Biden kills Keystone XL permit.... again

so now we're down to $95 from $127?

You can't read can you?

Nor can you do math.

So if we are paying $25/barrel for oil, but that goes up to $95/barrel, are we paying more or less per barrel?

but the global is just over $50.


The price depends on where you're purchasing the oil, and whether or not you can even get access to it.

The reason US PADD II pays so little for Tar Sands crude is because there is really no other place for it to go.

Why would you want to remove a surplus and cause the price to increase? Because you hate America, obviously.

You want China to burn more coal.

So you've given up on the economics of your argument because you can't make them.

And you gave up on trying to bait me into "hating Canada" because I don't think a private company should bypass US refineries.

So now you're talking about China burning coal? They're going to burn coal regardless, and tar sands sludge is not a replacement for coal.
^ opinion and speculation which is not backed up or vetted by peer review from independent experts.

You complained that I only gave you one peer reviewed source from 2009.

I also gave you a second peer reviewed paper from 2013.

Here is a third source, from a reputable mainstream journalistic source.

All three sources I gave you are from reputable sources, and all three conclude that avian fatalities from oil, coal, nuclear collectively are way, way higher than fatalities from solar and wind.

It's not even in the same ballpark.

Talk about your ignorance on things. Your complete lack of education is shining through on this one brighter than ever. There is no denying the math. There is no "speculation". Those avian death figures are based on the current amount of wind turbines and the power they are providing. Which is a fraction of Nuclear and Fossil Fuels. It will never happen but for Wind Turbines to produce the same amount of energy as Nuclear or Fossil fuels, Wind Turbines would have to grow exponentially
as they cannot produce anywhere near the amount of energy density. The "vetted" peer review is telling you the avian deaths per GWh. Which is very, very, very small right now. If it were to reach the current power levels of Nuclear and Fossil Fuels the math cannot be denied. You can try it. You can keep googling shit you know nothing about attempting to act educated. And you will fail as you are now.

No, the price plunge didn't happen in 2020, it happened in 2014.

TransCanada has NEVER made a profit off of shale extraction in the nearly 8 years they've been doing it.

Shale oil was already unprofitable long before March 2020...

This was from 2018: Oil sands bitumen prices are actually in negative territory: Analyst

This is what I mean when I say you don't have any fucking idea what you're talking about.

And boy does it show.

Transcanada is NOT an oil company, dillwad. :palm:

What other oil production, other than the Tar Sands, is operating in Alberta? Please post them here.
You can't read can you?

Nor can you do math.

So if we are paying $25/barrel for oil, but that goes up to $95/barrel, are we paying more or less per barrel?


The price depends on where you're purchasing the oil, and whether or not you can even get access to it.

The reason US PADD II pays so little for Tar Sands crude is because there is really no other place for it to go.

Why would you want to remove a surplus and cause the price to increase? Because you hate America, obviously.

So you've given up on the economics of your argument because you can't make them.

And you gave up on trying to bait me into "hating Canada" because I don't think a private company should bypass US refineries.

So now you're talking about China burning coal? They're going to burn coal regardless, and tar sands sludge is not a replacement for coal.

Obama's energy czar wanted $10 per gallon gas. I don't now why you are whining about higher prices.

There is no way the XL pipeline will drive the price UP to $95. That's a lib fantasy. :palm: Alberta will increase production once they have the new pipelines. And I believe the current price is 35 to 40, not $25. The price is low because of a mid west State monopoly that Leftists support.

If Canada can't get one to the gulf, Canada will get a pipeline to the pacific somehow, and the Chinese will build it for them with China steel.
One of Leading causes? Bullshit. Show me the stats.

Yes, for career politicians, Washington is their own personal business venture. It is a very lucrative career.

Yep, just like Dotard made his presidency a very lucrative career, costing Americans over $150 million, then profiting on his golf trips, over a years worth, 1/3 of his presidency playing golf.

May 13, 2015

A massive derailment of an Amtrak train in Philadelphia claimed the lives of at least six people and injured another 140 people on Tuesday night, just one of a handful of fatal train accidents this year. Derailments are by and large the leading cause of train crashes in the United States. Between 2001 and 2010, of the 58,299 train accidents that occurred, 54,889 were train derailments. That’s a staggering 94 percent.

Broken rails and welds are the most common cause of train derailments. They account for more than 15 percent of derailments, according to DATA from the Federal Railroad Administration.

Broken rails and welds were more than twice as likely to have been the cause of train derailments than the second and third leading causes—track geometry and bearing failure. Track geometry, which includes such things as train alignment, gauge and elevation, was responsible for 7.3 percent of derailments and bearing failure was responsible for 5.9 percent.

October 26, 2016

The FRA divides train crash causes into six broad categories: track issues, signal errors, highway-rail collisions, equipment defects, human error, and miscellaneous causes. However, more accidents are caused by human error than by any other type of problem: over one third of all crashes reported. Just compare these accident totals from January to July of 2016:

Human Error – 322 (33.5%)
Track Defects – 268 (27.9%)
Miscellaneous Causes – 144 (15%)
Faulty Equipment – 128 (13.3%)
Train-Vehicle Collisions – 80 (8.3%)
Signal Errors – 18 (1.9%)

Though alarmingly prevalent, human errors aren’t the only major causes of railroad disasters. Track defects – many of which are indirectly caused by human error – also accounted for a significant portion of the crashes reported. Types of track problems that caused railroad crashes during the reporting period included:

Broken welds
Broken or malfunctioning switches
Cracks or breaks around bolt holes
Damage to tracks from rain or other conditions
Worn down rails
Obama's energy czar wanted $10 per gallon gas. I don't now why you are whining about higher prices.

There is no way the XL pipeline will drive the price UP to $95. That's a lib fantasy. :palm: Alberta will increase production once they have the new pipelines. And I believe the current price is 35 to 40, not $25. The price is low because of a mid west State monopoly that Leftists support.

If Canada can't get one to the gulf, Canada will get a pipeline to the pacific somehow, and the Chinese will build it for them with China steel.

No, that what what NOOT and the teabagger media claims Chu said.

Gingrich repeatedly has cited a comment Energy Secretary Steven Chu made in 2008 about wanting to boost the price of gasoline to encourage fuel conservation. But Chu made that remark before the 2008 election and before Chu became energy secretary. Upon joining the Obama administration, Chu said it would be “completely unwise to want to increase the price of gasoline.”
Fact checked, Warren Buffet owns BNSF Railroad. Multiple hits in a Google search all verify that Buffet owns this railroad.
Imagine that....
Forbes verifies that the oil "may" be moved by rail as an alternate to the pipeline.

I wonder what Biden's back pocket filling amount is on the pipeline deal?

It's begun, Biden is fleecing others for his and his cronies profits.
Why is this thread still going?

The purpose of KXL is to increase oil prices so TransCanada can sell their shale to China at a markup vs. to us at a discount.

There's nothing to debate...TransCanada admitted this in their permit application.

Supporting KXL is supporting higher energy prices for the US.
Why is this thread still going?

The purpose of KXL is to increase oil prices so TransCanada can sell their shale to China at a markup vs. to us at a discount.

There's nothing to debate...TransCanada admitted this in their permit application.

Supporting KXL is supporting higher energy prices for the US.

You're such a bare faced liar, how do you think you'll get away with it?

The Keystone XL pipeline "doesn’t even have any oil for America."

meter-mostly-false (1).jpg
The Keystone XL pipeline "doesn’t even have any oil for America."

AS I've said countless times, there already is a TransCanada pipeline that brings oil from Alberta to the US Midwest.

But constructing KXL will divert the oil to the USGC, where it can be sold for more.

That's literally what TransCanada said in their permit application.

So conflating it as you did here is dishonest, but par for the course with you.
AS I've said countless times, there already is a TransCanada pipeline that brings oil from Alberta to the US Midwest.

But constructing KXL will divert the oil to the USGC, where it can be sold for more.

That's literally what TransCanada said in their permit application.

So conflating it as you did here is dishonest, but par for the course with you.

Take it up with Polifact, you're wrong but refuse to admit it!
TransCanada, the company building the pipeline, confirmed in an email that the pipeline was designed to reach refineries in the Gulf Coast region.

Experts also say it’s unlikely that none of the refined products will be sold in the U.S. once the pipeline is built.

"That refined oil product, gasoline or whatever, could be just as easily consumed in the United States as somewhere else," said Barry Rabe, an expert on environmental policy from the University at Michigan. "There’s nothing on the oil coming through a pipeline from Canada that requires all of that to be sold somewhere else."

Our ruling

Gillibrand said the Keystone XL pipeline "doesn’t even have any oil for America."

Experts say the oil will not be exported straight to other countries, as Gillibrand said.
hes an argumentative idiot
Yep, just like Dotard made his presidency a very lucrative career, costing Americans over $150 million, then profiting on his golf trips, over a years worth, 1/3 of his presidency playing golf.

May 13, 2015

Your "quotes" are unsourced and contradictory.

President Trump worked for us for free. And, unlike career polticians who become wealthy off their political careers, Pres. Trump lost half his wealth while in office.
No, that what what NOOT and the teabagger media claims Chu said.

Gingrich repeatedly has cited a comment Energy Secretary Steven Chu made in 2008 about wanting to boost the price of gasoline to encourage fuel conservation. But Chu made that remark before the 2008 election and before Chu became energy secretary. Upon joining the Obama administration, Chu said it would be “completely unwise to want to increase the price of gasoline.”

In 2008, Chu said he wanted European gas prices in the U.S.. In 2008, Norway's gas prices were 9-10 dollars per gallon.

Why are democrats such low information morons. :palm: