Biden kills Keystone XL permit.... again

Thanks to your tax cut, the economy plunged into a recession in February 2020 after manufacturing had been in a recession for all of 2019.

No correlation :palm:

Transcanada builds pipelines; they are NOT an Oil Company.

Your obsession with transcanada is childish and totally irrelevant.

Your perditions of skyrocketing oil prices due to the XL global market are unsubstantiated hooha.
Your "quotes" are unsourced and contradictory.

President Trump worked for us for free. And, unlike career polticians who become wealthy off their political careers, Pres. Trump lost half his wealth while in office.


Worked for free and lost half his wealth?

Teabaggers, even after 5 years of Dotard's BS are still the most gullible morons, on the planet.
In 2008, Chu said he wanted European gas prices in the U.S.. In 2008, Norway's gas prices were 9-10 dollars per gallon.

Why are democrats such low information morons. :palm:

Why are teabaggers/Q NUTS such lying, idiots?

When the morons aren't lying, they just take bits of statements out of context, then regurgitate accordingly.

“Somehow,” Chu said, “we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

President Barack Obama’s Energy secretary unwittingly created a durable GOP talking point in September 2008 when he talked to The Wall Street Journal about the benefits of having gasoline prices rise over 15 years to encourage energy efficiency.

Here's an oilspill caused by an oil train in Quebec, Joanie must have missed that one! Probably because no owls were reported dead, just people.

Still it only killed forty-two people with five more missing and presumed dead. More than 30 buildings in the town's centre, roughly half of the downtown area, were destroyed, and all but three of the thirty-nine remaining downtown buildings had to be demolished due to petroleum contamination of the townsite.



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Why are teabaggers/Q NUTS such lying, idiots?

When the morons aren't lying, they just take bits of statements out of context, then regurgitate accordingly.

“Somehow,” Chu said, “we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

President Barack Obama’s Energy secretary unwittingly created a durable GOP talking point in September 2008 when he talked to The Wall Street Journal about the benefits of having gasoline prices rise over 15 years to encourage energy efficiency.

In 2008, the price of gas in Norway was $9 -10. Noot was right.

How can you possibly deny it now? :dunno:
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In 2008, the price of gas in Norway was $9 -10. Noot was right.

How can you possible deny it now? :dunno:

Well, right now about 80% of the cost of a gallon of gas in Norway is taxes, fees, and other government assessments that have nothing to do with the cost of extraction and production. are calculated independently of each other.

In other words, a gallon of gas in Norway costs about $1.8 to make but there's about $7 worth of government taxes and fees tacked on to it.
The decision came despite pleas to Biden from multiple Canadian government officials to give them time to make their case.

In an email to staff on Wednesday obtained by POLITICO, Keystone XL chief Richard Prior said the permit denial would force the company to cut more than 1,000 positions.

he wrote.

President Biden’s executive order will rob both American and Canadian workers of good-paying jobs,” Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso said in a statement Wednesday.

News that the order would land on the first day of Biden’s presidency surprised some analysts and Canada-U.S. experts, who expected the new administration to at least give the Canadians an audience

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, whose province was set to supply some of the fuel to the pipeline, told POLITICO he's already begun setting up virtual meetings and calls with congressional lawmakers and governors to plead his case for Keystone and assess the path forward. He said he's also looking to Trudeau to elevate the issue to Biden and tout the pipeline's environmental and economic benefits.

What a crock of BS. It's really a who gives a fuck issue. The market has spoken on tar sands oil and that's pretty much that. Unless the cost for a barrel of oil is at $100/barrel it isn't economically viable. It's too low a quality product and the explosion of horizontal drilling and fracking has pretty much doomed it for use in the US as we're now producing vastly more higher grade oil from shale resevours.

Considering the very high economic risk and not to mention the extremely high environmental cost of producing tar sand oils why should we? It's not even being sold domestically in the US. It's being sold over seas at extremely low margins due to its low quality. So why should the US take the risk of permitting tar sand oils, which are extremely difficult and costly to clean up in a spill situation and a definite threat to navigable water ways due to its heavier than water nature why should we permit a transcontinental pipeline of very hazardous materials that presents real environmental issues, from Canada to The Gulf Coast for transport over seas so Canadian Oil companies can profit? Particularly given the very questionable economic viability of tar sands oil at this time.

Biden is doing the country a favor. I'm sure as hell certain that Canada isn't happy about it but given the low quality, economic and environmental risk of tar sands oil, given that production of tar sands oil is the petroleum equivalent of strip mining for coal it's the right thing to do. If the Government doesn't do it than the market place will and pretty much already has. The US petroleum industry has little interest in supporting it. It's a money loser.
What a crock of BS. It's really a who gives a fuck issue. The market has spoken on tar sands oil and that's pretty much that. Unless the cost for a barrel of oil is at $100/barrel it isn't economically viable. It's too low a quality product and the explosion of horizontal drilling and fracking has pretty much doomed it for use in the US as we're now producing vastly more higher grade oil from shale resevours.

Considering the very high economic risk and not to mention the extremely high environmental cost of producing tar sand oils why should we? It's not even being sold domestically in the US. It's being sold over seas at extremely low margins due to its low quality. So why should the US take the risk of permitting tar sand oils, which are extremely difficult and costly to clean up in a spill situation and a definite threat to navigable water ways due to its heavier than water nature why should we permit a transcontinental pipeline of very hazardous materials that presents real environmental issues, from Canada to The Gulf Coast for transport over seas so Canadian Oil companies can profit? Particularly given the very questionable economic viability of tar sands oil at this time.

Biden is doing the country a favor. I'm sure as hell certain that Canada isn't happy about it but given the low quality, economic and environmental risk of tar sands oil, given that production of tar sands oil is the petroleum equivalent of strip mining for coal it's the right thing to do. If the Government doesn't do it than the market place will and pretty much already has. The US petroleum industry has little interest in supporting it. It's a money loser.

I doubt you really believe that, here is a more realistic explanation.
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Here's an oilspill caused by an oil train in Quebec, Joanie must have missed that one! Probably because no owls were reported dead, just people.

That was 8 years ago.

Two years ago, KXL leaked 380,000 barrels of oil. Two years before that, it leaked 400,000 barrels of oil.
No correlation

Distinct correlation.

You all promised that your tax cut would grow the economy, but one year after it, manufacturing shrank, and then a year after that, the economy entered a recession.

Transcanada builds pipelines; they are NOT an Oil Company.

Right, they are a Canadian company that is building a Canadian pipeline to take Canadian shale to the Gulf Coast where they can sell it to China at a higher markup than they currently sell it to us.

And they haven't said how many of the 1,000 jobs this might create would be Canadian vs. American.

Your obsession with transcanada is childish and totally irrelevant.

TransCanada, in their permit application for KXL, stated the reason for it is so they can sell their shale for more than they currently sell it to us.

our perditions of skyrocketing oil prices due to the XL global market are unsubstantiated hooha.

Its not my prediction, it's TransCanada's:

“Existing markets for Canadian heavy crude, principally PADD II [U.S. Midwest], are currently oversupplied, resulting in price discounting for Canadian heavy crude oil. Access to the USGC [U.S. Gulf Coast] via the Keystone XL Pipeline is expected to strengthen Canadian crude oil pricing in [the Midwest] by removing this oversupply. This is expected to increase the price of heavy crude to the equivalent cost of imported crude. The resultant increase in the price of heavy crude is estimated to provide an increase in annual revenue to the Canadian producing industry in 2013 of US $2 billion to US $3.9 billion.”
That was 8 years ago.

Two years ago, KXL leaked 380,000 barrels of oil. Two years before that, it leaked 400,000 barrels of oil.

The safest way to transport oil - The Washington › opinions › 2015/02/20
Feb 20, 2015 — This is crazy. Oil pipelines are far safer and many times more efficient than shipping oil by rail. Even less-safe modes — truck or barge transport ...
The safest way to transport oil - The Washington › opinions › 2015/02/20
Feb 20, 2015 — This is crazy. Oil pipelines are far safer and many times more efficient than shipping oil by rail. Even less-safe modes — truck or barge transport ...

OK, so you have homework, then...

Your homework assignment is to determine how many barrels of oil are lost every year from pipeline leaks vs. how many barrels of oil are lost every year from train accidents.

That's the only way to determine which is safer.