Biden invokes partiotism to sell class warfare

From what I have read many expect that aoubt 20 million will loose employer health care on McCains plan. This is a way to get more money for the health insurance industry. Remove the bargaining power of group policies and put everyone on their own.

kinda pill bill redux.
I was wondering about this. I really hadn't seen the details on it.

Basically, the tax credit would cover the tax increase at the outset only if your employer continues to provide health insurance but its value would erode over time as the credit increases with inflation whereas health insurance premiums increase at double digit rates each year.

If your employer stops providing heath insurance, as is expected for 20 million Americans (and as it is designed to do), you're fcked since the credit doesn't come close to what it costs for individual insurance ($2500 credit v. $4000 premium; $5000 credit v. $12000 premium) and that's not even factoring in the inflationary effects above.
Let’s read the whole thing, in context, because I know we want to be fair, and I’m sure that it means something that the Hillbilly has been calling Obama and Biden unpatriotic. Well, actually, who am I kidding, but let’s have it here on record anyway.

Katie: "Your vice presidential rival, Governor Palin, said "To the rest of America, that's not patriotism. Raising taxes is about killing jobs and hurting small businesses and making things worse."

Biden: "How many small businessmen are making one million, four hundred thousand--average in the top 1 percent. Give me a break. I remind my friend, John McCain, what he said--when Bush called for war and tax cuts--he said, it was immoral, immoral, to take a nation to war and not have anybody pay for it. I am so sick and tired of this phoniness. The truth of the matter is that we are in trouble. And the people who do not need a new tax cut should be willing, as patriotic Americans, to understand the way to get this economy back up on their feet is to give middle class taxpayers a break. We take the tax cut they're getting and we give it to the middle class."
So we got a few people who agree that taking a stiff one up the arse from uncle sam is their patriotic duty. Or they think SOMONE ELSE WHO MAKES MORE MONEY THAN THEY DO has a patriotic duty to pay more taxes. Always ready to spend somone else's money, aren't you, Liberal democrats?
the main thing this bill would do is remove the group policy bargaining power and increase profits to insurance companies and increase costs to us.
the main thing this bill would do is remove the group policy bargaining power and increase profits to insurance companies and increase costs to us.

It's chillingly bad.

it will never pass. It has as much chance as the Bush/McCain attempt to privatize SS.

But that doesn't make it ok. We don't need more of this ideology.
So we got a few people who agree that taking a stiff one up the arse from uncle sam is their patriotic duty. Or they think SOMONE ELSE WHO MAKES MORE MONEY THAN THEY DO has a patriotic duty to pay more taxes. Always ready to spend somone else's money, aren't you, Liberal democrats?

Yeah like bush is spending someone elses money ? Especially on his war ?

You forget a basic premise of business. always use someone elses money to make money with.
Let’s read the whole thing, in context, because I know we want to be fair, and I’m sure that it means something that the Hillbilly has been calling Obama and Biden unpatriotic. Well, actually, who am I kidding, but let’s have it here on record anyway.

Katie: "Your vice presidential rival, Governor Palin, said "To the rest of America, that's not patriotism. Raising taxes is about killing jobs and hurting small businesses and making things worse."

Biden: "How many small businessmen are making one million, four hundred thousand--average in the top 1 percent. Give me a break. I remind my friend, John McCain, what he said--when Bush called for war and tax cuts--he said, it was immoral, immoral, to take a nation to war and not have anybody pay for it. I am so sick and tired of this phoniness. The truth of the matter is that we are in trouble. And the people who do not need a new tax cut should be willing, as patriotic Americans, to understand the way to get this economy back up on their feet is to give middle class taxpayers a break. We take the tax cut they're getting and we give it to the middle class."

Well, I'm glad I finally saw the context.

Sure beats the Palin interpretation in front of a huge crowd that "Joe Biden thinks it's patriotic to raise YOUR taxes."

It's "global test" all over again. You have to watch every syllable with these guys, and even then, sometimes it's not enough (because if they don't have anything to work w/, they'll just fabricate it completely).
Well, I'm glad I finally saw the context.

Sure beats the Palin interpretation in front of a huge crowd that "Joe Biden thinks it's patriotic to raise YOUR taxes."

It's "global test" all over again. You have to watch every syllable with these guys, and even then, sometimes it's not enough (because if they don't have anything to work w/, they'll just fabricate it completely).

It sounds like both Palin and Biden are equally moronic.
It’s Patriotic to fight a trillion dollar war, stage a trillion dollar bailout of big business, and refuse to pay for it! Stick it to your kids! God Bless America!
My busincess model ? Using others money to profit yourself ?
I guess it could be considered a scam but is as old of a scam as money is.
Let’s read the whole thing, in context, because I know we want to be fair, and I’m sure that it means something that the Hillbilly has been calling Obama and Biden unpatriotic. Well, actually, who am I kidding, but let’s have it here on record anyway.

Katie: "Your vice presidential rival, Governor Palin, said "To the rest of America, that's not patriotism. Raising taxes is about killing jobs and hurting small businesses and making things worse."

Biden: "How many small businessmen are making one million, four hundred thousand--average in the top 1 percent. Give me a break. I remind my friend, John McCain, what he said--when Bush called for war and tax cuts--he said, it was immoral, immoral, to take a nation to war and not have anybody pay for it. I am so sick and tired of this phoniness. The truth of the matter is that we are in trouble. And the people who do not need a new tax cut should be willing, as patriotic Americans, to understand the way to get this economy back up on their feet is to give middle class taxpayers a break. We take the tax cut they're getting and we give it to the middle class."

Meanwhile, the government is about to spend hundreds of billions more on this mess and we have a bunch of idiots here complaining that Biden had the audacity to suggest that asking rich folks to pay a little more (albiet less than they paid under Clinton) in taxes out of a sense of patriotic duty is just crazy talk and the death knell for the campaign.

And I'd also add that there is indeed a class war going on and the rich are winning handily as they almost always have. Here's an interesting chart, if this is class warfare we can see which candidate is fighting for which classes:

Dh I couldn't agree with you more, it's infuriating. Chap is dancing on one thread because MY money is being taken to make HIS stocks go up today, and crying about Biden saying, hey, folks, we're in trouble here, and people who are cleaning up do need to pay a little bit, on another thread.
I think that after reading Chap's and Top's posts, I've had my mind changed about these bailouts. We should have let them go down. Why are my taxes going to benefit anti-tax whiners like Chap and Top? Let them lose their pants and jump out a window. I'm really fed up with this shit.

Cleaning up after already lost... Unlike others who time the market perfectly I did lose a lot over past month.

Bottom line is Bidins everything i dislike about the democrat old guard. IM still voting for obama but that doesn't mean i cant call out his VEEP for being a dumbass.

Truth in terms of the bailout, they prob shouldn't be doing it however pulling a AIG for every company that goes down would bankrupt us. If they are intent on propping up the credit companies then what they are going to do is much more practical. BTW if this happens watch housing start going back up in value fast.. and rates will plummet as in 30year mortgage to 5%
Cleaning up after already lost... Unlike others who time the market perfectly I did lose a lot over past month.

Bottom line is Bidins everything i dislike about the democrat old guard. IM still voting for obama but that doesn't mean i cant call out his VEEP for being a dumbass.

Truth in terms of the bailout, they prob shouldn't be doing it however pulling a AIG for every company that goes down would bankrupt us. If they are intent on propping up the credit companies then what they are going to do is much more practical. BTW if this happens watch housing start going back up in value fast.. and rates will plummet as in 30year mortgage to 5%

You lost a lot, so I have to pay for it, while you whine about your taxes, give me a break. We have a trillion dollar war, and a trillion dollar bailout. You want to stick it to the next generation, I say, cough it up bitches, this is what you voted for. You don't get to pass the buck. Sticking your children with the bill, that is what I call some anti-American shit.

You lost a lot, but you made a lot before that. I didn't make anything, and I didn't lose anything, but somehow YOUr problems are my problems? And on top of that you want your taxes lowered? Nah. Be an adult.
You lost a lot, so I have to pay for it, while you whine about your taxes, give me a break. We have a trillion dollar war, and a trillion dollar bailout. You want to stick it to the next generation, I say, cough it up bitches, this is what you voted for. You don't get to pass the buck. Sticking your children with the bill, that is what I call some anti-American shit.

You lost a lot, but you made a lot before that. I didn't make anything, and I didn't lose anything, but somehow YOUr problems are my problems? And on top of that you want your taxes lowered? Nah. Be an adult.

so get in the game? buy some property now, get some money in the stock market. this is a low Donald trump says buy.. warren buffet says buy..

Whats going to happen after this is some massive inflation.
so get in the game? buy some property now, get some money in the stock market. this is a low Donald trump says buy.. warren buffet says buy..

Whats going to happen after this is some massive inflation.

I think the more relevant point of her post was that you're whining about exactly what is making your "comeback" possible, among other related points regarding taxes & what they pay for.
I don't know enough about the stock market to do anything with it. My wife and I have around $25,000 in with one stock investing company (like Merril Lynch but not them) but really don't pay much attention to what it does. I will be honest and say that I don't know much about all the economic stuff that has been going on but on the surface I don't like the idea of a bailout of such proportions. Maybe it was necessary.....I know we don't want a depression because fewer people would survive but I still don't like it. It does look like rich folks socialism to me.