Biden says 200 million people have died from COVID-19 as campaign gaffes continue

How interesting.

My niece lived in Minneapolis for most of her life.

She has moved back to Northern Wis., due to the riots that the Democrats refuse to control.

She and her mother and my brother are lifetime liberals and all agreed it was time to leave that Democrat controlled city.

People are leaving Democrat controlled cities and states because the Democrats will not stop the anarchy.

American cities no longer trust these radical Democrats to protect their safety and security in an AMERICAN city!
Just on the Trump side of it, an admission even a boast wouldn't matter because Trump doesn't merely attract political support, he owns his supporters.

You are right. He is a cult leader, and they are in thrall to him. No different than the Branch Davidians or the Jim Jones cults.

I should have added after "Men who think this is admirable have pitiful equipment, no self-esteem, and have never progressed beyond the emotional maturity of a 13-year-old boy" this: "Women who vote for someone who advocates this behavior have no self esteem, cannot attract men who see them as equals, and most likely belong to the #PickMe sisterhood."
Just on the Trump side of it, an admission even a boast wouldn't matter because Trump doesn't merely attract political support, he owns his supporters.

Are you saying that we are owned...slaves, Marty?

That's illegal.
Didn’t Joe say there were 150 million gun casualties? Put that with the 200 million COVID deaths and we’re all basically dead.

Yet, here we are. Something isn’t adding up.
It's completely consensual in your case. A little like sex.
Consensual slavery would not be illegal, Marty.

Are you suggesting that you participate in consensual sexual slavery...that’s not good, Marty.

Do better.

You'll have to draw him a picture. He's old and has forgotten what that is. lol

Since you would have to know me personally to know my age, Mujer de Buho, what is my age?

Do buhos age gracefully or do they just lose their feathers and crap on themselves?
I said in your case, not mine. And "Consensual slavery" is perfectly legal because it's not true slavery. At any moment, Earl, you could get a backbone and free yourself.
He probably meant 200,000, the number we are approaching no thanks to our leadership.

But, to repeat myself, on one side we have Biden's factual slips and on the other side, Trump's stream of consciousness lunacy. We also have Biden's genuine good will for the country and Trump's singular good will for himself. Take your pick.

On one side we have the melting brain of the old pedophile, creepy ass Joe Biden, and on the other side we have Donald Trump: bona fide swamp drainer and genuine influencer of America's greatness. Take your pick.
I said in your case, not mine. And "Consensual slavery" is perfectly legal because it's not true slavery. At any moment, Earl, you could get a backbone and free yourself.

Well, Marty, I see that you agree with my post.

De nada.

Backbone? How is that you not have one, Marty?

Relevancy, not intentional obtuseness would serve you better.

In other words, that next time you lose a debate, don’t become petulant.

Entiendes, Marty?
Marty, instead of acting like a child when you are steamrolled, grow a backbone and be a man, admit your inadequacies and move on.

Learn from your experiences, Marty...grow, go forth and prosper...
Sorry for all the poly-syllabic words, Marty.

I’ll give you time to research them

That’s very magnanimous of me, if I do say so myself.