "many requests" include $2 million to study crab mating habits, $1 million to investigate rockfish fisheries, and half a million to study a recreational halibut fishery.

It'd be hilarious if the McCain-Palin campaign weren't such brazen liars.
That's funny how you finished this up, because I can't even remember how many times I have said over the past couple of weeks, and with just pure frustration, that it'd be funny if they weren't such brazen, blatant, shameless liars.
OK, so we all know (or should know) that Palin is a porker of the highest order. Alaska gets the most money per capita by a long shot and Wasilla while Palin was governor got over $1,000 per resident in federal earmarks. I guess hiring that lobbyist worked out well.

Today, the Politico obtained the request for earmarks for 2009 and, while more modest than her previous requests, is quite a doozy. My favorite irony:

Some of the other "many requests" include $2 million to study crab mating habits, $1 million to investigate rockfish fisheries, and half a million to study a recreational halibut fishery.

It'd be hilarious if the McCain-Palin campaign weren't such brazen liars.

The crabbing industry is a big part of a lot of livelihoods in Alaska. Knowing more about how the supplies are replenished is not an outrageous thing.

And the government is the only entity that can do such studies and have the results be accepted by all.

I don't know much about the fisheries earmarks, but they could be feasibility studies or they could be environmental impact studies.
The crabbing industry is a big part of a lot of livelihoods in Alaska. Knowing more about how the supplies are replenished is not an outrageous thing.

And the government is the only entity that can do such studies and have the results be accepted by all.

I don't know much about the fisheries earmarks, but they could be feasibility studies or they could be environmental impact studies.

Who gives a shit? Earmarks are earmarks. She's either in favor of them or she's not. She's claiming she isn't in favor or earmarks when in fact she is. Bigtime. I'd be fine with her coming out and saying that earmarks are critical to Alaska's economy. She isn't doing that. Until she does, the merit of the earmarks is irrelevant. What is relevant is that she's a liar.
Who gives a shit? Earmarks are earmarks. She's either in favor of them or she's not. She's claiming she isn't in favor or earmarks when in fact she is. Bigtime. I'd be fine with her coming out and saying that earmarks are critical to Alaska's economy. She isn't doing that. Until she does, the merit of the earmarks is irrelevant. What is relevant is that she's a liar.

See, I thought it was about the ridiculous earmarks. Not about those that actually help.

But I see your point. If she is going to say "No Earmarks" then anything different is bullshit.
See, I thought it was about the ridiculous earmarks. Not about those that actually help.

But I see your point. If she is going to say "No Earmarks" then anything different is bullshit.

See the thing is, it’s McCain who has turned earmarks into an evil entity, by using some very flagrant examples of waste. People like me know that it’s not that simple. Some earmarks go to states for hospitals for sick and poor children. But if you are running on a platform that all earmarks are evil, and you yourself got tons of earmarks, you don’t get to say “but those were good earmarks”. Because you yourself never gave anyone else, including sick children, the dignity of that acknowledgement. To me, that is the point anyway.
Who gives a shit? Earmarks are earmarks. She's either in favor of them or she's not. She's claiming she isn't in favor or earmarks when in fact she is. Bigtime. I'd be fine with her coming out and saying that earmarks are critical to Alaska's economy. She isn't doing that. Until she does, the merit of the earmarks is irrelevant. What is relevant is that she's a liar.

Are Obama's earmarks Zero???
Do you have any idea how many earmarks Obama has supported? It is exponetially higher than that of Palin.

Be scared homo liberial fella--be very scared. It is pay back time!!

McCain wants to end ear marks totally--Obamma wants to keep them in our bills (of up to 700 earmarks per bill in some cases).

That alone---would help out the American people---hugely.

Don't you listen to what the candidates say they want to do.

NcCain--smaller gov--less tax for people and coproations (much needed, if we want jobs here) kill republican and demacrat wastefull spending.

Obama--the opposite of all above and world slavery.

Really---if you support Obama, you are either

1 young, conditioned, and probably don't know what you are doing to your own country.
2 a welfare recipient--most likely able bodied, and minded--the intitled ones.
3 Someone who just hates the rich (class envy--and a good tool for communisum)
4-or your just a fucking Marksist--like Obama is, and want to tear down our individual liberity.
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Are Obama's earmarks Zero???

Oh heeeeelllll no. He is the most liberial in the Senate--and he has 1 trillion dollars worth of new spending ready to rock and roll in social programs.

he actually supports ear marks, because he is a big nanny government kind of commie.
Not all earmarks are bad, I just don't see why the earmark process has to be so secritive. Why can't those projects be incorporated into normal legislation during committee?
Not all earmarks are bad, I just don't see why the earmark process has to be so secritive. Why can't those projects be incorporated into normal legislation during committee?

That was my question as well. Is it a matter of taking to long to be approved otherwise or is it the fear that it won't be approved?
This is an ad John McCain ran and it, along with Palin's new found disdain for earmarks, is why Palin's earmark requests matter. The merit of the earmarks is beside the point considering her requests are similar to the types of request John McCain calls "outrageous":

[ame=""]YouTube - McCain Ad - Outrageous[/ame]
Not all earmarks are bad, I just don't see why the earmark process has to be so secritive. Why can't those projects be incorporated into normal legislation during committee?

I agree, and I know that was supposed to be the Democratic reform. They did not run on ending earmarks, they ran on making them transparent. Now, whether or not they actually did that, I don’t know, I haven’t seen any follow up reporting on that. Doesn’t mean there hasn’t been some.
I agree, and I know that was supposed to be the Democratic reform. They did not run on ending earmarks, they ran on making them transparent. Now, whether or not they actually did that, I don’t know, I haven’t seen any follow up reporting on that. Doesn’t mean there hasn’t been some.

this is comically retarded, Obama is a earmark king.
And Mcain wants to end them outright. So here's the dem strategy. Hump this little woman who doesn't even have an involvement in putting them in.
this was a gem "don't even know if they've do it" but lets hammer Palin on it.
Alaska is the per capita earmark capitol.

Yeah, that has been said several times.

But any public project in Alaska is going to be more difficult, more expensive and serve fewer people than projects in the lower 48 states.

The fact that they are the earmark capital shows, not just that Palin is lying about no earmarks, but that Alaska has fewer people for its size.

New Jersey has 1,171 people per square mile. Florida has 338 people per square mile. Texas has 91.3 people per square mile.

Alaska has 1.2 people per square mile.