Biden Almost Collapses at D-Day Celebrations… “Is He Downloading in His Diaper?”

I don't know what's more pathetic - that trumptards post sewage like Gateway Pundit or that they worship a piece of shit that calls our men and women who gave their lives for our country, "suckers and losers" and wouldn't honor our soldiers at Normandy because he was too much of a pussy to get his fake, stupid-looking hair wet!

Eat shit, you stupid, sorry trumptard fuck!
You want him to eat from Biden's Depends. No! That is your job.
Based on the fact that women usually don't like being around husbands that bang strippers.
Explain how Trump's wife is a ' usual ' woman, dumbass.
Then , when you fail, explain why your stated, pompous, generalization is not a crock.
Biden did not almost collapse. He started to sit down and decided it was too soon to sit, so he stood back up and then sat down. Show the rest of the video lying rightys.
Jill had to tell him not to sit...She flew back to the US for unknown reasons yesterday, but she'll fly back to make sure he gets home OK tonight...
He's really not OK on his own...that's clear...
Oh, I'm sure she is. I bet she'll be "at home with her son" a lot for the foreseeable future.
Just like she has been since 1/6? I agree. Melania is very transactional when it comes to her husband, but she clearly loves her son.
Explain how Trump's wife is a ' usual ' woman, dumbass.
Then , when you fail, explain why your stated, pompous, generalization is not a crock.
She's a woman, but your support for Trump is noted, Ms. Moon. I understand why Fundie Muslims like yourself think women should be subservient, but that's an anti-American attitude.
Hmmm... Somehow it's bad if Melania is there for Baron...her biological son... But Jill is getting accolades for being a "character witness" for her adult step son... flying back from France to testify today... Abandoning Joe... Who
will watch him while she's gone?
She's a woman, but your support for Trump is noted, Ms. Moon. I understand why Fundie Muslims like yourself think women should be subservient, but that's an anti-American attitude.
Look ladies- a genocidal misogynist with a forum record as a sex pest is offering advice on womanhood.

Haw, haw...........................................haw.
Of course by now everyone knows the video was edited

“Video edited to make it appear Biden tried to sit down when there wasn’t a chair”
You are correct. That point in the clip is at about 32:50, where they are introducing Lloyd Austin. Biden is merely looking to take his seat, which he does 10 seconds later.

The clip is still a lie.

I agree that Quid Pro wasn't shitting himself like he did in front of the pope (which actually seems fitting given the Vicar of Marx.) But the senile fool is 15 feet from the chair, shouldn't be sitting, and is clearly lost in his dementia fog.
Biden was there, unlike the malignant mango who was afraid to show up in case his mop got rained on.

You really are quite insane, or as senile as Quid Pro...

You're actually criticizing Trump for NOT upstaging Bought and Paid for Biden? If Trump had gone, MSNBC would have you programmed to be screaming bloody murder.