Biden invokes partiotism to sell class warfare


It's patriotic to give the government more of your money, traitors!

It's as bad as selling the war on nationalism.

He's talking about people at $250K +. Surely, you know that Obama is raising taxes on that group.

because of him saying its patriotic to pay taxes. I dont think that my forefathers felt that way when they dumped tea into Boston harbor.

To me its all thats wrong with the democrats.. and Bidon is part of the old democrat guard that I despise. Obama is a fresh face with logical reasoning. Bidon spoils it.

Now unlike some I wont chose a president based on the VP.. but if Obama was to expire and Biodn became president... I think thats almost as bad as Palin becoming president. I would NEVER vote Bidon for president.
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"because of him saying its patriotic to pay taxes. I dont think that my forefathers felt that way when they dumped tea into Boston harbor."

Um...Chap? There was something about "without representation" to that...
"because of him saying its patriotic to pay taxes. I dont think that my forefathers felt that way when they dumped tea into Boston harbor."

Um...Chap? There was something about "without representation" to that...

Didn't sit right. Made me cringe to hear it. It was a boneheaded comment and i completely 100% disagree that its patriotic to pay taxes at gunpoint via threat of imprisonment.
The Obama campaign needs to spin it some way to put it in a positive light or the republicans will have a hay day with it. Patriotism is defined in a lot of ways.....being forced to pay taxes doesn't come to mind.
biden is an ASS and everyone expects a comic gaff once a week from him. He was chosen to contrast Obama so well against an older leader.
The Obama campaign needs to spin it some way to put it in a positive light or the republicans will have a hay day with it. Patriotism is defined in a lot of ways.....being forced to pay taxes doesn't come to mind.

First of all, when he said it he was responding to a reporter's question asking him what he thought of Palin's statements that being against tax cuts wasn't patriotic. I am kinda stunned at how it's always ok to accuse dems of being unpatriotic, but when they say wait just one fucking minute, i think that paying your goddamned taxes is patriotic, than that causes these hissy fits.

Secondly, forgive me for finding it ironic that while I, a taxpayer, am getting charged the biggest bill ever to come down the pike, so that people like Cahp and Topper can clean up in the market today, those same guys are bitching about taxes.

i swear to God...sometimes I feel like I could smack the shit out of some people
I think he's correct.

I think that after reading Chap's and Top's posts, I've had my mind changed about these bailouts. We should have let them go down. Why are my taxes going to benefit anti-tax whiners like Chap and Top? Let them lose their pants and jump out a window. I'm really fed up with this shit.

He's talking about people at $250K +. Surely, you know that Obama is raising taxes on that group.

I just wish middle america would wake up.

McCain's tax plan is going to be substantially worse if you company paid insurance. First of all most people don't make more than $250k, but most pepole in the workforce have some level of company paid insurance. If you're company is paying $8k for your insurance (which I'm pretty sure that's what my company pays), you're federal tax is going to jump up ~$2k depending on your tax bracket.

That's substantial.
because of him saying its patriotic to pay taxes. I dont think that my forefathers felt that way when they dumped tea into Boston harbor.

To me its all thats wrong with the democrats.. and Bidon is part of the old democrat guard that I despise. Obama is a fresh face with logical reasoning. Bidon spoils it.

Now unlike some I wont chose a president based on the VP.. but if Obama was to expire and Biodn became president... I think thats almost as bad as Palin becoming president. I would NEVER vote Bidon for president.

Nor did those involved in the whiskey tax rebellion. But washington raised more troops than for any revolutionary war battle to stomp the tax evaders out.
I just wish middle america would wake up.

McCain's tax plan is going to be substantially worse if you company paid insurance. First of all most people don't make more than $250k, but most pepole in the workforce have some level of company paid insurance. If you're company is paying $8k for your insurance (which I'm pretty sure that's what my company pays), you're federal tax is going to jump up ~$2k depending on your tax bracket.

That's substantial.

From what I have read McCain's going to give you a $5000 tax credit to pay for the insurance of your choice. Is this correct or incorrect?
I read you only get the tax credit if you drop your employer coverage and go onto the market and get your own.

And there, you will be more vulnerable.

Seriously, this is disastrous. It's of little consolation to me that many of those who are arguing for it on this board, and elsewhere, will get fucked hard by it down the road, maybe even losing their homes, or their kid's lives.

Cause, it's going to fuck me too.