Biden kills Keystone XL permit.... again

This study also does not take into account the ratio of wind turbines to nuclear or fossil fuel generation. It is the same simple math I showed above. If wind turbines were to provide the same
amount of energy as Nuclear or FF generation they would be far deadlier than either. There is no getting around the math. Each and everyone of these studies deliberately leave that part out.
Shiny baubles for the uniformed. Works every time.
^ opinion and speculation which is not backed up or vetted by peer review from independent experts.

You complained that I only gave you one peer reviewed source from 2009.

I also gave you a second peer reviewed paper from 2013.

Here is a third source, from a reputable mainstream journalistic source.

All three sources I gave you are from reputable sources, and all three conclude that avian fatalities from oil, coal, nuclear collectively are way, way higher than fatalities from solar and wind.

It's not even in the same ballpark.
Temporary, short term construction jobs.

The U.S. State Department says only 35 permanent jobs will be needed to operate the finished pipeline.

When Hyundai builds plants here, they make it a point to report how many thousands of good paying permanent they will create. Why are retreating to use a radically different measure of job creation?
DUH. because auto assembly plants need constant workers?

Construction work is always "temporary job" -but that is a LOT of jobs, and also the lost tax revenue
Did you listen to the guy? The cars in his shop are "bricked." That is, their owners failed to maintain a proper charge on them and they became undrivable. He mentions various modules necessary to operate the vehicle and how owner private data is stored on some of those.

No internal combustion engine vehicle made today becomes undrivable--permanently--and needing massively costly repairs, often tens of thousands of dollars worth, to restore it because the battery died or it ran out of gas.

I did listen to the guy. They were bricked because they were not maintained. Let your internal combustion engine run out of oil and see what happens. Let it run out of transmission fluid and see what happens. Let it run out of radiator fluid and see what happens. Not letting the battery go completely dead for a 6 month time period seems like an easy thing for most people to do. If you bothered to actually listen to the guy, he explained why those cars were bricked. The owner died and no one charged the car for an extended period.

For that matter leave an ICE in storage for a year without doing the required storage maintenance and you can take your chances on how well the car will run.
you forgot the 71k construction jobs -and the pipeline is all US Steel - more jobs.

Lies. Most of the steel may be from America, but some of it is coming from India and Russia.

The 71K construction jobs is also a lie not supported by KXL's own permit application...BTW - you lost 20 million jobs last year.

At most, they are predicting 10,000...and they don't say how many of those jobs are Canadian vs. American.

Also millions in tax revenues lost by the states.

What tax revenue? KXL is going to cause energy prices to increase, not decrease. The oil would go straight to China, the royalties to Canada.

Biden is a disaster out to kill the energy sector.

The entire purpose of KXL is for TransCanada to bypass US refineries in the Midwest for the US Gulf Coast where the shale oil can be sold to China at a markup vs. to us at a discount.

Our inability to build a FUCKING PIPELINE

It's not our's TransCanada's, and they aren't an American company. The whole reason for KXL is so they can sell their shale to China at higher prices than they currently sell it to us.

thru 3 administrations speaks volumes of government confusion.

Not at all...KXL is an energy loser, will raise energy prices in the US, and will kill more jobs than it temporarily creates.
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Once again, all debate about KXL is stupid because we already know what the intention is...sell shale to China at a higher price than they currently sell it to us:

From TransCanada Keystone Pipeline GP Ltd., Canadian application to build the Keystone XL Pipeline:

Section 3: Supply and Markets

3.4.3 Crude Pricing Impact

Existing markets for Canadian heavy crude, principally PADD II [U.S. Midwest], are currently oversupplied, resulting in price discounting for Canadian heavy crude oil. Access to the USGC [U.S. Gulf Coast] via the Keystone XL Pipeline is expected to strengthen Canadian crude oil pricing in PADD II by removing this oversupply. This is expected to increase the price of heavy crude to the equivalent cost of imported crude. Similarly, if a surplus of light synthetic crude develops in PADD II, the Keystone XL Pipeline would provide an alternate market and therefore help to mitigate a price discount. The resultant increase in the price of heavy crude is estimated to provide an increase in annual revenue to the Canadian producing industry in 2013 of US $2 billion to US $3.9 billion in annual revenue to the Canadian producing industry in 2013 of US $2 billion to US $3.9 billion.

Straight from the horse's mouth...KXL will increase energy prices. That is TransCanada's stated goal.
You're FOS, YOU know better than the rail industry?

A broken isn't the leading causes of accidents, it's ONE of the leading causes.

"And it is politicians that put bribes and donations over public safety".

I can believe that.

One of Leading causes? Bullshit. Show me the stats.

Yes, for career politicians, Washington is their own personal business venture. It is a very lucrative career.
That was 2013.

What have you got recently?

There was the Bellingham oil train crash a month ago, ... as if you care. :palm:

Why you white libs what to use Diesel locomotives thru high density populations, I don't know. :palm:
Once again, all debate about KXL is stupid because we already know what the intention is...sell shale to China at a higher price than they currently sell it to us:

From TransCanada Keystone Pipeline GP Ltd., Canadian application to build the Keystone XL Pipeline:

Straight from the horse's mouth...KXL will increase energy prices. That is TransCanada's stated goal.

You think anything that benefits Canada's economy is a crime???

I don't get it. :dunno:
There was the Bellingham oil train crash a month ago, ... as if you care.

Here's a good homework assignment for you: how many barrels of oil were lost from leaking pipes in 2020 (or 2019 for that matter) vs. oil lost in train accidents?

Why you white libs what to use Diesel locomotives thru high density populations, I don't know.

The answer to this dumb question is the same answer to the first one.
You think anything that benefits Canada's economy is a crime???

Why do you care about a foreign country? I thought you were "America First"? Was that a lie too?

Making Canadian oil companies richer at our expense sure is a bizarre position to hold.
Here's a good homework assignment for you: how many barrels of oil were lost from leaking pipes in 2020 (or 2019 for that matter) vs. oil lost in train accidents?

Pipeline oil spills In the U.S. in 2020.? IDK. Is it a big secret?

The answer to this dumb question is the same answer to the first one.

So you want to burn diesel to ship oil. :palm:
Why do you care about a foreign country? I thought you were "America First"? Was that a lie too?

Making Canadian oil companies richer at our expense sure is a bizarre position to hold.

You dodged the question. :palm:

You think anything that benefits Canada's economy is a crime???
Pipeline oil spills In the U.S. in 2020.? IDK. Is it a big secret?

It's your homework...because if it turns out more oil was lost to pipelines than trains in 2020 (or even 2019, 2018, etc.), then there goes your argument that the pipelines are safer.

So you want to burn diesel to ship oil.

You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

We already get shale oil from Alberta, dipshit, and we get so much of it that it's oversupplied, which causes it to be discounted for us.

KXL would bypass those refineries for the USGC where TransCanada can sell the shale to China at a markup instead of selling it to us at a discount.

So your position is really fucking stupid because it's a position for higher oil prices and less energy independence.