Biden says 200 million people have died from COVID-19 as campaign gaffes continue

Sorry for all the poly-syllabic words, Marty.

I’ll give you time to research them

That’s very magnanimous of me, if I do say so myself.

You're in denial, Earl. I have members of my family in the same predicament as yours - enthralled by Trump and unable to admit they're hooked to the point of accepting him on
whatever terms he makes. No outrageousness is too great.

On the multiple syllables that caught your attention, I realize Trump supporters are unaccustomed to words with more than one. Good for hanging in there.
Why would anyone expect Biden to know the difference between 200 million and 200 thousand he can’t count above 10 unless he takes his shoes off.
You're in denial, Earl. I have members of my family in the same predicament as yours - enthralled by Trump and unable to admit they're hooked to the point of accepting him on
whatever terms he makes. No outrageousness is too great.

On the multiple syllables that caught your attention, I realize Trump supporters are unaccustomed to words with more than one. Good for hanging in there.

Otra vez, Marty.

Sorry for all the poly-syllabic words, Marty.

I’ll give you time to research them

That’s very magnanimous of me, if I do say so myself.

The polysyllabic words were for your attention and the magnanimity was mine in allowing you the time you needed to research them.

A thank you would be nice, Marty.
Marty, may I be presumptuous and assume that you are a wee lad...perhaps a teenage...stuck at home with the virtual schooling?


Am I correct, Marty? Be honest. The truth will stand til the end of time, Marty.

That would explain your intentional obtuseness... your boredom.
Trump said just the other day the nation will be free of the virus as soon as we acquire "herd mentality". So Trump has his own gaffes, that one was hardly the first... plus he has ingrained hostility for others, plus ignorance on every subject not directly concerned with himself, plus deceit, plus crude incivility, and that isn't the end of the disqualifying list if you want to press it.
Marty, may I be presumptuous and assume that you are a wee lad...perhaps a teenage...stuck at home with the virtual schooling?


Am I correct, Marty? Be honest. The truth will stand til the end of time, Marty.

That would explain your intentional obtuseness... your boredom.
Don't use big words that he has to look up.
Don't use big words that he has to look up.

Marty is in recess time, perhaps a nice nap...then milk and cookies and then back to the academic grindstone.

A good lad, still learning.

Go, Marty. Don’t forget to dust the chalkboard erasers...outside.
He probably meant 200,000, the number we are approaching no thanks to our leadership.

But, to repeat myself, on one side we have Biden's factual slips and on the other side, Trump's stream of consciousness lunacy. We also have Biden's genuine good will for the country and Trump's singular good will for himself. Take your pick.

You mean the man who ran as a Moderate, and has since gone full radical left wing retard, with people like AOC saying, they know they can drag him even further left!
You mean the man who ran as a Moderate, and has since gone full radical left wing retard, with people like AOC saying, they know they can drag him even further left!

That's the man I mean. They will find Biden's not to easy to drag. I wish he'd go further Left myself and he probably will go further than he has before but it won't be enough to satisfy AOC/Sanders wing.
That's the man I mean. They will find Biden's not to easy to drag. I wish he'd go further Left myself and he probably will go further than he has before but it won't be enough to satisfy AOC/Sanders wing.

He has already embraced higher taxes, and the Green Deal that is more than left enough. The left keeps clamoring the economy is bad, and then wants to take more money out of the economy to fund their vote grabbing agenda!
He has already embraced higher taxes, and the Green Deal that is more than left enough. The left keeps clamoring the economy is bad, and then wants to take more money out of the economy to fund their vote grabbing agenda!

Higher taxes for the top 10 percent who have made out like bandits the last generation or so. That money is not in the economy. Want to spur the economy, increase the min. wage. They actually spend money. That increases demand which increases hiring and expansion.
The green deal will increase the economy. As you MUST know, solar and wind are the fastest grower of jobs in industries.
Higher taxes for the top 10 percent who have made out like bandits the last generation or so. That money is not in the economy. Want to spur the economy, increase the min. wage. They actually spend money. That increases demand which increases hiring and expansion.
The green deal will increase the economy. As you MUST know, solar and wind are the fastest grower of jobs in industries.

So if you raise the minimum wage, does that force employers to compensate their employees equally, who already make more? Do they force employers to raise my pay equal to what the minimum goes up? If not do you realize the consequences?

The Green deal will make some politicians rich, it will screw the public!
And some, like the pretend ex-special ed teacher, will mock Biden for it by posting tongue-twisters and laughing about how he can't say that five times.

Reichtards are vile and disgusting people who worship a vile and disgusting creature who thinks that kind of "humor" is good.

With the greatest respect, calling people Nazis pretty much disqualifies anything else you included in the post.

The folks who are inciting violence against others in the USA like Maxine Waters and AOC,
committing the violence like ATIFA,
harassing fellow citizens and actively engaging in the systematic deprivation of the rights of others like the BLM/ANITFA mobs

are Democrat-Socialists.

If you believe these were not among the tactics used by the Nazi Party in the late 20's, you REALLY need to study history.

If you are a public school student, sadly, you are very likely insulated from actual facts from history.
Ah, so you're hoping that they can ram a nominee through in time to give the election to the loser, is that the plan now? Whatever happened to let the people speak? Or do their votes only count if they are for the candidate you (all) prefer?

You are starting to sound very much like a Russian troll farm fake account, and not much like an actual concerned and involved American citizen.

Recalling the Kavanaugh attempted lynching, any hearing in the Senate will devolve into a lie fest for the Dems.

I wonder how that will play to the American Public: Watching the snarling, rabid, Democrat-Socialist Party hacks attacking the mother of seven, two adopted from abroad, who goes to church regularly.

Are they going to produce a friend from grade school that never actually met the judge who suddenly remembers being told about the ceremony to sacrifice a new born? Well, maybe not. Just shows support for abortion...

I wonder what fanciful lies the Dems will create and conjure to attack THIS nominee... I wonder what lies the Dems will create and conjure to attack the next two before 2024...
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Yes, Mujer de Buho.

Lots of crimes being committed in cities that Democrats control.

Riots, looting, burning, assaults and murders and the radical Democrats refuse to stop it.

I was in the same vast majority of folks in Indianapolis that was outraged by two acts of law inforcement during the short lived riots here.

1. That the police were told to stand down while the mob destroyed much of Illinois Avenue and Massachusetts avenue.
2. The sudden, born again, passion for police law enforcement that was ignited as the mob turned toward the Governor's Mansion.

The Governor and the Mayor are of different parties, but it's difficult to tell them apart by their actions and decisions.

That said, if Mel Brooks was playing the role of our governor, this is exactly how the direction of the police running mob control would have played out.