Biden kills Keystone XL permit.... again

The keystone is not slated to provide gas to Americans. It is piping it to a port to be made into diesel fuel for Europe and Asian markets. We just get the oil spills.
You need to upgrade your knowledge, there is already a pipeline going from Canada to Texas, didn't you see the map? Three phases have already been completed and in operation, didn't you know that? Oh and from next year will be the Mountain Pipeline to Vancouver.

As for the oil not being sweet crude, you're wrong it is, companies like Syncrude produce 350,000 barrels a day of low sulphur distillate, bet you didn't know that either. They don't send bitumen through pipelines they send light sweet crude oil to refineries in Canada and the US.

So tell me why the Dems want to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline as well? It's pure political posturing, isn't it?

Where's Mott?
We are not getting that oil, it is for export, thinking the dumbass here is YOU.
Oh and gas prices are not down because of anything trump did, you can thank the SA's and their oil war with Russia for that, once that ends the prices will go up again.
And, why do you hate the US Oil and Gas industry, they need to raise prices if they expect to survive, hence why so few new wells are bing opened and why so many in the industry have been laid off.
Read more and talk less.

Fuck off, go fuck yourself with a cactus, and don't bitch when the results of Biden's policy start affecting you very badly.
Oh you don't have the first clue what you're talking about. The bitumen product manufactured from tar sands has always been a low quality/low value petroleum product. That isn't even mentioning the serious environmental and pollution problems of producing bitumen from tar sands.

And you want to talk about expensive? I was directly involved in managing a small 1,000 gal spill of tar sands oil (bitumen) in Oklahoma....we generated $500k in revenue just that one small spill. The whole fucking area that was contaminated had to be excavated and all that spilled product and contaminated soil had to be incinerated for proper waste treatment. Mucho diniro!

Cleaning up diluted bitumen is very similar to cleaning up conventional oil. Of course, you refused your paycheck because white libs don't care about money.

You prefer the U.S. be dependent on ME oil. You're an idiot.