Bertrand Russell vs. John-Paul Sartre

Leibniz did talk about God and wrote, "Theodicy." But I suspect no Christian will accept the monad, which Leibniz considered his central idea.
"I am interested in mass murder." Now what does that mean?
I am going by dictionary definitions.

Most philosophers don't really care about religion. Otherwise, they would be theologians.

"Care" (verb): to feel interest or concern (Merriam Webster)

For two thousand years, western philosophers have been generally interested in religion and religious thinking, whether positive or negative.
Since Cypress is going to make personal attacks on me, as usual, let me say this.

Very few philosophers in any era were religious and cared about religion. Cypress lies about this because he is a religious fundamentalist.
I am going by dictionary definitions.

"Care" (verb): to feel interest or concern

For two thousand years, western philosophers have been generally interested in religion and religious thinking, whether positive or negative.

And historians have been interested in genocide. So what.
Since Cypress is going to make personal attacks on me, as usual, let me say this.

Very few philosophers in any era were religious and cared about religion. Cypress lies about this because he is a religious fundamentalist.

I have made no personal attacks on you. You will be hard pressed to identify anything in this thread a reasonable person would consider a personal attack on you.
And historians have been interested in genocide. So what.

Okay, so now you agree with me that western philosophical history has widely been interested in, cared about, concerned with (take your pick) religion and religious thinking. Obviously because it is a substantial part of the human experience.

That is what I said hours ago.

Carry on.
Okay, so now you agree with me that western philosophical history has widely been interested in, cared about, concerned with (take your pick) religion and religious thinking. Obviously because it is a substantial part of the human experience.

That is what I said hours ago.

Carry on.

You're really dumb.

You are a perfect example that religion makes people stupid.
You're really dumb.

You are a perfect example that religion makes people stupid.

You can only expect me to respond to words you actually write.

You should have said most prominent modern era philosophers are skeptical, or even hostile to religion.

I would not have disagreed with that.

If you want to revise what you wrote, let me know.

You wrote that the history of philosophy doesn't care about, not interested in religion.

That is categorically incorrect.
The Russell-Sarte Tribunal

Having a public forum to excoriate the morality of the U.S. war in Vietnam is fine. USA should be held to a higher standard. But these kangaroo courts would have more credibility if they took the crimes against humanity of the Soviet and Maoist regimes more seriously.

The Russell-Sarte Tribunal

The Russell Tribunal, also known as the International War Crimes Tribunal, Russell-Sartre Tribunal, or Stockholm Tribunal, was a private People's Tribunal organised in 1966 by Bertrand Russell, British philosopher and Nobel Prize winner, and hosted by French philosopher and writer Jean-Paul Sartre...The tribunal investigated and evaluated American foreign policy and military intervention in Vietnam
