Biden is only listening to polling data from loyalists, according to new report

Praising a convicted felon, good lord. It's like a Mafia convention. Bend the knee or else.

Felon In Chief​

Now that the former President and the candidate for future President has been convicted of thirty-four felonies, he joins nineteen million other Americans who have such convictions. Those felons face major restrictions in employment, finance, and housing. For example, federal, state, and local government jobs often require a security clearance, which felons often cannot qualify for. In some areas, felons. By Julianne Malveaux

Think about it, if elected this convicted felon/criminal he will access to our nations secrets again?!! Electing a convicted felon, what does that say about this country?!!
"Our fashion critic explores Lara Trump’s decision to wear black at the convention, instead of her party’s traditional red."

Front page story on today's NYTimes.
Of all the half-assed things to talk about. They should just come right out and endorse trump instead of insulting our intelligence with crap like this Newsmax-quality story.
Of all the half-assed things to talk about. They should just come right out and endorse trump instead of insulting our intelligence with crap like this Newsmax-quality story.
And right below, two articles declaring that Biden should withdraw from race. Thank you NYTimes! Fascism with a happy face.
Respectfully, isn't that what party conventions are? This is not the first rodeo for any of us. The two party's hold primaries where differences are aired then once the nominee is selected people coalesce around them and the convention is the coronation so to speak. (not to say there has never been any infighting at party conventions)

And I'd throw in with all the rhetoric around 'if you say anything negative about Biden that means you support Trump', isn't that bend the knee or else?
My point is that trump is a convicted felon and he's being praised like the Second Coming. You're a republican. Why did they choose someone like trump over Haley, Rubio or the others? Nobody brings as much baggage with them as trump.
My point is that trump is a convicted felon and he's being praised like the Second Coming. You're a republican. Why did they choose someone like trump over Haley, Rubio or the others? Nobody brings as much baggage with them as trump.
You and I and most every sane American know those felony convictions will never withstand appeal. So give it a rest because it makes you look DESPERATE. :laugh:
I don't "know" that and neither do you. But keep on with the wishful thinking if it gives you hope. :ROFLMAO:
The case contains evidence that the Supreme Court has said it is against the Constitution. So do you actually think they won't overthrow the case if it reaches them. Seriously has TDS so infected your brain that you cannot rationally think.

How Trump supporters think: Saying it makes it true.
I'm hoping that trump's 34 felony convictions will count against him in the end. Not that I have that much faith in the American people who caused him to be elected the first time around, but surely enough is enough. Can he really get enough Kool-aid drinkers to push him over the top?
I'm hoping that trump's 34 felony convictions will count against him in the end. Not that I have that much faith in the American people who caused him to be elected the first time around, but surely enough is enough. Can he really get enough Kool-aid drinkers to push him over the top?
Dream on :laugh:
The case contains evidence that the Supreme Court has said it is against the Constitution. So do you actually think they won't overthrow the case if it reaches them. Seriously has TDS so infected your brain that you cannot rationally think.

Maybe you should wait for the appeals to be heard rather than making such a bold pronouncement.

"Smith will appeal the order to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, Peter Carr, a spokesperson for the special counsel, said in a statement. The dispute could eventually land before the U.S. Supreme Court.

"The dismissal of the case deviates from the uniform conclusion of all previous courts to have considered the issue that the attorney general is statutorily authorized to appoint a special counsel," Carr said."
You sound like your god. Mush head Joe.
§ 600.2 Alternatives available to the Attorney General.

When matters are brought to the attention of the Attorney General that might warrant consideration of appointment of a Special Counsel, the Attorney General may:

(a) Appoint a Special Counsel;

(b) Direct that an initial investigation, consisting of such factual inquiry or legal research as the Attorney General deems appropriate, be conducted in order to better inform the decision; or

(c) Conclude that under the circumstances of the matter, the public interest would not be served by removing the investigation from the normal processes of the Department, and that the appropriate component of the Department should handle the matter. If the Attorney General reaches this conclusion, he or she may direct that appropriate steps be taken to mitigate any conflicts of interest, such as recusal of particular officials.

§ 600.2 Alternatives available to the Attorney General.

When matters are brought to the attention of the Attorney General that might warrant consideration of appointment of a Special Counsel, the Attorney General may:

(a) Appoint a Special Counsel;

(b) Direct that an initial investigation, consisting of such factual inquiry or legal research as the Attorney General deems appropriate, be conducted in order to better inform the decision; or

(c) Conclude that under the circumstances of the matter, the public interest would not be served by removing the investigation from the normal processes of the Department, and that the appropriate component of the Department should handle the matter. If the Attorney General reaches this conclusion, he or she may direct that appropriate steps be taken to mitigate any conflicts of interest, such as recusal of particular officials.

That has ZERO to do with Trump "34 felony convictions" Has your brain misfired again. Biden has that same problem.