Biden Almost Collapses at D-Day Celebrations… “Is He Downloading in His Diaper?”

The choice is between Biden, who governs like presidents in the past have, and Trump who wants to burn it all down and become a dictator. There is no chaos. Biden is a return to the America we have had for a couple of centuries. Trump respects none of America.
Biden speaks with an adult vocabulary and knows our history and laws. Trump did not bother with that, he will become above the law and forge deals with dictators because he admires them so much. He too wants to be above the law.
It's time for Joe to go... We want our country back...there's no one in charge....

No one said the senile old crook collapsed. I love what the fact changers of AP tried to pull, splicing together video to make it appear the corrupt old fuck sat down normally - then accused others of "edited video."

Every accusation by you Stalinists is a confession.
What’s the title of the thread, you fucking moron?

I never said the video was edited. It was a 12 second clip showing him looking to be seated and claiming collapse.

Another fucking RW lie so common for you fucks.
We certainly can all have our own opinions on where he would rank, and i would put slick Bill and Obama above him, but i also think younger Trump was in that top tier.

The way i am looking at it though is broad big tiers. The top one being orators who are very adept and capable speakers. The next tier would be speakers who are have serviceable, good speaker abilities. And the bottom tier would be poor orators.

None of that is based on content. Meaning it is not about agreeing with what they say.

I invite you to fast forward thru the above and just focus on the Trump speaking and tell me you do not think a very capable and adept speaker, which is what makes the contrast to todays bumbling, slurring, forgetful Trump so stark and shows his cognitive decline to be so much worse than Bidens.
Nope, sorry, still not Clinton or Obama level.
Who did worse....Biden shitting his pants in front on cameras with world leaders or Sunak deciding to ditch way early? Does this not lead credibility to the theory that Sunak called elections because he wants out immediately as the West drives for WW3.