Biden Admin Cuts Off Life-saving Aid to Palestinians Based on Israeli Allegations

Come on, Phan, it's all political theater. If Biden wanted to end the genocide on Palestinians, all he has to do is stop sending Bibi bombs. Biden is constantly bragging about being a zionist.
Come on goat, Biden can’t make any such decisions without Congress.
Come on goat, Biden can’t make any such decisions without Congress.
Biden is not in charge. The neocons are running US foreign policy and bypassing congress on everything they do. Getting your talking points from msnbc is the problem. The neocons have wanted war with Iran since Carter was potus and waited a long time for an imbecile like genocide Joe.
Biden is not in charge. The neocons are running US foreign policy and bypassing congress on everything they do. Getting your talking points from msnbc is the problem. The neocons have wanted war with Iran since Carter was potus and waited a long time for an imbecile like genocide Joe.
Your conspiracy theories are goofy. Biden is in control, and he listens to the military authorities, but he makes the final calls.

Trump by his actions emboldened Iran. Pres. Biden is cleaning up another Trump mess.
Your conspiracy theories are goofy. Biden is in control, and he listens to the military authorities, but he makes the final calls.

Trump by his actions emboldened Iran. Pres. Biden is cleaning up another Trump mess.
Biden's dementia is advanced to the point that he's playing with his poop. No US president is fully in charge, the war machine does what it wants and the media gets Americans to go along with it. After the US loses another 5 wars, the media will make genocide Joe into the fall guy. We all saw this movie before with GWB and his necon handlers. Remember how msnbc showed you how fun war is by dropping bombs down chimneys?
Biden's dementia is advanced to the point that he's playing with his poop. No US president is fully in charge, the war machine does what it wants and the media gets Americans to go along with it. After the US loses another 5 wars, the media will make genocide Joe into the fall guy. We all saw this movie before with GWB and his necon handlers. Remember how msnbc showed you how fun war is by dropping bombs down chimneys?
Another conspiracy theory, I quit reading after poop. One can not have a reasonable conversation based on a false premise. I’m done.
Another conspiracy theory, I quit reading after poop. One can not have a reasonable conversation based on a false premise. I’m done.
Have you ever taken care of someone with advanced dementia? They poop themselves then don't know what to do with it, so they walk around with it in their hands. Biden is at that point.
Israel has done a good job portraying itself as nothing more than a helpless victim.
This was by political design. Israel was created out of WWII as a monument to Jewish "permanent victim status." To refer to Israel is necessarily to refer to "victims". Israel was carved out of the center of Arabia, intentionally so the Israelites, the heroes of the Bible, could be clearly portrayed as always being surrounded and outnumbered.

When Israel is discussed in casual conversation, the topic of the IDF arbitrarily and capriciously destroying homes of Palestinians they simply wish to harass, without any court order whatsoever, while those homeowners beg for mercy, and then eventually beg to simply be allowed to gather up personal artifacts, while the IDF taunts and mocks the homeowners who are about to become homeless, while the IDF chants "Mohammed is dead" ... never comes up. All that is discussed is how the evil, sub-human Palestinians, bad guys of the Bible, presumably wish to erase poor, sobbing, eternally-the-victim Israel off the map.

In light of Israel's current perpetration of genocide against Arabs in Gaza, comprised of thousands of counts of egregious violations of the Geneva Conventions, Team Israel nonetheless falls upon Israel's presumed permanent victim status to justify Israel's atrocities that they would never tolerate from any other country. When mention is made of the slaughter of thousands of children that the IDF was supposed to protect, Team Israel merely asks "Should Israel just do nothing?"
Have you ever taken care of someone with advanced dementia? They poop themselves then don't know what to do with it, so they walk around with it in their hands. Biden is at that point.

Show us proof that Biden walks around carrying his own feces in his hands or admit that you described yourself.

I bet your keyboard is just nasty with it.

And honestly, that would be a highly credible explanation for the deranged garbage you post here.


Yep. When I'm right I'm right!!! :lolup:
And though I know you right-winger types love to use put downs and derision as a tactic against all perceived enemies,
You are describing leftists. Feigned offense, mockery and personal insults are all they have. You have obviously never tried to have a meaningful discussion with a leftist. You have no idea of the level of disappointment you would face. Hence the saying "Ignorance is bliss."

incompetence is not a reason for the inequities between Israel and Hamas.
You are incorrectly using the term "Hamas" when you are specifically discussing the Al Qassam brigades. Hamas is a political organization with an affiliate militant arm, the Al Qassam brigades, that is not funded to the same level that the IDF is funded by the United States. That is the disparity in question. If you are going to compare Israel to something, you need to compare Israel to Gaza, and Gaza is not funded to the same level as Israel is funded by the United States.

The Al Qassam brigades are funded by Iran (and Qatar). The funding they receive is about $80-$100 million per year. That is sufficient for substantive terrorist operations, but it is nowhere near enough for a military force that needs to conduct frequent military operations. Hezbollah is funded by Iran (and Syria) to the tune of $600 million+ per year. Israel does not want Hezbollah (and Syria) to enter the picture.

But western militaries always try to minimize civilian casualties.
All countries are signatories to the Geneva Conventions, the fourth of which governs the law of war (or the law of armed conflict). Most countries try to adhere to the Geneva Conventions because they know that if they don't, the world at large will feel justified in hanging all the offending country's leaders. The treatment of lawful noncombatants (civilians) is covered extensively.

Israel doesn't appear to be concerned with such trivialities in this instance.
Israel relies on the US supporting them no matter what they do. They can perpetrate Holocaust 2.0 and American Christians will cheer it on if they know that it is Israel, the home of the modern day Israelites and heroes of their religion, are the ones perpetrating it. They will justify it as what Yaweh wants. American Christians don't want to be Philistines (Palestinians), i.e. the bad guys in the story of their religion.

The civilian population of Palestine are not the enemy here.
Correct. They never attacked Israel. They just happen to be Arabs, the ethnicity that Israel wishes to cleanse. Instead of invading Iran, i.e. the perpetrator of the attack on Israel, Israel is simply using Iran's attack as a premise to "go to war" against the ethnicity they HATE and wish to eradicate. There are so many defenseless Arabs right next door in Gaza; it would be a shame to miss this opportunity to kill them by the thousands while destroying everything they have built. American Christians will cheer them on and will even demand increased funding/aid to Israel using their "permanent victim status" as justification.

Yet you probably believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, Biden is the head of a crime family and 9/11 was orchestrated by the US government.
Here you pull an Oliver North and pull the rug out from under your own argument. You otherwise have the correct perspective on Israel's atrocities, but then you tie your argument to the 2020 election ... which was stolen brazenly while the American public watched, after the DNC had broadcast what it was going to do and what to look for ... and you render your argument on Israel FALSE in the process. Stupid. All you had to do was to state Israel's transgressions; they speak for themselves. Instead, you get your argument dismissed because you felt compelled to wander politically. Why don't you ask him if he believes that light travels at the speed of light? ... or whether he believes that air is good?

If only you had not "gone there", your next thought is perfectly spot on target:

If it means wiping out tens of thousands of civilians who had nothing to do with any terrorist attacks then yes, it's wrong to support wiping out tens of thousands of civilians who had nothing to do with any terrorist attacks.
Bingo. That's the entirety of the situation, why many Israelis have a lot of answering to do for the horrific things they have done, and why Team Israel is on the wrong side of the morality fence.

You shouldn't need to have that explained to you, but then again, you shouldn't need to have it explained to you why Trump is a dangerous lunatic who should be in prison and nowhere near the White House ever again.
... and for some reason you felt the need to throw your argument under the bus and waste all your effort up to this point by rendering it all FALSE with your concluding remarks. You're another Oliver North.
You are describing leftists. Feigned offense, mockery and personal insults are all they have. You have obviously never tried to have a meaningful discussion with a leftist. You have no idea of the level of disappointment you would face. Hence the saying "Ignorance is bliss."

You are incorrectly using the term "Hamas" when you are specifically discussing the Al Qassam brigades. Hamas is a political organization with an affiliate militant arm, the Al Qassam brigades, that is not funded to the same level that the IDF is funded by the United States. That is the disparity in question. If you are going to compare Israel to something, you need to compare Israel to Gaza, and Gaza is not funded to the same level as Israel is funded by the United States.

The Al Qassam brigades are funded by Iran (and Qatar). The funding they receive is about $80-$100 million per year. That is sufficient for substantive terrorist operations, but it is nowhere near enough for a military force that needs to conduct frequent military operations. Hezbollah is funded by Iran (and Syria) to the tune of $600 million+ per year. Israel does not want Hezbollah (and Syria) to enter the picture.

All countries are signatories to the Geneva Conventions, the fourth of which governs the law of war (or the law of armed conflict). Most countries try to adhere to the Geneva Conventions because they know that if they don't, the world at large will feel justified in hanging all the offending country's leaders. The treatment of lawful noncombatants (civilians) is covered extensively.

Israel relies on the US supporting them no matter what they do. They can perpetrate Holocaust 2.0 and American Christians will cheer it on if they know that it is Israel, the home of the modern day Israelites and heroes of their religion, are the ones perpetrating it. They will justify it as what Yaweh wants. American Christians don't want to be Philistines (Palestinians), i.e. the bad guys in the story of their religion.

Correct. They never attacked Israel. They just happen to be Arabs, the ethnicity that Israel wishes to cleanse. Instead of invading Iran, i.e. the perpetrator of the attack on Israel, Israel is simply using Iran's attack as a premise to "go to war" against the ethnicity they HATE and wish to eradicate. There are so many defenseless Arabs right next door in Gaza; it would be a shame to miss this opportunity to kill them by the thousands while destroying everything they have built. American Christians will cheer them on and will even demand increased funding/aid to Israel using their "permanent victim status" as justification.

Here you pull an Oliver North and pull the rug out from under your own argument. You otherwise have the correct perspective on Israel's atrocities, but then you tie your argument to the 2020 election ... which was stolen brazenly while the American public watched, after the DNC had broadcast what it was going to do and what to look for ... and you render your argument on Israel FALSE in the process. Stupid. All you had to do was to state Israel's transgressions; they speak for themselves. Instead, you get your argument dismissed because you felt compelled to wander politically. Why don't you ask him if he believes that light travels at the speed of light? ... or whether he believes that air is good?

If only you had not "gone there", your next thought is perfectly spot on target:

Bingo. That's the entirety of the situation, why many Israelis have a lot of answering to do for the horrific things they have done, and why Team Israel is on the wrong side of the morality fence.

... and for some reason you felt the need to throw your argument under the bus and waste all your effort up to this point by rendering it all FALSE with your concluding remarks. You're another Oliver North.

Have you ever taken care of someone with advanced dementia? They poop themselves then don't know what to do with it, so they walk around with it in their hands. Biden is at that point.

You are nuts. Biden is very competent. It is Trump who is fading mentally and shits himself.